Chapter 21 - Shopping Online (1) (Rev.)

The first day of staying at Grandpa Zhou's home greeted Huang Jin with the gentle touch of warm sunlight filtering through the window. As he woke up, he rubbed his eyes against the soft pillow and then raised his gaze to see his lover, Xun Wei, lying beside him. Xun Wei was still naked, peacefully resting on his side with his head propped up on one hand. A sweet and affectionate smile adorned his face as he lovingly looked at Huang Jin.

The sun's rays cast a halo around Xun Wei, making Huang Jin squint slightly from the brightness. Xun Wei leaned in, a small smile gracing his sharp features as he affectionately kissed Huang Jin's lips. With a touch of pride in his voice, he teasingly asked, "Isn't your husband exceptionally handsome?"

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Huang Jin turned around and buried his face in the quilt. Memories of their intimate moments from the previous night flooded his mind - the playful interactions in the living room, the shared moments in the bathroom, and the passionate moments in the bedroom. Blushing at the recollections, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of shyness and excitement, making him hide his face to conceal his bashful emotions.

"Let's go. Time for breakfast," Xun Wei suggested, gently nudging Huang Jin to divert his attention from his shyness. Understanding that dwelling in embarrassment might hinder Huang Jin's well-being, Xun Wei swiftly shifted the focus to their morning meal, hoping to create a more comfortable atmosphere for them both. With a caring smile, he encouraged Huang Jin to join him for breakfast, embracing the new day together.

Huang Jin promptly responded to Xun Wei's suggestion, getting up from the bed and swiftly dressing himself. They didn't want to keep the elders waiting for too long, as it would be quite embarrassing. With a sense of urgency, they prepared themselves to join the family for breakfast, ensuring that they showed respect and consideration for their elders' time.

As they descended the stairs together, Xun's father, Xun's mother, and Grandpa Zou were already waiting in the living room. Xun Wei and Huang Jin exchanged a quick glance and then hurriedly approached their elders to greet them respectfully. The warm atmosphere in the room was filled with smiles and affection as they all gathered for breakfast, cherishing the time they spent together as a family.

"Here you are," Xun's mother warmly greeted them as they joined the family in the living room. Her welcoming tone reflected the happiness of having everyone together for breakfast. The table was set with a delicious spread of food prepared with love by Auntie Hei, and the family sat down to enjoy the meal, savoring not just the food but also the joy of being in each other's company.

After Xun Wei had gone upstairs to the study room last night to talk to his grandfather, leaving Huang Jin to converse with his parents, Xun Wei's parents felt pleased with the conversation. They could see firsthand how much Huang Jin cared for their son and how deeply he loved him. It brought them immense comfort and joy to witness the genuine affection and consideration that Huang Jin showed towards Xun Wei.

Throughout the evening, they had an opportunity to get to know Huang Jin better and see the bond he shared with their son. They appreciated his sincerity and devotion, and it strengthened their belief that Huang Jin was indeed a wonderful partner for Xun Wei. With warm hearts, they welcomed him into their family, grateful for the happiness he brought to their beloved son.

Hours later, Xun Wei finally came downstairs and found Huang Jin leaning against the sofa. He could see that Huang Jin was in a peaceful slumber, his chest rising and falling with each deep breath. Xun's parents were sitting on the couch, engaged in conversation, while Cray, the parrot, was still perched comfortably on Huang Jin's foot.

Seeing Huang Jin in such a serene state, Xun Wei felt a rush of tenderness for his partner. He couldn't help but smile at the sight, grateful for the love and warmth that filled their home. He quietly joined his parents on the couch, not wanting to disturb Huang Jin's rest. In that moment, he cherished the bond they shared and felt a profound sense of contentment with the beautiful life they were building together.

As Xun Wei's parents noticed him coming, they lovingly suggested that he should carry Huang Jin back to their room so he could rest peacefully. Xun Wei nodded in agreement and gently picked up Huang Jin in his arms. However, before leaving, he turned to his parents and kindly suggested that they continue their conversation.

Carrying Huang Jin tenderly, Xun Wei made his way to their room, making sure that Huang Jin was comfortable and settled before returning to his parents. He wanted to give them some privacy to enjoy their time together as a family. With a warm smile, he assured them that he would be just fine taking care of Huang Jin and that they could continue their talk without any worries.

Xun Wei's parents nodded appreciatively, expressing their understanding. They assured him that they would be waiting in the living room whenever he and Huang Jin were ready to join them again. With a warm exchange of glances, they bid farewell for the moment, allowing Xun Wei to focus on taking care of Huang Jin.

Once they were alone in the room, Xun Wei gently laid Huang Jin down on the bed, making sure he was comfortable and snug. He pulled the covers up to keep him warm and leaned over to plant a soft kiss on Huang Jin's forehead. "Rest well, my love," he whispered tenderly.

Leaving Huang Jin to rest peacefully, Xun Wei returned to the living room to spend more quality time with his parents.

While Xun Wei's parents were not aware of the details of his conversation with his grandfather last night, they had complete faith in their son's judgment. They knew that whatever decisions Xun Wei made regarding their future and safety, he would have their best interests at heart.

