Chapter 31 - Early Apocalypse?(Rev.)

Instead of enjoying a joyful Christmas and New Year's celebration, the residents of A City experienced an extremely harsh winter with intense cold and heavy snowfall. Initially, the weather was just ordinary snow, but it progressively escalated into severe conditions, forcing everyone to stay indoors and celebrate the holidays within the confines of their homes.

For several consecutive days, the snow persisted, bringing with it bitterly cold temperatures. According to the news, this unusual weather anomaly was attributed to an abnormal atmospheric situation.

On the second floor of the villa, in a specific room, Huang Jin stood by the window, observing the relentless snowfall. From his vantage point, he could see the once-beautiful garden that adorned the villa. However, now he noticed that the flowers and grass in the garden had succumbed to the freezing temperatures and excessive snow, leaving them buried and frozen.

As Huang Jin witnessed the unfolding weather, his brows furrowed, and a sense of nervousness crept over him. The reason for his unease stemmed from his recollection of this specific type of weather preceding the apocalypse before his rebirth.

A year prior, the occurrence of ordinary snowfall marked the beginning of an unprecedented five-month-long winter. Once the snow finally melted, there was a collective sigh of relief among the people, believing that the crisis had come to an end. Little did they realize that this was merely the start of something far more ominous.

The impending tragedy was of unprecedented magnitude. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions ravaged the world, with no respite in sight. As if the natural disasters weren't enough, a new threat emerged in the form of a seemingly harmless flu. Initially presenting as a simple fever, the flu quickly revealed its true nature as more symptoms began to manifest after just a few hours. With alarming speed, the flu spread across the globe, prompting authorities to make the grim declaration that it was highly contagious.

At that moment, the government issued a widespread warning, urging all citizens to stay at home for a period following the apparent subsiding of the flu. However, contrary to expectations, the flu began to worsen, leading to a surge in patients flooding hospitals, overwhelmed by the increasing number of people suffering from the flu.

After the initial flu wave appeared to subside, the government issued a warning, advising people to stay at home for a while. However, instead of abating, the simple flu took a turn for the worse, prompting the government to intensify their efforts in search of a cure. Unfortunately, every time they believed they had found a solution, the symptoms escalated, becoming even more severe. Consequently, hospitals became overwhelmed with a surge of flu patients seeking medical attention.

The people started panicking and started stockpiling for food, the original highway full of traffic now deserted.

Then the people one by one started falling into a coma, after that when the people started waking up the once peaceful world ceases to exist.

The dead turned into flesh-eating creatures, while the living discovered they possessed extraordinary powers. Simultaneously, both plants and animals began to mutate. As a consequence, ordinary humans found themselves becoming mere pawns in the face of the powerful.

This marked the beginning of the apocalypse, signaling the end of the world. Huang Jin, burdened by anxiety, wondered if his rebirth had somehow hastened the calamity. In his concern, he resolved to confide in Xun Wei, sharing his fears about whether the relentless snow was a harbinger of the impending catastrophe or simply a passing weather phenomenon.

The living room was filled with laughter, with Jian Bao's infectious joy resonating through the air, creating a pleasant atmosphere. However, one person was noticeably absent – Huang Jin. Concerned, Xun Wei decided to get up and search for him in the bedroom.

Upon entering the room, Xun Wei found Huang Jin standing before the floor-to-ceiling window. Outside, the glass was obscured by thick layers of snow, allowing only half of the outside view to be visible. Despite the chill outdoors, the room remained warm and cozy, thanks to the fireplace, where the fire danced and flickered, casting a comforting glow around the space.

As Xun Wei approached Huang Jin, he couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between his lover's mood and the lively atmosphere downstairs. Worried, Xun Wei's brows furrowed with concern. Without hesitation, he gently pulled Huang Jin into his arms and asked, "What's wrong?"

