Chapter 43 - Funeral

It was late in the morning when Huang Jin awoke when he remembered what occurred last night his cheeks became red and he bit his lips. Closing his eyes, every detail of what he did with Xun Wei was clear that he felt parched.

Picking up the pillow and hugging it, he closed his eyes and breathed deeply, appreciating the scent of Xun Wei's smell.

Huang Jin heard a door opened and closed, and he knew it was Xun Wei from the way he walked and presence.

Xun Wei paused at the door to their bedroom, a tray of breakfast in his hands, and pushed the door open.

He places the tray on the nightstand. Xun Wei sat down on the edge of the bed, rested his chin on his palm and elbow on his legs.

Xun Wei watches the person on top of the bed with a pillow in his face. His lips twitched, he seriously wanted to laugh but held himself.

Xun Wei knows what Huang Jin was thinking without reading his mind. The way he acts like this made him very cute. He wanted to remove the pillow from Huang Jin's face, so that's what he did.

Huang Jin's hold of the pillow tightened after feeling someone's stare. Then a hand grasped the pillow hard and tried to remove it from his face. He struggles hard, and a laugh bubbled up and escaped from his lips.

When the hand took the pillow successfully, Huang Jin's face was red. He heard the husky laugh coming from Xun Wei that made his stomach flutter.

"Don't laugh at me!" Huang Jin glared at Xun Wei.

Xun Wei gave a surprised laugh from Huang Jin's glower.

"I'm sorry, baby, you're glare was cute, that's why I laugh." Xun Wei touches the side of Huang Jin's eyes and pokes it softly.

Huang Jin glanced up at Xun Wei's laugh and watched him intently.

Xun Wei smiled while asking, "What?" when he sees Huang Jin watching him.

"I love you," Huang Jin said then raised his face and kissed Xun Wei softly, he groaned in response. Lingering a kiss for just a moment then rolled away from him and then stood up.

Xun Wei chuckled softly as Huang Jin rolled in the bed away from him. The saw him stretching his beautiful body, and his mouth went dry from the visual feast. "I know," his voice was hoarse but warm and gentle.

"Let's eat breakfast first, then take a bath, then accompany Ahbao to send her sister to his mother. Since waking up, Ahbao's mood became more delicate. I feel sad for the child, but we need to let him realize that we're still here." Xun Wei explained while bringing the tray to the only living area inside the bedroom, he sat down on the couch and stretched his legs in front of him. Seeing Huang Jin sitting down, he hands over the glass of milk on the table.

Watching his lover drinking the milk, he took the bowl of congee and gave it to Huang Jin. And pick a dumpling and put it on top of the bowl.

"Ahbao's good, he's very considerate and doesn't want us to worry. He grew up after his mother died, and only his sister took care of him. His dad, I don't want to discuss that kind of person; it only makes my blood boil. He's very independent, and when his sister works, he doesn't complain. He's a responsible child and knows not to disturb his sister when working."

Huang Jin put the milk on the table and ate the congee and continue saying: "I'm proud but at the same time very sad because he's supposed to play and be a child of his age. But Ahbao was forced to grow up and be an adult. Even crying he's suppressing it, did you see when we were in the temple yesterday?" Huang Jin asked to Xun Wei while nibbling on the dumpling, and a sad smile appeared on his beautiful face.

"Yes, I noticed, when we were behind. I know Ahbao was holding back. The only thing we can do is be with him all the time and let him feel that we won't leave him. Especially in these coming years, after the apocalypse. The environment will not be conducive for a child to grow up." Xun Wei took another piece of dumpling and placed it in Huang Jin's mouth.

While chewing, "We will be okay when that time comes, right?. I don't know what will happen after doing all the preparations for it. I'm afraid that there will be a difference because of my Rebirth." Huang Jin's brows drew together as he glanced up at Xun Wei.

Seeing Huang Jin worried, he told him, "I'm here why be worried? Even if there are any changes. You don't have to think about them, because I'll always be by your side. I won't let anything happen to you, and we have the advantages. We have dimensional space, and our overall physical is very strong. We upgraded to a level that an ordinary and level two zombies will not affect as at all."

"You are strong Ahjin, you experience the apocalypse and come back. Live and survive. That's the most important thing. And I'll make sure it will be smooth, from the pain and all." Xun Wei softly chuckled as he took the chopstick and put it down and pulled Huang Jin closer, his hand gently caressing his back. He leaned down and kissed him on the lips and forehead, and they were warm and firm that felt reassuring.

Huang Jin took a deep breath, and a long sigh escaped his lips. He embraces Xun Wei back tightly.

Huang Jin was trying to dispel all the worries and be more positive.

"Thank you for always being here with me, and I'm happy that we have met early." His breath was wafting to Xun Wei's ears that made him hot.

