Chapter 36 - The Dragon Zijing

Going back to the dragon, it is the first time for Xun Wei to visit and see the creature this close. The first time he got a glimpse of just the face of the dragon, the pressure was very overwhelming. But to be in front of the dragon, it's aura is very oppressive like an ant facing a mountain.

Now Xun Wei can see the full body of the sleeping dragon. He can imagine if the dragon was fully awake, it might stand as tall as a 40th story building a huge dragon indeed. He can see its scales and wings; the dragon's body seems more reptilian.

The dragon's ears always twitch and swivel while sleeping. Its mouth had powerful jaws, and sometimes a forked tongue can be seen while the dragon breaths while its mouth moves. The dragon's teeth include four well-developed fangs that curve slightly inward and have cutting edges on both the inner and outer surfaces.

Immediately in front of the fangs in each jaw lie the dragon's incisors, which are oval in cross-section and have serrated edges at the top

The ridges around the dragon's head made the creature look more fearsome. Xun Wei can also see a dragon's horn growing directly from the dragon's forehead then curving from its temples.

The ridges around the dragon's spines glow every time the dragon breath. Its sturdy legs have scaly coverings.

The dragon's skin resembles a leather sturdy and thick. It's hundreds of hard, durable scales covering its body. A dragon's scales are Keratinous, like its spines. The scales are much harder and less flexible than the needles, with resistance to blows that exceeds that of steel.

A dragon's largest scales are attached to its hide along one edge and overlap like plate armor. These scales cover the dragon's neck, underbelly, toes, and tail. As the dragon sleep and breaths, it moves its body, the scales shift as the skin and muscle under them move, and the scales' free ends sometimes rise slightly.

The dragon's long, muscular tail also covers with small scales. The sleeping dragon's wings scaleless hide stretched over its body.

Many forms and colors of jadeite stones surrounded the sleeping dragon. It's like every stone was breathing and very much alive. Every exhales and inhale of the dragon each jade stones glows.

Xun Wei can't even move his fingers, and it's hard to breathe. He wanted to call the dragon, but he can't open his mouth to talk.

After almost an hour of struggling to move his body and trying to talk, he decides to wait for it to open his eyes.

He was standing there, trying to calm down his heart. Xun Wei started breathing slowly and watching the dragon. He didn't realize that his eyes began to close by itself.

He felt a hot air blowing his way. Xun Wei can hear breathing sound and abruptly opened his eyes.

The dragon who was sleeping a while ago now was wide awake and watching him. His purple eyes were bright and narrowed dangerously like watching prey. And that prey was Xun Wei.

Xun Wei tried to swallow the lump that insisted on staying on his throat when the dragon's face came near him.

The place became silent; even the flowing magma, where they currently do not move and flow at all like waiting for the dragon to do something.

The dragon was observing Xun Wei; it's deep eyes watching him. Its jaw opens, and a breath of fire release from the mouth. The temperature became hot and unbearable; Xun Wei thought that he's going to be roasted to death. He closed his eyes, but the fire from the dragon's mouth first became painful then lose its heat.

Then Xun Wei felt a cooling sensation, felt comfortable, and sigh with relief. He opened his eyes, the dragon was still there, but the oppressive and dangerous aura, once he had, was gone.

The dragon opened its mouth and said in an ancient language: " Seeing you like this means you can't recognize me? Oh yes, that' likely, you still not have enough cultivation. Puny human, you're still the same as ever when we first met."

Xun Wei wanted to talk, but when he heard the dragon's word, his expression changed, and his brow wrinkled.

"Hearing you say that means we've been together. Either we became friends or a master and subordinate.

I came here to asked about your relationship with me and why you are here inside Huang Jin's dimensional space. Please answer truthfully, if theirs a connection between us, please consider that in three years, the apocalypse will happen. I wanted to know the truth."

" I am Zijing, that's what you named me when we met.

Don't doubt my words, human, because of what you did to send your lover back and retain part of his memory and power the time accelerated. That's one of the consequences of trying to change destiny. You succeeded in giving a chance to your lover. I agreed to your wish in exchange for getting something vital for me.

You need to be thankful that the power used was enough to send you this early and gave you at least a year and not after the apocalypse.

Xun Wei, this chance was made by you, and I only assisted in aligning the time for you and your lover to cross over.

Remember, don't waste this opportunity; do what you must do. And within this time, you will know what you must do. You will feel it in your bones, and the memories in the pool will automatically send you the information you need."

So some of the conjectures he guesses were right. The biggest reason was to let Huang Jin reborn exactly after he died that the dragon helped him in doing so.

Xun Wei was still pondering when he heard the dragon talk again.

" Go back, your treasure is awake and is panicking because he can't feel you, be careful with him; he's emotion is still not stable. You may see him act normally again, but I can feel it. Part of the sky is still crack, Huang Jin can't see it, but you can if you concentrate enough.

Go back.. the less he worries about you, the less power I consume in maintaining this dimension." The dragon started closing his eyes and returned to his slumber.

Xun Wei then blinked and returned to the room and seeing Huang Jin standing there pale as white and trembling. He was gasping for air; his eyes were unfocused, and tears threaten from falling in his cheeks.

Seeing the state of his lover, Xun Wei hurriedly took a step towards Huang Jin to take him into his arms.

"Ahjin. Ahjin. I'm here, shhh.. shhh, don't cry."

Xun Wei didn't know how long the fear and anxiety of Huang Jin subsided, but he can feel that the stiff body inside his arms started to soften. Seeing the sleeping lover, Xun Wei placed Huang Jin in the bed and lay beside him.

Xun Wei slowly caresses his love's hair until he felt calm. He was worried about the last words Zijing mentioned.

All the things Zijing revealed, did not make all his doubts lessened; instead, it made the situations more complicated.

Furthermore, the consequences that Zjing spoke of the need to be asked in detail. He wanted to know what's the other consequences.

Murmurs of people in the plane and sound of the engine. The smell of Huang Jin made Xun Wei sleepy and fell asleep with Huang Jin in his arms.