Having witnessed the love and care that Xun Wei had for Huang Jin, they were confident that he would prioritize the well-being of their family. They trusted in his wisdom and knew that he would take the necessary steps to ensure their happiness and security.

With this unwavering trust in their son, Xun Wei's parents were ready to support him wholeheartedly, embracing any plans he had for their future with open arms. Their bond as a family was strong, built on love, understanding, and respect, making them confident that they could face any challenges together as a united and loving family.

Seeing Xun Wei and Huang Jin together, the parents and Grandpa Zhou couldn't help but smile. Their hearts were filled with joy and contentment, knowing that Xun Wei had found happiness with Huang Jin. They understood the weight of responsibility that lay ahead for Xun Wei, and they were more than willing to support and assist them in whatever tasks needed to be done.

In this moment of togetherness, they found peace in knowing that their family was united and that love had brought them closer. With unwavering support and love, they were ready to face the future as one, knowing that they could overcome any challenges that came their way.

"I forgot to give this to you," Xun's mother said with a warm smile, taking out two red envelopes. She handed one of the envelopes to Huang Jin and the other to her son, Xun Wei.

Inside the red envelopes were tokens of good luck and blessings, as is customary in many Asian cultures, especially during special occasions or celebrations. By giving these envelopes, Xun's mother was expressing her love and support for both Xun Wei and Huang Jin, wishing them happiness and prosperity in their lives together.

Huang Jin graciously accepted the red envelope, feeling touched by the gesture of acceptance and love from his partner's family. Likewise, Xun Wei received the envelope with gratitude, knowing that his parents' blessings were with them on their journey ahead.

In this simple act of giving, the bond between the family and the couple grew even stronger, solidifying their connection and making them feel even more cherished and valued.

Huang Jin scratched his head as he listened to Xun Ruan talk about the change in titles from "auntie" to "Mom." He realized that he had addressed Xun's parents as "uncle" and "auntie" yesterday. Now, as he received the red envelope from Xun's mother, he mustered up the courage and affectionately called her "Mom!"

Soon after, Xun Wuji handed him his red envelope, and Huang Jin gratefully accepted it, addressing Xun Wuji as "Dad!" The warmth and acceptance he felt from Xun Wei's family filled his heart with joy.

Next, Grandpa Zhou also handed Huang Jin and Xun Wei red envelopes. The two of them happily exclaimed, "Grandpa Zhou!" Grandpa Zhou beamed with delight at this sweet show of affection from both of them.

In that moment, the bond between Huang Jin and Xun Wei's family deepened even further, as they lovingly embraced their roles as "Mom," "Dad," and "Grandpa." The love and acceptance they felt from each other filled the room, creating a heartwarming and harmonious atmosphere.

With hearts full of love and happiness, they continued to cherish each other's presence, grateful for the love and warmth that surrounded them in their newfound family.

After enjoying their breakfast, Xun's mother enthusiastically suggested, "Let's go online and shop! With what Xun Wei has told us about the coming years, it's essential to seize the opportunity to stockpile food and supplies. We can rent some warehouses to store everything."

Ever since they learned about Huang Jin and the impending apocalypse, Xun's parents had already made the decision to help stockpile a massive amount of food and supplies, storing them in rented warehouses. Xun Ruan, especially, being on leave from the hospital due to her pregnancy, took on the responsibility of managing and ordering supplies online every day.

The family was well-prepared to face the challenges ahead, and their collective efforts ensured they had the resources and provisions needed to weather the storm. With their unity and foresight, they were ready to confront the uncertain future with resilience and strength.

As they embarked on their online shopping spree, their hearts were filled with determination and hope, knowing that they were taking the necessary steps to safeguard their well-being and the happiness of their family.

Xun Ruan immersed herself in the task of online shopping, diligently searching for various items and supplies needed for their preparedness. She focused on procuring a wide array of spices, ordering them in barrels and sacks - garlic, onions, ginger, cinnamon, chilies, peppers, and many more. Cooking oil was also on her list, ensuring they had enough to sustain them during the challenging times ahead.

Not neglecting essential personal care items, she added boxes of toothbrushes, toothpaste, soaps, tissues, and sanitary napkins to the cart. Linens like pillows, blankets, and towels were also part of her thoughtful preparations.

In the kitchen department, Xun Ruan selected boxes of knives, spoons, and forks, as well as pans and pots to ensure they could cook and eat comfortably. She even included glasses and cups for their daily use.

Her planning extended to storage solutions as well, with containers such as bottles, boxes, barrels, and vacuum plastic bags to keep their supplies organized and preserved.

Unbeknownst to her, Xun Ruan had also ordered a generous supply of clothes for everyone, anticipating both winter and summer needs. The selection included coats, gloves, scarfs, pants, jeans, shirts, long sleeves, hats, and boots for both babies and adults. Her meticulous approach to their preparations ensured that they would be well-equipped and ready for any situation that might arise.

With each item she added to the cart, Xun Ruan felt a sense of satisfaction and purpose, knowing that she was contributing to the safety and comfort of her family during the uncertain times ahead. Her dedication and care were evident in every choice she made, making her family proud and grateful for her efforts.

