Chapter 30 - Chen Ai's scheme (Rev.)

Xun Wen also intended to share his decision to quit school with his brother and the rest of the family. He wanted to ask his brother to train him for two years, especially since his brother had already left the army. However, he overheard from his mother that Xun Wei and Huang Jin were planning to get married next year after the new year in F country. After the wedding, they planned to go on a year-long honeymoon before returning home.

After considering his options, Xun Wen decided to approach Grandpa Zhou and request permission to train with the army for at least a year or two before seeking guidance from his big brother. He made up his mind to share this decision with the family as soon as he returned from B City.

Huang Jun made a firm decision to spend the rest of the year with Huang Jin, celebrating their wedding and cherishing their time together. After the wedding, he planned to return to B City, divorce Chen Ai, and sever all ties with her.

Huang Jin took the initiative to arrange for his father to sell all the assets that could be sold, including the company and properties left behind by his mother. The money earned from these sales would be used to fund the collection of materials and the construction of the Safe Haven in N City.

Huang Jun reported Chen Ai's behavior to the rest of the family after Huang Jin left to "recuperate." About a month later, Chen Ai began inquiring about Huang Jin's whereabouts and the nature of his "disease." She wondered if it was severe and suggested that Huang Jun let their son leave and move to another place for treatment. She even questioned whether Huang Jin's condition could be terminal. In the midst of all this, Chen Ai recommended that Huang Jun should "take care of Huang Jin's wealth from his mom," insinuating that she wanted control over his assets.

Huang Jun's suspicions grew stronger after Chen Ai's remarks, as he realized that he had never disclosed any information about Huang Jin's inheritance and the properties left behind by his mother. This led him to believe that Chen Ai might have some ulterior motive or hidden agenda in trying to gain control over Huang Jin's wealth. He decided to be cautious and keep a close eye on her actions and intentions, determined to protect his son's assets and ensure that they were used for the right purposes.

Huang Jun reluctantly continued to listen to Chen Ai's plans regarding Huang Jin's properties. She urged him to consider changing the ownership of the assets before it's too late, implying that they might miss out on potential benefits if they don't act quickly. Chen Ai cunningly suggested that they could transfer the guardianship of the properties to her daughter and son, insinuating that it would be for Huang Jin's best interest while he is still "recuperating." Huang Jun felt uneasy about these suggestions, but he kept his composure and decided to be cautious in his response. He knew he needed to tread carefully and protect his son's interests, ensuring that any decisions made were in line with Huang Jin's wishes.

Huang Jun's anger boiled within him as he fought the urge to slap Chen Ai for her audacity in scheming about Huang Jin's inheritance. However, he managed to restrain himself from acting rashly. Despite this, Chen Ai continued to press him, urging him to expedite the arrangements. As Huang Jun thought about how Chen Ai knew about Huang Jin's wealth, a disturbing hunch formed in his mind.

He began to suspect that Chen Ai had approached him with the intention of making him fall in love with her, all for the purpose of gaining control over the company and siphoning off all of Huang Jin's money and properties. It sickened him to think that she would be so heartless as to devour everything and leave nothing for his son.

The fact that his late wife came from a wealthy family was well-known, even though her family had suffered a tragic loss in a fire that took away their remaining riches. Eventually, all the remaining assets were inherited by their only daughter.

After marrying Huang Jun and giving birth to their adorable son, Huang Jin, she was unfortunately taken away from them far too soon due to cancer. As a result, she left behind all her money and properties to her beloved son, Huang Jin.

Upon receiving the report and examining all the evidence laid out before him, Huang Jun was confronted with a shocking truth. The past three years of his life had been built upon a web of lies, carefully designed to ensnare both him and his son, Huang Jin.

With audacious cunning, she devised a meticulous scheme to dismantle his life and his relationship with his son, Huang Jin. She plotted to gradually alienate the two, tearing them apart. Her ultimate goal was to amend the will, making herself the sole proprietor of all the properties and wealth belonging to Huang Jun and Huang Jin. It was a sinister and elaborate plan, carefully cooked up by Chen Ai, a woman he once perceived as beautiful, but now he realized she was nothing more than a snake disguised in human skin.

