Chapter 42 - Sex, Lust and Deep Love

Huang Jin gasped, his hands moved towards Xun Wei's head. Both his hand pulled his hair hard. His head turned from left to right, and his body arched with pleasure.

Xun Wei didn't mind the pain, and he continued eating and licking Huang Jin. The taste from his lover burned inside his mouth.

Lick after lick, Xun Wei can't get enough of the taste.

His mouth traveled and turned to his butt spreading Huang Jin's cheeks and seeing the treasure his seeking. His eyes stayed there watching them contracting and twitching and like looking for something.

And that something was Xun Wei's fingers.

He pulled Huang Jin's thighs apart a little more and settled in between them, deciding to stay longer and eat his fill.

His face level with Huang Jin's butt and kissed each cheek.

Xun Wei looked up and saw Huang Jin's flushed cheeks and saliva in the corner of his mouth, gasping and moaning like a wanton lover.

His red lips were red already from trying to suppress his voice, blood trickled, and his tongue swiped it off.

" Don't suppress your voice, baby. This room soundproofed from the noise."

Hearing those words from Xun Wei, Huang Jin's body began to feel comfortable.

His moans and gasped became louder and full of sex.

"That's it baby, feel every bit of what I'm going to do to you and just enjoy it."

"Yes," Already liking the feeling of hot breath on his butt cheeks. The way Xun Wei makes love to his body like a string of a guitar, and he's the musician plucking his strings.

Xun Wei started kissing and licking with his tongue and tracing his cheeks along with the treasured hole.

His tongue darted on the edge of the hole then slide inside it. He heard Huang Jin moaned again.

Xun Wei restraint himself and slowly lick and twist his tongue around the opening and letting his saliva cover Huang Jin's pink hole. Then he pushed his hungry mouth and tongue inside Huang Jin's.

Huang Jin's taste fresh and sweet like mint, eagerly lick and eat him. He wanted more, so he inserted his finger inside and pushed his tongue.

Huang Jin moaned again. This time it was so loud that if the room not soundproofed enough, everyone will hear them having sex.

"Ahwei, it feels good. Do that again."

His face red and blushed dotted his cheeks, his eyes were misty and full of lust.

Hearing Huang Jin's words, he worked hard to let him feel amazing.

The tongue wriggled inside his hole, and saliva was dripping.

Licked around his hole again and pushed his fingers inside and pulling back.

Huang Jin tried to push down and let Xun Wei's tongue and finger stay inside him.

Xun Wei so turned on from Huang Jin's action he bit one of his cheeks and licked it.

Huang Jin moaned from the pain, but it added more to the lust he's feeling. He moved his hand to his stick and tried to stroke it.

Xun Wei stops his hand and moves his mouth to Huang Jin stick and ate it like a Lolipop.

Up and down and lick and swallow it slowly, while his fingers were sliding back and forth inside Huang Jin's hole.

"Ahjin baby, get up with your hands and knees, please." His hunger for Huang Jin made his mouth dry.

Huang Jin nodded and got up, leaned down with his elbow on the bed, his head down, and his back arched and his ass up and made Xun Wei's manhood hard and thick with lust.

Huang Jin's sexy back and ass presented in front of him made him want to stick his dick inside but stopped himself.

He doesn't want to hurt Huang Jin even it comes to sex. From the dimensional space, he took the lube stock inside the warehouse and placed it beside Huang Jin's body.

Xun Wei opened the sealed lube and squirted it in the palm of his hand and parted Huang Jin's ass and put the lube and a finger inserted inside then another until all three fingers were inside.

Huang Jin's lust-filled moaned traveled on the four corners of the room. His body became weak, and his breath became fast.

"Ahwei, please... please... I can't take it anymore." Huang Jin pleaded, his voice sexy and loud.

Xun Wei slowly slid his finger in and out and tease his lover.

Huang Jin wriggled his ass and begged.

Seeing Huang Jin's hole ready, he poured lube enough in his swollen cock and push forward his hips until his stick was right in the center of Huang Jin's hole.

Slowly he thrust forward and his when his manhood felt Huang Jin's hole wrapping around him, he hisses through his teeth.

Huang Jin hiss, but from a different reason, he felt pain, but it quickly disappeared.

He heard Xun Wei moaned, and his ears turned red from the sound. It was sexy and rugged at the same time, filled with lust and hunger.

His body felt hot and thrust back his hips and felt Xun Wei's stick deep inside him, so warm and hard.

He moaned from the feeling.

Xun Wei pushed his stick inside and withdrew slowly. The tight and hot wall that surrounded his manhood made his hips move faster.

"Ahwei, more... I want more faster, please."

"Your so hot baby, so hot I want to eat you whole." Xun Wei said with a voice full of lust and sex.

Xun Wei pushed hard, and something inside Huang Jin made his body boneless.

"Do that again."

Xun Wei slid again and hit the spot inside Huang Jin, and he moaned loudly. Tears slowly appeared in the corner of his eyes.

" Do you like that baby, do you like my stick in your ass? Does it feel good?"

The pleasure made Huang Jin crazy and arched his body more.

Huang Jin moaned again as he felt Xun Wei's hands hold on his hips hard and piston inside him.

