Chapter 33 - A Sad Holiday(Rev.)

Clad in a cozy knitted sweater and thick pajama pants, Huang Jin cradled Jian Bao in his arms, feeling the warmth of his little companion. The delightful aroma of cooked food wafted through the air, accompanied by the clinking of plates and glasses, along with soft murmurs of voices coming from the kitchen area.

Jian Bao, still feeling sleepy, nestled even deeper into the comfort of Huang Jin's embrace, seeking solace in the warmth and security provided by his big brother's arms.

Spotting Xun Wei seated in the living room, Huang Jin gently settled Jian Bao in his arms. "He had a nightmare when I went to his room. I heard him screaming. Let him sleep a bit longer," Huang Jin whispered, concern etched on his face.

Worried, Xun Wei suggested, "Then let's get something hot to drink for Ahbao." He patted Jian Bao, trying to comfort him back to sleep.

With a glimmer of mischief in his eyes, Xun Wei playfully puckered his lips in front of Huang Jin. Huang Jin responded with a wry smile, lowering his head to meet Xun Wei's lips. Their kiss was warm and firm, with a lingering tenderness that conveyed their deep affection.

Huang Jin drew back slightly, their lips parting, and then he planted another sweet and lingering kiss on Xun Wei's lips. As he gazed into Xun Wei's pleased smile, he noticed a glint of satisfaction in his lover's eyes.

As Xun Wei held Jian Bao, he felt the little one shifting in his arms, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep. The rhythmic breathing signaled that Jian Bao had drifted off into peaceful sleep.

Meanwhile, Huang Jin made his way into the kitchen, where he could hear the voices of Mama Xun and Auntie Hei engaged in conversation while preparing food for the night. The warm and familiar sounds of their chatter filled the air, adding to the cozy atmosphere of the holiday gathering.

Huang Jin approached Mama Xun and affectionately kissed her cheeks. "A glass of milk for Ahbao, please. He had a nightmare a while ago," Huang Jin requested with a warm smile.

Mama Xun was pleased with Huang Jin's loving gesture and offered to prepare the milk for Jian Bao. However, Huang Jin insisted on making it himself. With Mama Xun's understanding, he started preparing the glass of milk and some snacks for little Ahbao. Meanwhile, Mama Xun resumed helping Auntie Hei in the kitchen, ensuring a delightful spread for their celebration tonight.

After half an hour of bustling in the kitchen, Huang Jin emerged with a pot of fragrant green tea for Mother Xun and Auntie Hei. He also prepared two glasses of milk for Jian Bao and a cup of coffee for Xun Wei, knowing his lover's preference.

With care and attention to detail, Huang Jin laid out a simple yet sumptuous breakfast spread on the table. The dishes included a plate of fluffy egg omelet, a comforting bowl of chicken congee, a platter of delectable dumplings, and a basket of steamed buns, all freshly brought from his dimensional space.

"Mom, I've finished preparing breakfast. I'll just bring this tray to Ahbao first," Huang Jin informed Mother Xun as he carried the tray containing a glass of milk, a cup of coffee, and a plate of steamed buns for both Xun Wei and Jian Bao.

"Be careful not to spill it on the way," Mother Xun reminded, to which Huang Jin nodded before heading back to the living room.

However, when Huang Jin entered the living room, he was greeted not by the sight of Jian Bao sleeping, but by both Xun Wei and Jian Bao sitting together, engrossed in watching a cartoon show on the television. The warm scene made Huang Jin's heart swell with love and happiness as he approached them with the tray of food and drinks.

Huang Jin settled beside Jian Bao after placing the tray on the table and handing him the glass of milk. "Be careful; it's still hot," Huang Jin cautioned with a gentle smile. The little child's hands carefully cradled the warm milk, savoring it slowly while enjoying a piece of steamed bun.

Meanwhile, Huang Jin also handed the cup of coffee to Xun Wei, who was preoccupied with his own milk. The two men and the child sat together, eating, drinking, and immersed in the joy of watching cartoons. The living room was filled with a sense of warmth and holiday cheer, as the delightful ambiance of the celebration enveloped the Xun's residence.

The cold and freezing weather persisted throughout the year, dissuading people from venturing outside to celebrate the end of the year. Instead, they chose to stay cozy indoors.

Inside the Xun's villa, the adults gathered with gifts and red packets in hand. Meanwhile, a cute little child sat excitedly on the carpeted floor, surrounded by mountains of presents and a box of red packets.

The adults couldn't help but smile with joy as they watched Jian Bao happily tearing open his gifts, his laughter filling the room. Huang Jin leaned comfortably against Xun Wei, savoring the warmth of their togetherness. Nearby, Grandpa Zhou and Father Huang engaged in a game of chess, their spirits high in the festive atmosphere.

