Chapter 37 - Huang Jun and Hao Wen

B City

After the call to his son-inlaw, Huang Jun prepared the documents to bring on the flight to F country. He pressed the phone and called his secretary to come to his office.

After a while, the door was knocked, and a man in a suit went inside, holding a folder full of documents. The man was tall around 192cm; he was not the type of secretary that you see in most companies.

Hao Wen lived and breathed as a soldier for ten years before retiring from physical injuries. He was hired by Huang Jun as a secretary after saving his life in a car accident two years ago, after knowing that he was looking for a job. Because his career in the army was in intelligence, he was able to adjust immediately. It was not difficult to arrange schedules and meetings for Huang Jun and, at the same time, be his bodyguard.

So when Huang Jun, whether inside or outside the company, you can always see Hao Wen together with him. He was tall and well built. It did not lessen even after two years of retirement in the army.

Outstanding in appearance, A typical tall, dark, and handsome man. Male or Female employees in the company always try to flirt with him, but he was as cold as ice when it comes to those people but warm to those who treat him as a coworker.

When the man steps inside the office: " Sir? Did you call for me?"

Huang Jun, hearing the voice turned around and observed Hao Wen.

"Sir?" Seeing Huang Jun observing him, Hao Wen's body stood still and let his boss freely watch him.

When he first met Huang Jun, he didn't even know that after rescuing him from the accident, his life would change.

And after Huang Jin came to visit and talk to his father all afternoon. And after the talk, Huang Jun called Hao Wen to inform him to sell all his assets and share from the company as well as Huang Jin's inheritance at the highest price.

He was shocked at first, but because he was the boss, he didn't question Huang Jun. He did his job and took everything seriously. And reminded him to do it quietly so that his new wife and her son and daughter don't know.

After the given task, he also receives the order to talk to a lawyer to proceed in divorcing his wife.

He was startled from Huang Jun's decision, but when he scans the files that were given to him by his boss, he was dumbfounded and felt furious and horrible after reading the data. And he was delighted that his boss realized how his relationship with Chen Ai was a disaster.

His so-called prim and proper wife was very terrible and evil. From the start, when Huang Jun introduced Chen Ai to him, he felt that there was something wrong with her. His guts and intuition were always right when it comes to wicked and evil people. After being in the army for almost ten years, he still follows his instinct.

However, because Huang Jun was his boss, he didn't have the right to tell his boss, especially about his relationship. He just worked for his boss and nothing else. Of course, he was concerned that's why the only thing he can do was try to watch his boss and spy Chen Ai, even though it may lead to Huang Jun's wrath.

So after that, he confessed to his boss about what he did and gave all the evidence of Chen Ai's wrongdoings and her son and daughter.

When Huang Jun first received those files at first. He didn't know what to think, but because Hao When told him the truth, he was grateful. He didn't wrong himself in choosing someone to trust.

" Put that down; it's already lunch. I ordered food, so let's eat."

Huang Jun stood up and walked over to the table beside the floor to window and sat down. Seeing his ever stoic secretary, he smiled. Every day with Hao Wen feels like you don't have to think and struggle hard at work. After Hao Wen became his secretary, work became less and never stress. He took over his schedules like a professional. So he's very thankful to Hao Wen.

While waiting for the food to arrive, Huang Jun concentrating on holding his phone and sending a message to his son while asking Hao Wen: " Are you not going to ask me?"

Hao Wen, who was waiting for Huang Jun, sit up properly and answered: "You're my boss, whatever you do and decide this secretary will only follow them and make them possible. This is why you hired me from the start to make all your bidding.

And I do my job seriously sir, I know I made my decision to poke on your privacy, but you also hired me to protect you from anything and anyone from external to internal factors that may affect you and your life.

I know that you told me that if ever you have a relationship with someone, that's the only thing that I will not mess up. So when I did that, I know I may lose my job, but I know that it will be all worth it."

After that Hao Wen shut his mouth to wait for Huang Jun's reaction, he was nervous as hell.

Huang Jun's lip twitched when he heard Hao Wen's explanation. He doesn't know why this man's very rigid.

The fact that he investigated Chen Ai with his initiative even knowing that's it was not allowed by Huang Jin. Risking his job and hostility from his boss. Seeing him this nervous and fidgety, made him want to laugh.

Hao Wen was going to talk again when he heard Huang Jun told in a calmed manner.

" You don't have to be too nervous; I know being the best in your job is what you do best that's why I hired you. You have your principle. I'm not going to nag at you, but instead, I wanted to thank you for doing this for me and thinking about my interest."

Hao Wen felt all the heavy pressure that he was carrying since he invaded Huang Jun's privacy was gone. His rigid posture soon relaxed.

"Thank you, boss, I was ready to be fired, but you still believe in me." He stood up and wanted to bow wholeheartedly, but he was stopped by Huang Jun.

" Stop that you don't need to bow for this. Im wants to ask, are not curious? Why would I sell my rights and shares to the company?. I know you're were willing to work for me because in this way you can earn money without risking your life like in the army. So it's unusual that you don't even ask and stubbornly continue to do my demands. You believe me that much?"

Hao Wen looks at his boss, and Huang Jun looked his way as well. He did not retreat but opened his mouth to say: " I follow what you say, because I know you won't do something despicable. But I'm curious; I wanted to know why but I don't want to pry. If I lose my job, I can look for another one. Or apply to be one of your bodyguard slash secretary." Hao Wen smiled with confidence.

Huang Jun sighed profoundly and watched Hao Wen, then decided to tell him the truth.

" Before my son came to me, I never doubted life in general. I thought I'll have my wife and son to enjoy life and grow old and watch my son becomes a man and marry someone he likes, and I continue to work in the company and be a boss until I grow old, then retire and enjoy life more.

But when I heard my son and discovered something that can change my three views, I will never have the chance to have peaceful days.

Hao Wen, After knowing you for almost two years now, I may not know you entirely, but I know your character. I wanted to say is what if I tell you that after two or three years, Life as we know it will cease to exist, and Zombies will roam the earth? Will you believe me?" Huang Jin looked at Hao Wen and trying to see his reaction.

Hao Wen mulled over the words from Huang Jun, he wanted to deny it, but after realizing all the actions, his boss did this past month. His pupils contracted, and his hands turned into a fist, adrenaline-rushed into his veins, and his breath started to go fast. His face turned white and bit his lip. Flashes of ideas and contingency plans flicker in his mind.

For a while, he tried relaxing and took a deep breath then look at Huang Jun. Seeing his boss observing him, he blinks and slowly said: " You're saying that the end of the world is coming? That's why you told me to sell all your assets? Then I will believe you, boss.."

Hao Wen only saw Huang Jun's full-bloomed smile towards him, and his heart stop beating. His eyes turned dark.