Chapter 34 - Go to F Country(Rev )

The gorgeous man, tall and dressed in a stylish suit, stands confidently in front of the expansive airport window. He gazes out at the bustling scene before him, where people from all walks of life move about with their luggage in tow. The sunlight streams through the window, casting a warm glow on his features, making him even more captivating.

As he observes the travelers, a soft smile plays on his lips, taking in the various interactions unfolding before him. Among the many people, his attention is drawn to a woman carrying a baby, accompanied by her husband. They seem to be in a hurry, perhaps trying to catch a flight or reunite with loved ones. The woman's face shows a mix of exhaustion and tenderness as she holds her precious little one.

Nearby, he notices an old couple, their faces adorned with joyous laughter, accompanied by their son. They seem to be relishing the moments spent together, cherishing the time they have to create lasting memories at the airport before parting ways.

His eyes then land on a man sitting beside a cute child, who is most likely the man's son or a close relative. The man holds a bottle of water, offering it to the child, who seems eager to drink from it. It's a simple but heartwarming sight, highlighting the small moments of care and affection between family members.

The airport is a hub of emotions, a place where hellos and goodbyes intertwine, where people experience a myriad of feelings. Amidst all this, the gorgeous man finds himself reflecting on his own experiences, perhaps having traveled for business or leisure, or maybe he is there to welcome someone dear to him.

As he continues to watch the scenes unfold, the airport's busy atmosphere contrasts with the sense of stillness and contemplation he embodies. He appreciates the beauty of humanity and the diversity of stories that weave together in such a transient space.

As the gorgeous man, Huang Jin, stands by the airport window, his intuition sends shivers down his spine. A feeling of foreboding washes over him, and he can't shake the ominous sense that something dark and catastrophic looms on the horizon. It's as if he has a sixth sense, detecting an impending doom that could manifest within days or weeks.

Despite being surrounded by the typical airport scene with its busy travelers, his mind can't escape the haunting imagery of destruction and chaos. The scent of blood, a metallic and unsettling smell, seems to linger in his senses, even though there is no tangible source for it at the moment.

Trying to dismiss these unsettling thoughts, Huang Jin glances around, looking for any signs or cues that could explain his intuition. Is there anything unusual or out of place in the airport? Are people acting differently than usual? But everything appears normal, and there are no apparent signs of an impending apocalypse.

Perhaps it's just a premonition, a gut feeling without concrete evidence. Nevertheless, Huang Jin can't ignore the intensity of his emotions and senses. He wonders if he should share his concerns with someone or seek answers to understand the nature of his foreboding.

Huang Jin's heart is heavy with the weight of the unexplained sensations he carries. He ponders the fragility of life and the unpredictable nature of the world. Whether his premonitions will prove true or not remains uncertain, but he can't help but be on edge, ready to face whatever may come.

In the midst of the usual airport scene, Huang Jin is locked in his own internal struggle, feeling a responsibility to keep those around him safe, even if he's uncertain about the nature of the impending threat. And so, he stands at the window, caught between the ordinary and the extraordinary, waiting to see if his intuition will be validated or if it's simply an inexplicable quirk of his own consciousness.

Huang Jin is aware that when the apocalypse strikes, the thousands of people around him, who currently believe they will lead peaceful lives, will soon face a hellish and cruel reality they never imagined.

Initially considered a beautiful asteroid, its true nature became evident after months of tragedies and calamities. The cause of such devastation was finally discovered.

The government had prepared defenses against rebels, terrorism, war, and sieges, even guarding against spies and criminals from other countries. However, they had never anticipated the need to defend against a seemingly insignificant passing asteroid—one that would shatter the peace on Earth.

Their discovery left them in shock, but by then, the damage caused by the asteroid was already beyond assistance.

Huang Jin experienced a visceral sensation and even the taste of blood. Despite his desire to warn the world, he understood that revealing the truth would only lead to disbelief, as he would be perceived as a deranged attention-seeker. His priority was to support his family, recognizing that he wasn't a hero, but he could at least safeguard and provide for his loved ones.

Human beings are inherently selfish, a trait that even the most gentle and kind-hearted individuals cannot deny. Selfishness seems to be ingrained in their nature, and some people can effortlessly suppress any qualms about it. During the apocalypse, this selfishness becomes even more prevalent and accepted as normal.

Huang Jun has witnessed distressing moments, like a mother abandoning her child to the zombies just to ensure her own survival, and a father offering his daughter to a group of thieves in exchange for some relief.

