Chapter 38 - The Journey to the Villa

Huang Jun woke up from a touch like a feather on to his skin, and he wanted to close his eyes forever and never remember the feeling of not feeling or seeing Xun Wei.

A while ago, when he went to sleep with Xun Wei, after a while, he woke up not feeling Xun Wei's aura. He checked his dimension and the cave, and he didn't felt Xun Wei.

And then everything turned into darkness. Huang Jin felt that he was back at the laboratory, feeling the pain of being tortured, his nails removed with fliers.

Cutting him open until he felt numb from pain, slicing his tongue just because he was noisy. He was injected with drugs into his veins until he feels something hot and bone-chilling that made him want to give up.

Tears burned his eyes, and his lower lip trembled, but he tried to look brave. The tears continued to flow, and the sobs wracked his whole body, robbing it of the ability to speak – barely allowing a breath.

He tried to shout but realized he couldn't.

Huang Jin listens to the voices that mocked him for being naive and stupid for falling from a simple trap.

The feeling of being touched and alive and cutting him like he was just a piece of paper, he felt nauseated, and he sucked deep for air to breathe.

There were gasps, moans, long pauses, the sound of tears falling, and of Huang Jin falling apart. He rocked back and forth, tears coursing down his cheeks unchecked.

His eyes were bloodshot, and the tears were beginning to blur his vision.

He didn't know how long he was standing there experiencing what happened to him until he felt someone holding him and murmuring words of reassurance. Huang Jin felt safe and fainted after hearing the voice.

Misty eyes were squinting, trying to get rid of the blurriness.

Xun Wei sees Huang Jin opened his eyes, seeing him like a lost child he felt only heart ached.

He tightened his hold on Huang Jin, and he doesn't know if he's trying to comfort himself or Huang Jin. Xun Wei wipes the tears from the corner of his eyes with his hand. He stroked Huang Jin's hair and kissed his forehead.

He was afraid when Zijing told him that Huang Jin was not stable if the dragon didn't tell him. He will likely believe that Huang Jin was okay the way he acts around him.

" Are you okay? How do you feel?" asked Xun Wei in a hoarse voice

" I felt I was having a nightmare, but suddenly it was gone." Huang Jin said.

Xun Wei pulled him close in an embrace, his lips warm against his forehead. Huang Jin eagerly slid into his embrace and welcomed the warmth.

The couple decided to wait in the airline seat until the end of the flight.

Xun Wei took Jian Bao and carried him while Huang Jin followed behind. He walked fast and opened the door for Xun Wei then close the door afterward.

Xun Wei walked on the aisle until they reach a comfortable seat and arrange Jian Bao's sleeping form.

Huang Jin took the seat beside Jian Bao and told Xun Wei to sit in front of him, and so Xun Wei sits according to Huang Jin's order.

He didn't even sit that long when Huang Jin's feet were on his lap wriggling. Huang Jin leaned forward with a sly smile, and his eyes demanding Xun Wei to do something.

His mouth gave a slight twitch and wanted to laugh, seeing this kind of Huang Jin, and it was far from the Huang Jin he witnesses a while ago.

Remembering what happened, a faint smile escaped despite his dark mood.

He wanted to kill everyone who hurt and killed Huang Jin to lessened his bad mood.

No matter what, after giving the best wedding for Huang Jin, he will start making those made Huang Jin's life miserable suffer in torture.

Xun Wei felt Huang Jin's feet moved and massaged it gently but firmly. Seeing the feet moving: "Ahjin, don't move." He heard him giggling and continue pressing his feet.

"I'm sorry, I can't stop; it tickles," he said, still giggling. "

Huang Jin then turned his head, watching the sky from the small window when the smooth flight became bumpy. The sky outside the window suddenly turned dark, and a streak of purple lightning forked across the sky and lit everything up for a second.

Lightning flashed again brightly, and a clap of thunder followed.

And even with the thickness of the window, Huang Jin and Xun Wei can still hear the thunder rumbled. The wind blew hard; the rain poured and fell as if in slow motion.

The plane swayed in the turbulence, buffeted continuously by the increas­ing wind. Within a few minutes, the plane was dipping and rising in a way that made Huang Jin's stomach roll uncomfortably.

Xun Wei leaned forward and tried comforting Huang Jin from the uneasiness.

Later, the jolting of the plane awakened Jian Bao with a start. He turned his head and saw Big brother Huang Jin and Xun Wei holding hands. He called for them, and Huang Jin turned his head when he heard Jian Bao calling.

Seeing the child awake, he put his other hand in Jian Bao's head, trying to appease the awakened child.

And Huang Jin's other hand was in Xun Wei's holding on for support.

The plane hovered for a second and suddenly went into a steep dive before returning to its average altitude. All the passengers were on edge, nervous, and full of anxiety from the surging weather.

The seatbelt sign came on then they heard the P. A system crackled and a voice saying:

" Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking; we ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments.

We are experiencing some turbulence due to the weather ahead; therefore, please remained seated to have no further accidents during this time. In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Grab the mask and pull it over your face. If you have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs.

Now please sit back and wait for further announcements.