Feeling the comfort of Xun Wei's embrace, Huang Jin shared his concerns and anxieties. "I might be overthinking things, but I can't shake this feeling. I need to be vigilant and observant. If my suspicions are valid, the apocalypse might arrive sooner than expected. Please instruct your men to expedite the construction of the base within the next year."

Huang Jin paused, still uncertain about the possible connection between his rebirth and the looming catastrophe.

"It's possible that my rebirth somehow triggered these events. I'm closely monitoring the weather to see if this snow persists for an extended period, lasting three to five months. If it does, then it could indeed be the beginning of the apocalypse."

Wrapped in Xun Wei's comforting embrace, Huang Jin let out a sigh, releasing some of his worries. "For the time being, let's put our concerns aside and simply enjoy Christmas," he suggested.

As Xun Wei held Huang Jin close, his affectionate gesture was reciprocated by Huang Jin, who leaned into Xun Wei's embrace, granting him access to his neck. Overwhelmed with the desire to ease his lover's worries, Huang Jin felt an urge to kiss away the tension from Xun Wei's face.

"Don't worry," Huang Jin whispered in a soothing tone, assuring Xun Wei, before sealing his words with a tender kiss on his lips.

"By the way, I have something to show you. Let's go inside my dimensional space," Huang Jin revealed.

"Okay," Xun Wei agreed. In an instant, they found themselves within Huang Jin's dimensional space.

The dimension appeared much as Xun Wei had seen it before, with the exception of the dissipation of the fog surrounding the enormous tree. Now, the leaves and branches of the tree were fully visible.

The once grassy field had transformed into a thriving agricultural expanse, boasting a variety of crops such as wheat, rice, potatoes, corn, peanuts, tea, millet, barley, oilseeds, soybeans, radishes, cabbages, and an array of other vegetables. Additionally, the land was adorned with an assortment of spices, including garlic, ginger, onions, and various types of chili peppers.

On the left side of the lake, numerous types of mushrooms had taken root and were flourishing.

Every crop thrived in exceptional health, displaying a remarkable growth rate that rendered the plants twice the size of their regular counterparts.

Each crop in the dimension seemed to thrive with incredible vitality. Huang Jin's dimension truly held the potential to sustain and support life in a way that surpassed the limits of the ordinary world.

Huang Jin led Xun Wei to a large pond situated on the left side of the house. To Xun Wei's surprise, the pond housed a variety of sea creatures, such as octopuses, shrimps, squids, crabs, lobsters, clams, and fish, all of which were unusually healthy and significantly larger in size. Huang Jin had meticulously gathered these creatures, obtaining some from nearby fish ponds and others directly from fishermen who ventured into the middle of the ocean. He stored them alive in a rented warehouse equipped to accommodate live sea animals.

Upon Xun Wei's request, the construction company was enlisted to build multiple warehouses that could be easily detached from the ground. Within a month, the warehouses were completed, and Xun Wei, along with Huang Jin, went to collect the sea creatures, transporting them into Huang Jin's dimensional space for safekeeping.

In addition to the detached warehouses, Huang Jin took further measures to organize and manage the collected resources effectively. He ordered numerous storage rack shelves online, ensuring they were delivered to the rented warehouses promptly. With meticulous attention to detail, Huang Jin labeled and marked each warehouse based on its contents, categorizing them into various sections such as food, clothing, and different types of equipment. This systematic approach ensured that everything was well-organized, making it easier for them to access and use the resources whenever needed.

Huang Jin gathered a substantial amount of cooked food, including lunchboxes and styrofoams, storing them in a single warehouse. He estimated that this collection could sustain them for four to five years, depending on their eating habits.

Meanwhile, Xun Wei made his contribution by purchasing fifty thousand catties each of rice and wheat, which were stored in a separate warehouse. Additionally, they set aside another warehouse to accommodate various vegetables. In preparation for the long term, they acquired thousands of different types of canned goods, ranging from vegetables, tuna, beef, chicken, and fruits. Furthermore, they amassed a significant quantity of instant noodles, ensuring they had a diverse array of food supplies to rely on.