As Xun Ruan continued her online shopping spree, she became completely immersed in the allure of it, losing track of time and the amount she was spending. However, she didn't let that bother her. With the impending apocalypse, she felt that money would no longer hold much value after that day, so she saw no harm in preparing to the fullest extent.

When Xun Wujin returned home, he found his wife still busy with her purchases. He affectionately kissed her cheek, and she realized that it was already late in the night. But her excitement and determination to be well-prepared for the future kept her going.

Xun Ruan assured her husband that she had not forgotten to eat, thanks to Auntie Hei who always made sure to deliver food for her. She insisted that he should go and change his clothes first, and then return to help her with the shopping.

With a nod, Xun Wujin went upstairs to change while his wife continued her shopping mission.

Auntie Hei was also tirelessly busy throughout the day, fulfilling the tasks assigned to her by Madam Xun. After serving lunch to Madam Xun, she devoted her time to ensuring that the meals were prepared and packed in lunch boxes. She coordinated with the chefs to make a thousand boxes of food daily, all the while managing to keep the true purpose a secret. When curious onlookers inquired about the large quantity of food, she cleverly replied that it was for the orphanage, deflecting any suspicion.

Even during dinner preparations, Auntie Hei ensured that there was enough delicious food for the family to enjoy. But as soon as dinner was served, she swiftly returned to her duty of managing the packing and distribution of the cooked food. Her dedication and efficiency were invaluable in supporting the family's preparations for the approaching apocalypse.

Auntie Hei's unwavering commitment to her responsibilities exemplified her loyalty and devotion to the Xun family. Her efforts played a crucial role in ensuring that they were well-prepared for the uncertain times ahead, and her resourcefulness in handling the situation demonstrated her admirable qualities as a trusted and dependable aide.

Upon returning home after their business errands, Xun Wei and Huang Jin greeted Xun Wei's mom with a warm kiss before heading straight to the kitchen. Auntie Hei had prepared a delicious dinner for them, and Huang Jin immediately got to work serving the dishes while Xun Wei accompanied him in the kitchen.

Observing her son and Huang Jin engaged in their tasks, Xun Wei's mom decided to give them some space and privacy. She turned around and went upstairs, where she found her husband in the study. She invited him to use the computer together, allowing the young couple to enjoy their time in the kitchen while she spent some quality moments with her husband.

Xun Ruan glanced at her husband, who seemed lost in his thoughts, and decided to pull him closer to sit beside her. She turned on the computer and clicked on the shopping website icon on the desktop. As usual, she began browsing through various clothing options, asking her husband's opinion every time she found something interesting.

For every outfit she showed him, Xun Wujin always gave a consistent evaluation: "It's great, especially suited for you."

With a squinted eye, Xun Ruan clicked on a picture, and the linked page instantly appeared. As she asked her husband's opinion, he responded with his usual praise. However, this time, she couldn't help but snort in amusement, saying, "I'm old in your heart."

Perplexed, Xun Wujin looked closely at the computer screen and realized that his wife had asked for his evaluation of an old, tan wool vest! He chuckled and tried to explain, "Well, my wife's natural beauty is timeless. You look good in everything, and you can effortlessly rock any style!" With a mix of humor and sincerity, Xun Wujin, feeling slightly guilty, managed to turn the situation around and express his admiration for his wife's beauty and charm.

Seeing her husband's laughter, Xun Ruan waved her hand and said, "Okay, let's look for something else."

Meanwhile, Father Xun quickly composed himself, adopting the air of the head of the family, as a knock sounded on the study door. He called for the person to enter, and Huang Jin opened the door, stepping aside to let Xun Wei follow. In Xun Wei's hands was a plate of fried chicken and tofu with various dipping sauces.

Huang Jin had prepared this dish in the kitchen, wanting to showcase one of his specialties to Xun Wei's parents. Today, he decided to fry some chicken with tofu, carefully selecting different flavors and arranging them on the plate before presenting it to Xun Wei's parents.

"Have a taste," Xun Wei said as he placed the plate of fried chicken on the desk and handed chopsticks to his parents. Xun Ruan immediately abandoned the computer, eagerly picking up the chopsticks and grabbing a piece of chicken. Father Xun was more reserved, carefully trying the tofu first before nodding and saying, "It's good, I like the taste."

Mother Xun, on the other hand, was happily devouring the chicken, offering her approval between mouthfuls, "My Daughter-in-Law is talented!"

Seeing the positive response, Xun Wei smiled and closed the computer pages. "Don't overeat, it's time for dinner. Grandpa Zhou just came back from the Yang's."

Mother Xun nodded understandingly when she heard the words and indicated that she knew. Father Xun also put down his chopsticks and took a sip of his drink, allowing his son to shut down the shopping website at will. However, he had to wear out his mouth every time to persuade his wife to shut down the computer, a different treatment altogether.

After days of busy amassing food and supplies, dinner was served and quickly devoured. Xun Wei then informed the elders that they would retire early for the night, as they had been out all day.