The family of three. The bodyguards and the crew were waiting for an eternity for the flight to become better. After a while, the flight became stable, and the seatbelt sign turned off then the captain announces that the next trip will have no more problem and enjoy the journey until F Country.

The trip lasted for almost eleven hours. The flight was overdue and has delayed by the bad weather. The plane descended and landed smoothly at the airport.

The captain of the plane personally greeted Xun Wei and Huang Jin and apologized for the delayed flight and led them outside the plane. Several black cars were waiting for them. One of the bodyguards opened the car door, and Xun Wei stuffed Jian Bao and went inside as well while Huang Jin entered the other side.

The drive to the villa started — the view outside the window where tall skyscrapers and hotels.

People were walking here and there going to offices and schools, hotels.

After leaving the city proper, Huang Jin can see hills and valleys and flowing rivers.

Flower fields and gardens in which all kinds of fruits and vegetables were growing.

In the flat and vast land, they can see horses and cows eating grasses — the flocks of sheep in the hills running from dog shepherds.

Inside the car, Jian Bao and Huang Jin were busy playing and talking while Xun Wei with his arm resting on the window of the car and resting his head watching them playing. A smile appeared on his lips.

Feeling someone watching, Huang Jin looked up from talking with Jian Bao and saw Xun Wei watching him.

He smiled, and that tiny dimple danced at the corner of his lips.

When Xun Wei saw those dimples, he gave Huang Jin a light kiss, unable to resist. Sandwiching Jian Bao between them, Huang Jin blushed hard, and Xun Wei planted a lingering kiss on his lips and drew back.

Hearing Jian Bao, his lips pouted with a grievance: "Where's my kiss?"

Feeling the little guy's mood Xun Wei and Huang Jin laughed hard and bent down to kiss the child's cheeks. Jian bao squirmed, and his face turned tomato red and hid in Huang Jin's Bossom.

Seeing this, Xun Wei laughed harder and tried to pry Jian Bao from Huang Jin. But the child did not move and tried harder to burrow inside Huang Jin's arms while giggling hard.

Huang Jin was smiling and laughing, eyes stained with tears of joy.

The wide road became narrow, nearing where the villa was. The cars traveled for another ten minutes until a three-story bungalow-style villa appeared in front of them. The gate automatically opened before them, then the car stopped in front of the entrance to the villa.

Opening the car door, Xun Wei took the child's hand to lead him towards Huang Jin. His warm hands slid around his waist, pulling his back against him. Seeing Xun Wei's on his hips, he smiled up at him dryly.

"What do you think?" asked Xun Wei, feeling proud.

"Hmm... It's perfect."

The villa was not new but was well maintained, surrounded by lush plants and flowers — the villa connected with another passage leading to another Villa and a huge Greenhouse.

They can smell the fresh air and the fragrance of the flowers.

Huang Jin moved forward and glanced at Xun Wei's hands and pulled him. He glanced at their joined hands, then at Jian Bao.

"Welcome, Sir," Greeted by the foreign butler.

"Thank You" Xun Wei nodded to the butler and lead Huang Jin and Jian Bao inside the Villa.

Then the butler started introducing what's inside the three-story villa has seven bedrooms, four on the second floor.

Two on the third floor, two on the first floor. Three bathrooms, a large living room with a fireplace, a large kitchen with all appliances, and a dining room for ten people or so.

Upstairs there is also a useful study and two terraces where you can enjoy views of the river and the views of the land.

There is also a garage for cars.

Less than one hundred meters from the villa, there is a large well-stocked supermarket if they need to buy ingredients and supplies.

Huang Jin asked the butler what's on the other villa and the greenhouse. The butler told them it was a two-story villa, and the greenhouse contains vegetables and fruits that can be consumed by the guests of the villa.

Because the villa was very secluded and far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the environment was quiet. Only sometimes they can hear the sounds of the animals and river flowing.

The Butler told them that they arrange a banquet for dinner, and they can start eating.

The bodyguards and the family of three went to the dining room. The table was full of chafing dish, containing a variety of food from Chinese and French dishes. From fish and meat and chicken. Fruits and vegetables.

Xun Wei thanked the butler and invited him to take part in the dinner and signaled one of his bodyguards to tell them that they can eat and take the rest of the day off.

The butler smiled and thank Xun Wei and started letting the employees served the food.

Xun Wei led Jian Bao and Huang Jin on the table near the window and told them to sit down.

Three of the bodyguards brought plates of food and drinks and put them on their boss table.

Xun Wei took the plate full of shrimps and served Huang Jin and Jian Bao while Huang Jin took the glass of juice and put it in front of the child.

"Eat plenty, I know that you ate less when we were on the plane." Huang Jin places a plate of seafood and chicken with vegetables in front of Jian Bao.

"Ahjin, eat too.." Xun Wei laughed, seeing Huang Jin's mouth bulging with food like a chipmunk. One adult and one small started eating with gusto. Xun Wei shakes his head with amusement.

The bodyguards put another round of plate of food on their table and resume getting food for themselves. Murmurs, while eating, can be heard in the dining room.