Huang Jin catches sight of Xun Wei's approaching silhouette, their reflection visible on the massive windows. He senses Xun Wei's arms embracing his waist.

"By the way, while I was at the counter, dad called to let me know that everything is in order. The only thing missing is your signature; once that's done, the money can be transferred to your account. Dad will bring the documents with him."

Huang Jun raised his head and planted a kiss on Xun Wei's chin. "Hmm, thank you."

In response, Xun Wei held Huang Jin's waist a little tighter and placed a kiss on his cheeks.

One of Xun Wei's bodyguards approached them while Xun Wei was playfully teasing Huang Jin. The bodyguard intended to remind them that their private plane was prepared for their flight. Witnessing his usually stern boss being affectionate with his lover, the guard couldn't help but get goosebumps as he remembered the striking contrast. The visual impact of the scene left him in shock.

Despite wanting to erase the image of his boss's unusual behavior from his mind, the bodyguard couldn't do so since it was his responsibility to remind Xun Wei of their flight. Reluctantly, he had no choice but to approach them.

As the bodyguard came forward, Xun Wei smirked mischievously, prompting Huang Jin to playfully pinch him on the arm. Huang Jin couldn't decide whether to laugh or feel exasperated by Xun Wei's antics.

When the poor bodyguard approached them and informed that the private plane was prepared for departure, Xun Wei gently released his arms from around Huang Jin's waist.
He shared one more affectionate moment with his lover, stealing a quick kiss, before returning to his seat to pick up Jian Bao. Then, he guided Huang Jin towards the entrance that led to Xun's private plane.

Upon learning that the eldest young master of the Xun family would be traveling to Country F, one of the stewardesses couldn't contain her excitement about meeting her employer. She had been hired for this job through a connection of her cousin's friend after she resigned from her previous position as a flight attendant.

Initially, her only desire was to catch a glimpse of her employer, but when she saw him walking towards her, something extraordinary happened. Her heart skipped a beat, and her mouth became unexpectedly dry. As her large eyes locked onto his, her pupils dilated, and her breathing hastened, overwhelmed by the encounter.

As she swiftly regained her composure and averted her gaze, she felt a sense of embarrassment for being so captivated by her boss. Yet, despite her efforts, her eyes couldn't resist stealing glances at him again. He was undeniably attractive, with strong, commanding features like his firm, sword-like eyebrows and chiseled edges. The entire room, including the captain, was drawn to his presence. However, when the stewardess locked eyes with him, she couldn't help but feel an intense chill from his dark and deep crimson gaze, exuding an aura of cold pride and formidable power that made others instinctively want to keep their distance.

All eyes were fixated on the man, observing his every move in complete silence, likely due to the overwhelming strength of his presence, which left everyone hesitant to speak or divert their gazes elsewhere. However, the fact that he was holding a child softened his appearance, making him seem less intimidating and reducing the intensity of his aura.

Her cheeks flushed crimson as she witnessed her boss walking alongside a handsome man while holding a child. Seeing this beautiful sight, she found herself torn between two emotions - jealousy and admiration. She couldn't help but feel envious of the man's partner, but at the same time, she was delighted by the captivating scene before her. If she wasn't on duty, she would have been tempted to call her cousin and express gratitude for getting her this job. She could hardly believe that her boss was gay and deeply in love with the young man beside him.

Huang Jin noticed the stewardess's behavior and couldn't help but chuckle; it was a relief to encounter someone who didn't seem jealous or behave irrationally like Xun Wei's other admirers. Observing Huang Jin's laughter, Xun Wei became puzzled and inquired, "Why are you laughing?"

Huang Jin's lips quivered, attempting to suppress his amusement. He managed to giggle and replied, "It's just so refreshing to find a woman who isn't trying to steal your attention and harm me out of jealousy. Instead, she's happy to see you in love with a charming young man."

"Oh," Xun Wei's lips twitched, and in front of the attendant, he asked for her name.

The sudden question caught the lady off guard, causing her to respond with a shaky and breathless voice, "Hu Ming."

Hu Ming was taken aback by the boss's sudden question about her name, but she quickly rationalized that he was probably just trying to be polite. Although the inquiry caught her off guard, she responded with courtesy and provided her name in a slightly shaky and breathless voice. Deep down, she felt a mix of excitement and nervousness, knowing that she had just interacted with someone of great importance on the flight. Despite the surprise, she maintained her professionalism and continued to carry out her duties diligently.