He grabbed both with his hand the sheets and leaned to the bed more. Huang Jin tried to breathe hard with all the feelings that Xun Wei flooded inside his body.

"Yes, oh, yes. I like it. Love it." Huang Jin's mind was already blank from too many stimulations.

"You can only be mine, and no other do you hear me, Ahjin. Only mine."

"Yes, just yours, only yours."

Xun Wei plowed deeper and faster inside Huang Jin while holding his stick and stroking it.

Listening to the moans from Huang Jin, his cock thickened more.

Huang Jin felt he was about to come and wanted to tell Xun Wei, but Xun Wei pulled him in a sitting position.

His back against Xun Wei while riding his manhood.

Xun Wei carried all of Huang Jin's weight and started moving him up and down, grunting with force. Riding Xun Wei likes a cowboy in heat.

Huang Jin felt wonderful, feeling the fullness in his stomach. He moaned and panted. He cried Xun Wei's name, again and again.

Xun Wei slid into him hard and hit the spot inside of him, and then he came hard. Cum started shooting everywhere, and in his body, some went to his face and chest. He felt his body come apart and felt his power inside quiet down. His vision flooded with different shades of colors.

Xun Wei pushed hard one last time before coming inside him, and his cum exploded deep inside Huang Jin's ass. Feeling so many emotions and stimulations made his heart beat faster.

Huang Jin collapse into Xun Wei arms, holding him tight. His hot breath wafting to his ears that made is ass twitched. Feeling Huang Jin's ass move. He moaned and said to Ahjin: " Don't move, or I will eat you again."

Huang Jin wriggled and felt Xun Wei's stick still hard and started to move up and down again. He felt hot like lava. He rode Xun Wei hard and arched his back full of seduction.

His arms slithered to his back and Xun Wei's neck.

Xun Wei's tongue licked Huang Jin's neck and felt his teeth ached and itch, and without thinking, he bit hard.

Blood started trickling, and he licked. The wound started healing from the saliva, and Xun Wei gnawed on Huang Jin's neck again.

The air of the bedroom smelled of sex and blood, and the moaned and panting continued inside the room.

"Ahjin.. you make me want to eat you more." Xun Wei moved with Huang Jin's actions.

The lovemaking continued until late in the morning. Huang Jin and Xun Wei had sex twice in the bedroom and once inside the bathroom.

After the sex, Xun Wei filled the tub full of water from the dimensional space, floated some lilies on it. He slid in first before pulling Huang Jin in his arms, settling him inside. With Huang Jin's back on his.

And they stayed that way for what seemed a very long time.

Neither of them talks and just stayed silent.

Huang Jin then turned around and put both his arms around Xun Wei's neck. He hugged him hard and kissed him, and with whisper told Xun Wei: " Thank you.. thank you..."

He didn't need to say and explained anymore because he knows that Xun Wei understood him.

He was thanking him for changing his life and giving hope after all the things that made him lose hope enough to kill himself.

There was the moment that he wanted to rest forever, but his soul wanted to struggle to survive.

And because of his rebirth, he will make sure to live the life he wanted with Xun Wei and his family. He won't let anyone hurt him and create chaos in his life.

All the pain lessened and heal every time Xun Wei is with him. Adding Ahbao to the family, a smile blossomed in his face.

He turned around and leaned again to Xun Wei's chest, feeling his solid arms and hugging him tight from behind.

Xun Wei felt Huang Jin's emotions. He was overwhelmed by the love and care that flooded his system coming from Huang Jin.

His eyes turned red, and a tear rolled down his eyes.

He hugged his lover tight, and he slowed down his breathing.

He wanted to laugh, the bitter taste of frustrations bubbles inside him threaten to burst out like a volcano. Huang Jin told him before that he tried protecting Huang Jin and shield him from all the heartaches and betrayal in his last life.

But he knows deep in his bones, that he lost it and will forever feel the failure of not protecting Huang Jin.

He wanted to laugh from the foolishness of his past self, but he promised Huang Jin that in this life, he would never fail Huang Jin.

Today, tomorrow and until the apocalypse comes, an oath that forever he will keep.

Xun Wei dried Huang Jin off with the towels inside the dimensional space of Huang Jin and changed him into a comfortable pair of pajamas and carried him in his arms to the bedroom and laying Huang Jin down carefully without disturbing Ahbao's sleep.

Xun Wei joined him in bed and spooned Huang Jin from behind. He fell asleep breathing in Huang Jin's scent and felt calm and happy.

Huang Jin followed next while holding Ahbao in his arms and burrowing deeper in Xun Wei's arms.

The light from the sun was coming from the window. And pass through the curtain and scattered on the bed.

The figure in the bed moved after feeling the heat and light that made sleep difficult to resume.

The blanket moved, and a little hand withdrew from the heat, then it started moving and was stopped by a beautiful hand.

The man with the beautiful hand patted it gently as if trying to coax the owner of the hand to sleep more.

A giggle and laughter suddenly erupted, and the hand moved again.

A sighed came from the other side of the beautiful man, and a steady and robust hand pulled the little hand and kissed it with love.

The little hand wriggled, and the tiny body moves inside the blanket. Slowly the laughter quiets down, and the beautiful and strong-arm hold hands.

The bedroom where the three hands slept filled with the sound of the rustling of the trees and birds were singing outside the windows,