Huang Jin and Xun Wei didn't stop at just food supplies. They made sure to stock up on various clothing items for both children and adults, catering to summer and cold weather needs. Their collection included winter jackets, coats, trousers, shirts, underwear, shoes, boots, and slippers, ensuring everyone's comfort.

In preparation for personal hygiene, they gathered an array of toiletries, such as toothbrushes, caps, tooth cleaners, floss, razors, blades, shaving creams, shampoo, bar soap, and deodorants.

To accommodate their culinary needs, they acquired pots, pans, glasses, spoons, and forks. Additionally, Huang Jin purchased a thousand boxes of chopsticks.

Their attention to detail extended to bedding essentials, with another warehouse filled with blankets, towels, sheets, and pillows.

Despite their efforts, they still found that there were many materials piled up outside the warehouses.

Huang Jin made sure to gather all the essential supplies required for the impending apocalypse, leaving no aspect overlooked. He was also thoughtful enough to collect a diverse selection of books, ranging from medical and architectural resources to children's literature. Not forgetting the importance of entertainment during the apocalypse Huang Jin ensured they had top-grade laptops and hard drives filled with movies.

Understanding that electricity will gradually return after a few years into the apocalypse. Of course the safe heaven was naturrally built with solar panels.

Huang Jin wisely invested in TVs and computers. For certain equipment that they could acquire through hunting or scavenging, they opted not to spend money needlessly.

Huang Jin recognized the importance of comfort, especially given the capabilities of his dimensional space. As a result, he ensured that they had a variety of bed sizes, ranging from single to double and king-sized beds, to cater to their comfort needs during the challenging times ahead.

To further enhance their survival preparedness, they packed various essential items into bags. These included tents for shelter, as well as survival kits containing pocket knives, flashlights, an abundance of batteries, candles, water purification tablets, cordage, and tape. Additionally, they stocked up on fire-starting kits with flints and matches, space blankets, and emergency ponchos to face any unforeseen situations with better preparedness.

The last row of warehouses was devoted to a comprehensive collection of medical supplies, which were gathered with the assistance of Father Xun and Mother Xun, both of whom were doctors. Their expertise proved to be a blessing, as they could order batches of medicine without raising too many questions. To those who inquired, they simply stated their intention to establish a fully equipped pharmacy.

The medical supplies included band-aids of various sizes, gauzes, bandages, NSAIDs, aspirin, antihistamines, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointments, and much more. To complement the medical provisions, they also ordered necessary medical equipment from a pharmaceutical company. Additionally, they ensured they had ample power sources, stocking the warehouse with solar panels, generators, and water purifiers.

In another warehouse, they stored an extensive array of frozen goods, comprising various meats such as chicken, mutton, beef, and duck, along with boxes of frozen seafood. They also kept frozen pastries and desserts, providing a diverse range of preserved food items.

One of the warehouses was brimming with an impressive assortment of armors, weapons, and ammunition. The collection encompassed a wide range of firearms, from handguns to sniper rifles, both semi-automatic and automatic, along with armor-piercing rounds, grenades, swords, bows, and arrows. The shipment was expertly coordinated by Grandpa Zhou, who ensured the arsenal's arrival from abroad.

When Grandpa Zhou informed Huang Jin that the armors and weapons had reached the warehouse and were ready for collection, Huang Jin wasted no time in accompanying Xun Wei to see the stockpile. The sight that greeted them left Huang Jin astounded, as rows and rows of weapons and armors lay before his eyes.

Despite being a grown man, Huang Jin couldn't contain his excitement, feeling like an enthusiastic child filled with energy. Among all the weapons, his favorite was the 50-caliber armored-piercing sniper rifle, and he eagerly asked Xun Wei to teach him how to use it. Xun Wei couldn't help but burst into laughter at Huang Jin's adorable enthusiasm and eagerness.