Hu Ming is a young woman in her mid-twenties, full of enthusiasm and a passion for adventure. She grew up in a small town, where her parents worked hard to provide her with a good education and a loving environment. Hu Ming has always been fascinated by the world beyond her hometown and dreamed of exploring new places.

After completing her studies, Hu Ming decided to pursue a career as a flight attendant to fulfill her desire for travel and discovery. She was determined to see the world, meet different people, and experience diverse cultures. Her warm and friendly nature made her perfect for the job, as she could easily connect with passengers and make them feel comfortable during their flights.

Throughout her time as a flight attendant, Hu Ming has encountered various exciting and challenging situations. She takes pride in her ability to handle difficult passengers with grace and always maintains a professional demeanor. Her colleagues admire her positive attitude and ability to keep calm under pressure.

One of the things that sets Hu Ming apart is her genuine interest in people's stories. She enjoys listening to passengers' tales of their travels and experiences, which has enriched her knowledge and broadened her perspective. She believes that every interaction with others is an opportunity to learn something new and valuable.

Despite the occasional difficulties of her job, Hu Ming remains enthusiastic and thankful for the experiences she gains and the places she visits. She believes that being a flight attendant has not only allowed her to see the world but also to understand the interconnectedness of humanity and the beauty of diversity.

Hu Ming remained completely unaware that Huang Jin's laughter had played a crucial role in her favor, ultimately leading to her survival during the apocalypse. Little did she know that their chance encounter and the positive impression she made on Xun Wei, the boss, would have such significant consequences in the future.

As the world plunged into chaos during the apocalypse, the choices made by individuals became paramount in determining their fate. Xun Wei's connection with Hu Ming, even if it seemed insignificant at the time, turned out to be a pivotal factor in ensuring her safety.

Throughout the chaos and destruction, Hu Ming's professionalism, friendly demeanor, and ability to stay calm under pressure made a lasting impression on Xun Wei.

In a world where survival depended on alliances and trust, the bond formed through that initial encounter on the plane became a lifeline for Hu Ming. The support and favor bestowed upon her by Xun Wei and Huang Jin, even unknowingly, proved to be the difference between life and death in the unforgiving landscape of the apocalypse.


Xun Wei smiled and led his partner onto the plane, heading straight to the bedroom where they gently laid the child down. He then helped Jian Bao take off his shoes and jacket, making sure he was comfortable.

Knowing that the flight to F country would be almost eleven hours long, Xun Wei encouraged Huang Jin to get some rest as well.

Huang Jin playfully flopped onto the bed, pulling Xun Wei down with him, catching him off guard with his mischievousness. He began tickling Xun Wei relentlessly, and soon, Xun Wei's initial shock turned into peals of laughter. As the tickling continued, Huang Jin's cheeks turned rosy, and his eyes glistened with tears of joy.

"Stop, I can't take it anymore!" Huang Jin gasped between fits of laughter. "The child is sleeping, we should be quiet!"

Xun Wei finally relented and withdrew his playful paws, his face beaming with relief as he saw Huang Jin's happiness and smile.

In the past few days, as the snow began to fall, Huang Jin had brought up the signs of the impending apocalypse to Xun Wei. He even mentioned the tragic loss of Jian Bao's sister as evidence. Despite this, Huang Jin still had doubts, mainly because of the unusual weather conditions.

Nevertheless, he decided to quietly observe and verify if the weather was merely a false alarm before sharing his concerns with Xun Wei. Xun Wei knew about Huang Jin choise not to discuss his suspicions out of concern for his well-being, wanting to spare him from unnecessary worry.

After witnessing the weather calming down, both Huang Jin and Xun Wei finally felt a sense of relief. They hoped that the situation wouldn't turn out as dire as Huang Jin had feared. With Jian Bao's sister's arrangements taken care of, Xun Wei made the decision to bring Huang Jin and Jian Bao to F Country earlier for the burial and to proceed with their wedding and honeymoon.

After finalizing the plan, Xun Wei discussed it with both their families and Huang Jin's father, and they all agreed to move the schedule ahead of time. As a result, they boarded the plane and headed to Country F, where they would wait for the rest of the family to join them.

Once on the plane, Huang Jin began to doze off, and Xun Wei sat beside him, keeping a watchful eye on both Huang Jin and Jian Bao. After a while, Xun Wei stood up, ensuring the door was locked, and entered Huang Jin's dimensional space. He blinked and teleported to where the dragon was sleeping.