Chapter 39 - Dragon Bloodline

After dinner, the butler made sure that the guests were comfortable staying in the villa then said goodbye afterward. He also said to Xun Wei that if they want to stay in a bigger bed, they can remain in the first room on the first floor.

Xun Weil told the bodyguards to walk the perimeters around the villa before taking the rest of the night off.

Huang Jin went to the first room on the first floor per the suggestion of the butler. The room was simple and designed for comfort — the Alaskan king-sized bed placed in the middle of the room.

When Jian Bao saw the biggest bed, his eyes turned into stars and turned his little head to Huang Jin, asking for permission.

Huang Jin laughed and wanted to nod, but the child already runs towards the bed and jump like crazy. Huang Jin and Xun Wei joined the baby from playing.

The giggles and laughter traveled to the four corners of the room, lasting until the middle of the night.

After playing for hours, the room turned quiet after a while, seeing little Ahbao tired. Huang Jin took him to take a warm bath before changing into a set of pajamas, while Xun Wei arranges the messy bed.

Xun Wei can hear splashes of water and laughter in the bathroom. Then after a while, he saw a fresh Huang Jin carried a clean Jian Bao in his arms with a towel around him.

Huang Jin then took the pajamas and dressed the child, and then Xun Wei also took a bath.

Two adults and a child laid down the big bed, and the child soon fell asleep as soon as his little head hit the pillow. Jian Bao moved slightly in his sleep, smiled, and rubbed his forehead against the pillow.

Xun Wei's arms snaked around Huang Jin's waist and held him tight. He kissed Huang Jin's neck and cheeks.

Huang Jin laughed and kissed back Xun Wei. It was much easier to sleep with Xun Wei's protective arm around his waist. After a while, sleep claimed him eventually, then Xun Wei followed next. Their night was quiet and calmed.

But on the other side of the earth in a particular island and the quiet sleeping animals awaken from a specific cry.

The environment soon turned noisy from the calls of the animals.

Deep inside the Island inside the ravine, a crack was visible.

A dusty and dirty round object started wriggling and moving.

Then a sound of breaking was heard; a tiny head emerged from the broken object.

And a small cry was heard.

The sleeping dragon inside Huang Jin's dimension woked up from his slumber and heard the faint cry, his slit pupils contracted and glowed purple. His whole body changed shape and morphed into a human form with a 185-centimeter slender figure with long violet hair reaching his waist. And has phoenix purple eyes wearing a traditional black dragon robe.

Zijing blinked and was outside Huang Jin's dimension in a second.

Xun Wei felt another aura inside the room and opened his eyes.

He saw a man wearing an ancient robe, and his eyes turned dark.

"Who are you?" Xun Wei didn't sense any malice or danger from the man, but he felt something powerful from the man just standing there.

"It's me, Zijing. I felt a newborn baby from afar, so I woked up. We need to go there right now." The dragon turned human levitated Xun Wei from the bed and conjured another body identical to his.

Xun Wei wasn't able to react long enough to talk as the dragon grab his shoulder and blink to the Island.

Two figures appeared on top of the middle of the Island. One man wearing Dragon robe and the other wearing pajamas.

The Island was unexplored and uninhabited, but they can see all kinds of animals roaming the Island and insects flying around from a sized of a coin to a fist-sized.

Xun Wei can see tall grass surrounding the Island itself.

Trees as tall as 30 meters to 40 meters, and with it's an open and tropical environment, It's not cold so many animals can survive without experiencing winter.

Some parts of the Island covered with layers of fog so thick that they are not visible for the naked eye. Even above the Island, Xun Wei can smell the fresh air proving that no human and no pollution present in the small Island.

The two can hear the screams of the animals on the Island, especially when they came near the deepest part of the forest. They blink again and arrive at a crack gorge, a narrow valley between hills and mountains with a flowing river.

They saw the ravine, and the dragon immediately came down when he heard a faint cry coming from the crack of the gorge.

Zijin can smell the baby inside, but because the crack was not large enough for his hand to go through without thinking, he broke through the crack until his hand can go inside.

He saw the round object, which was an egg, a thousand-year-old egg.

The baby was a dragon who broke through his eggshell.

Zijing immediately destroyed the crack large enough for the egg to pass.

Zijing took the baby dragon with its eggshell in the palm of his hands.

The baby dragon was crying without hesitation, and he bit one his fingers until blood was dripping. The baby dragon smelling the blood of its race, instantly calm down.

He gave the drop of blood, which was the pure essence of his cultivation for 10,000 years.

The drop of blood contains a thousand years of his spirit.

"Xun Wei, I need a drop of your blood for my blood to activate.

Because we are in a contract and I have higher cultivation than you.