As the adults enjoyed their time together, Mother Xun and Father Xun lovingly assisted the little child in arranging his presents, ensuring that everything was well organized for Jian Bao's delight. The room was filled with love and laughter, creating a heartwarming and joyous holiday celebration for the entire family.

The atmosphere remained pleasant and lively, with the warmth of love and laughter shielding them from the coldness of the weather outside. Little did the family know that amidst the joy and happiness, the day would eventually take a somber turn, bringing sadness and grief to their hearts.

A sudden phone call shattered their peaceful holiday atmosphere. Huang Jin answered the call from an unknown number, his cheerful expression turning pale as he listened to the voice on the other end. His eyes welled up with tears, and his grip on the phone tightened, causing his hand to turn white.

Concerned, Xun Wei observed Huang Jin's distress and strained to hear what was being said on the other end of the line. As he listened, the weight of the news sank in, and his heart ached for his partner. His gaze shifted to the happy child playing on the floor with Mother Xun and Father Xun, feeling a mix of sadness and pity for the little one.

Xun Wei wrapped his arm tightly around Huang Jin's waist, offering comfort and support.

Feeling overwhelmed, Huang Jin stood up, still holding the phone to his ear, and made his way to the kitchen. Xun Wei followed closely, holding his lover's hand for support and reassurance.

As he spoke on the phone, Huang Jin expressed his gratitude for the call and assured the caller that they would make the necessary arrangements. He promised to join them after the end of the year. In the meantime, he requested help in ensuring Jian Bao's comfort.

With a deep breath, Huang Jin tried to dispel the stifling feeling within him. His gaze met Xun Wei's worried crimson eyes, and he found solace in their shared concern.

"I don't know how to tell Ahbao about his sister," Huang Jin admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Ahwei, what will we say to him? I thought the child would be spared from his father's selfishness and find happiness," he added with a heavy heart.

"We are here for him; we will tell him the truth and support him through this difficult time. He won't have to face this alone; we'll be there for him," Xun Wei assured Huang Jin, holding him close in a comforting embrace. "We'll make sure Jian Bao stays with us, and I won't let his father take him away from you. I can see how much you love Ahbao, and I promise to protect both of you."

When they returned to the living room, the family sensed that something was wrong and inquired about it. Huang Jin and Xun Wei explained the phone call and the news they received, and everyone turned their attention to Jian Bao, who was playing nearby.

Jian Bao looked up as his name was called, and he sensed the seriousness in the room.

Jian Bao turned his little head towards Huang Jin, his innocent smile fading as he listened to the words that his young mind couldn't fully grasp. All he heard were the words "dead" and his sister's name on Huang Jin's lips. Within moments, the joyous atmosphere turned into a heartbreaking scene. The child's face contorted with grief, and tears streamed down his cheeks as he sobbed uncontrollably.

The living room became filled with the sound of his cries, and the atmosphere turned somber and sorrowful. Huang Jin gently lifted the grieving child into his arms, holding him close as he cried. He didn't try to talk or coax Jian Bao, but simply stayed by his side, providing comfort through his presence.

Jian Bao felt overwhelmed and alone without his sister. The loss of the person who had always been there for him and cared for him weighed heavily on his young and fragile heart. In his despair, he felt someone embracing him, and he turned his tearful face towards the comforting embrace.

Feeling the warmth of the person holding him, he found solace, temporarily letting go of his sadness as sleep overtook him.

Xun Wei gently took the child from Huang Jin's arms and carefully carried him to the sofa, laying him down while waiting for Huang Jin to join them.

"I have arranged for Sister Jian's body to be taken care of," Huang Jin shared with the family. "After the holiday, Xun Wei and I will accompany her for cremation. The accident was swift, and she didn't suffer. The doctors tried their best to save her, but it was too late."

"It might be best to involve Jian Bao in deciding what to do with his sister's remains," Xun Wei suggested. "By doing so, he can mourn properly with all of us by his side, so he doesn't feel alone despite going through so much pain at such a young age."

The once joyous holiday had now turned into a sorrowful day for the Xun family. Together, they waited for Jian Bao to wake up. When he finally did, they asked him about his sister's final wishes. Jian Bao recounted what she had told him when he was only three years old – she wished to be cremated, and her remains laid to rest beside their mother in Country F.

Upon hearing Jian Bao's heartfelt words, Huang Jin assured the child that they would fulfill his sister's wishes. Tomorrow, they would set out to collect her remains and travel to Country F, just as she had desired.