He felt an overwhelming desire to end Chen Ai's life with his own hands, but he understood that a swift death wouldn't truly be a punishment. Instead, he decided to bide his time and let them suffer slowly, making them beg for death as they faced the consequences of their deceitful actions.

Armed with the evidence, he took action with the assistance of Xun Wei's associates. After Huang Jin and Xun Wei's wedding, he planned to confront Chen Ai and present all the proof before proceeding with the divorce. He was determined to sever all ties with that woman and have no further association with her.


A City One Week before Christmas

The airport was bustling with people waiting for their flights and others arriving to be reunited with their families. A man and a teenager made their way through the crowd, carrying their luggage, as they joined the flow of fellow passengers.

The airport was filled with anticipation as families awaited the departure and arrival of their loved ones. Among the crowd, a signboard with "Huang and Xun" caught the attention of many. A cute little boy held the sign while being carried by a very tall and handsome man, accompanied by another beautiful man.

From time to time, they attracted the attention of many women who were tempted to approach the very handsome man. These women had the idea of flirting, but their attempts were doomed to fail from the start.

Xun Wei, however, was completely engrossed in his conversation with Huang Jin and paid no attention to the women around them.

Jian Bao adapted seamlessly to life with the Xun family, and there were no issues at all. Xun Wei warned Ahbao's father not to disturb the child's holiday or interfere with their time together.

After Ahbao started living with them, his father wasted no time in abandoning his children to start a new family.

Ahbao felt disappointed upon learning about his father's new family, but Xun Wei comforted him by reminding him that he now has a new family with the Xun's, and his sister is still there for him. He reassured Ahbao that he didn't need to be sad about losing his father. Despite the initial disappointment, Ahbao showed remarkable maturity and quickly adapted to the new situation.

Seeing the child constantly wearing a bright smile and laughing happily, they were reassured that he was genuinely content with them.

Ahbao was filled with excitement at the thought of meeting Huang Jin's dad and Xun Wei's brother. He eagerly expressed his desire to accompany them to pick up the guests at the airport.

The little signboard was lovingly crafted by Ahbao with his cute little hands the day before. When the couple saw the finished board, they couldn't help but laugh, and the child was overjoyed as he proudly showed it to them.

He was so excited that he woke up early in the morning and eagerly tugged both Huang Jin and Xun Wei out of bed to get ready for the day ahead.

Ahbao excitedly reminded Huang Jin and Xun Wei that they were going to pick up his father and brother from the airport. Throughout the journey from the villa to the airport, the child was always bouncing with anticipation in his seat, unable to contain his excitement.

After arriving at the airport, Xun Wei parked the car and carried Ahbao in his arms while Huang Jin walked beside them. They eagerly waited for the two arrivals – Big Brother Huang Jin's father and Big Brother Xun Wei's little brother. Ahbao's head was constantly moving, searching for their familiar faces. Finally, with excitement in his voice, he informed Huang Jin and Xun Wei that he spotted the two people coming out from the arrival area.

When Huang Jin and Xun Wei saw the two people, Huang Jin's smile lit up like a radiant sun, warming their hearts.

Filled with excitement, Huang Jin rushed forward and embraced his father first, then warmly welcomed Xun Wen with a hug. "Oh, it's little Ahbao! You've become even squishier. The last time we met, you were just this squishy. Hahaha!" he said, gently holding Ahbao's cheeks.

"Brother Wen, you always tease me," Ahbao protested, playfully trying to make a serious face, which only made his cheeks turn even redder.

"Oh no, I'm not teasing you, I'm just so happy you're with us now. We just need to wait for your sister, and then everything will be perfect. Come on, come to brother Wen," Xun Wen playfully tried to take the child, but Ahbao clung tightly to Xun Wei's neck.

"Xiaowen, don't tease Ahbao," Xun Wei warned gently.

"Alright, alright, I won't tease him anymore," Xun Wen relented. Both Huang father and son chuckled at Xun Wen's playful antics.