If your cultivation was the same as those days then I don't need to give my blood to the baby dragon, your blood will be enough."

Xun Wei cut his finger and drop blood on the baby dragon.

The blood of Zijing and his blood, combined and turned into tattoo marked on the forehead of the baby dragon.

He felt a faint connection to the baby dragon.

After a while, the baby dragon closed its eyes and fell asleep.

When the Island slowly quiet down, Zijing also felt a secure connection to the little dragon.

He, who was silent, opened his mouth:

"Xun Wei, I will be frank with you. You may not know this now, but after accumulating enough cultivation and inheriting your memories from the cave.

We had an agreement. I'm very grateful that you gave me your blood even without asking any questions. I won't cheat you because I know how important trust is.

You will know this after acquiring those memories.

I agreed to you because your blood is 100 percent in sync with my blood.

Yes, part of your blood came from the dragons. But its already diluted that only the strongest and higher cultivation can sense it."

Xun Wei was too overwhelmed by the words spouted from the mouth of Zijing.

He wanted to ask if he had the blood does it means either his mom or dad also has the blood of the dragon?

"No, I know what you are thinking. Your parents and the three generations of your family doesn't have this, and it only came alive and appeared when you made a sexual connection with your lover.

Yes, Huang Jin also has part of the dragon's blood that came from his mother.

Her mother was pureblood like me.

But because she gave birth to Huang Jin, a large part of her essence transferred to Huang Jin.

And because a female dragon dies and acquires diseases after giving birth.

That's why our race from the start doomed to go extinct.

After you made contact with Huang Jin, his blood began merging with yours.

That's why the thin dragon blood in your veins will start to thicken every time you will have sex with Huang Jin.

And because he chose you as his partner, you can sense every emotion of your lover.

The dragon blood inside Huang Jin is dormant.

Only a dragon or like you who also has the blood of the dragon and naturally it's compatible because he's your lover as well, and the blood running through his veins that the latent blood will activate." Zijing was observing Xun Wei's reaction from all the information he said.

Xun Wei was shocked by what Zijing told him. It was a huge pill to swallow, knowing someone who was his lover is a dragon, but even it was, and he may choke in, it doesn't matter at all. For Huang Jin, he can accept everything.

Zijin also said to him that Huang Jin that even if his mother is a pureblood but because of her partner was a pure human being, Huang Jin won't change and won't morph into a dragon-like him.

"Then when Huang Jin died that day, you told me that a male dragon and a female dragon has the same life span, even if they hurt and loose to much blood they will survive because it's their instinct to strive hard to live.

Then why did Huang Jin died that day?

What was the cause if not him tortured?" Xun, Wei rapidly asked Zijing, and he was confused and angry.

"Because of you," Zijing told him bluntly without emotion as if it was just a normal conversation.

"What? Say that again?"

"It's because of you Huang Jin died," The dragon told him coldly.

Xun Wei stumbled, and his leg turns into jelly.

His face lost all colors and turned pale with eyes so dull; he seemed almost lifeless.

It was a great shock to his system, and there was turmoil in his pale crimson eyes.

His shoulder shook his eyes turned red, all the pain that Huang Jin felt and suffered, and the way his lover lose hope in seeing him again made a brutal realization one that left him devastated but also guiltier than ever.

Zijing patted his shoulder gently and continued to add more guilt.

"He died from heartache. After you had sex with Huang Jin, his blood form a connection with yours. It was a form of ancient ritual sealing your bond with him.

Part of him felt the connection, but after his stepbrother did something that made him doubt you being alive. His stepbrother told him that you died, that connection died after he felt the thin thread cut.

Because you died for 100 days, your connection to Huang Jin was cut and became dormant. I met you when you were in dormancy after I smelled your blood.

But Huang Jin did not last long after you decided to go to him, because after waiting for many days and suffering from the tortures.

In his mind, you died already. That's why he chose not to hold on anymore.

Even if I wanted to bring him here, he wouldn't feel you, because you were just a piece of brain that remained after all the zombies ate you. Your entire body was equivalent to a level ten zombie core.

That's why a few days later, almost all the zombies near the base were you died leveled up so fast that the station didn't have a choice but to abandon the based itself and flee to another station to survive.

It's not entirely your fault that Huang Jin committed to ending his life. We dragons when we found someone that can be a potential partner, especially that can make our hearts beat for that person only." He added and decided not to torture Xun Wei anymore and pity him.

But what Zijing didn't say to Xun Wei is that it was only possible to send back Huang Jin. And be reborn if the one who made the ritual also has the blood of the dragon, and the accessory is a pure-blood like Zijing because part of his power is to let someone bring back the soul back and reborn and merge him in the same timeline.