Suddenly Xun Wei's arms retreated and told Huang Jin, "You go and take a bath, or I won't be able to stop myself and take you right here. You talking like that to my ears make me want to eat you, and then we will be late for the cemetery." Xun Wei, with his solemn gaze at Huang Jin.

Huang Jin face turned red and flushed crawl up his neck, across his face. He drank the glass of water on the table and stood up and run straight to the bathroom and closes the door hard.

Xun Wei's laughter traveled to the from the bathroom. Huang Jin's eyes turned into slit, his blue eyes beaming with delight. He can only shake his head and take a bath.

After an hour the couple went down, seeing all the members of the family present they smiled. Huang Jin's eyes went straight to Jian Bao, who was sitting on the couch with his black suit and the urn in his lap. His head bowed the atmosphere around him, sad.

Huang Jin walked in three steps and was in front of the couch and put his hands on the child's head and said, "Ahbao, are you ready?"

Jian Bao's head turned, hearing Huang Jin's voice, his gaze searching his face. Seeing the big brother's eyes were bright, the child's breathe in relief.

"I'm ready," Ahbao said. Huang Jin nodded and bent down and took Ahbao into his arms.

The child's arms wrapped around Huang Jin's neck and his little head on Huang Jin's shoulder.

Xun Wei step forward and his arms around Huang Jin's waist and walk beside him.

Huang Jun was standing on the entrance of the door, and Hao Wen beside him ordered the butler to make sure the banquet is ready after coming back from the cemetery.

Grandpa Zhou, with his crutch, walks with Xun Wen.

Mother Xun and Father Xun followed behind.

The Bodyguards were bringing white roses in flower stands.

The entire ride they were silent, took less than an hour to arrive at the cemetery.

Arriving at the temple, Huang Jin put down Jian Bao.

Jian Bao walk in front of the altar and place the urn full of his sister's ashes carefully.

Xun Wei and Huang Jin place each a white rose on the flower vase.

Each family member of the Xun and Huang's place roses on the altar as well.

Father Xun also signals the bodyguards to place the stands of flowers beside the altar.

After putting down the roses, each of them stepped back and waited for Ahbao.

Ahbao, like yesterday stood alone in front of the altar. His face blanks, and his little hand was holding a bunch of white roses. He took a step, little by little, until he was face to face with his mother and sister's picture and urns.

His little hands set the flowers in between his mom and sister's urn. His eyes were turning red, and tears started falling from his face.

Everyone was silent, only their breathing, and the child's weeping is heard.

The funeral lasted for an hour, and then they went home immediately.

On the way to the villa, in the car, Jian Bao was sitting in between Huang Jin and Xun Wei. He was holding both their hands with his little hands.

He was staring straight ahead, the couple feeling the child's mood stayed silent the whole journey.

The banquet was simple and arranged in the living room. The food served as late lunch to the family and because they were hungry. They started eating with gusto; even the child's plate was full of meat and seafood. His chopsticks busy picking food and putting them inside his little mouth.

Huang Jin was busy placing shrimps and chicken to Xun Wei's plate and Ahbao. From time to time, he also delivers food to his father and Xun Wei's parents and Grandpa Zhou.

Even if they are grieving for the loss of a loved one, life will continue.

Another day will come tomorrow, things may change, but they need to live.

Grieving may alleviate the pain but, only when you want to continue with your life. That's when the hurt and pain will heal.

It will make them vulnerable and sad at first, but gradually it will make them strong.

The rest of the day, the couple and parents made sure that the child will feel all their love and care. After eating, they rested for a while, then Huang Jin and Xun Wei took Ahbao to their room.

The couple and a child changed their clothes and went to bed and sleep.

Huang Jin pulled Ahbao inside his arm and spoon him from the back.

Xun Wei places his arm's under Huang Jin's head, and his other arm on his waist.

Then they slept with a smile on their lips.

Huang Jin was standing in a garden full of flowers; he can smell each scent that made his nerves relaxed. The place was dark, but only the garden and a chair were the only illuminated for some reason.

His eyes traveled from the garden, and to the chair, his eyes turned misty suddenly. A hazy figure gradually appeared on the chair.

The only clear thing was a pair of sad and painful blue eyes and a mouth on the figure's face. It was swaying with the wind that was blowing on the garden.

All of a sudden, the dark place turned into a bright and blue sky, clouds scatters, and floating everywhere. The stars and sun were visible at the same time. Tall and green mountains and clean flowing rivers materialized. Huang Jin can hear the chirped of the birds on the trees, the buzzed of the bees around the garden.

The whole place was like seeing a new world coming into life, different animals and creatures pop out of nowhere.

Creatures like Dragons and Giants walking, horses with wings flying in the sky. An ancient temple suddenly broke through the clusters of clouds.

Huang Jin, still with red eyes, was amazed and marveled from all the things he's seeing in front of him.

Then a wind blew, his attention turned suddenly to the figure on the only furniture that was in the garden.

The shadowy figure suddenly opened its mouth, "Little Ahjin."