Good News OR Maybe Bad News!!!

The beating of her chest could be seen through her clothe.

Her breathing was becoming hard, she was suffocating. She moved back slowly until she was at the door, she left the room with her hand clutching her chest. Her heart palpitated.

The sun was slowly rising almost as if it was coming out from the Empress's chamber. The Empress owned the Eastern wing of the palace.

Peizhi ran out of the Eastern palace to the Northern palace which was shared by two consorts. She touched her forehead that was sweating, her hand shaking badly. She reached the Northern palace and saw the maids cleaning. It was like the day here has already broke. She had to report to Consort Shan.

Consort Shan who was sitting and sipping a cup of tea in the garden alongside Consort Liqiu, sat upright, her poise was always straight because she grew up in the palace and had learnt a lot of manner from the palace maids. Consort Shan lifted her cup to her lips when she saw from the corner of her eye Peizhi running towards her but was stopped by her own head maid. Peizhi whispered something and Maid Hong came up to her and whispered in her ear. She nodded in approval.

Consort Liqiu eyes travelled in-between the three, she dropped her cup of tea and picked up her embroidery. 'This girl is the Empress's maid... How come she is here?'

Peizhi who had her head bowed walked up to the second Consort, Consort Shan and whispered into her ear. Her eyes changed immediately as she turned the cup of tea in her hand and it spilled all over her Qipao[Chinese traditional clothing for women].

Her physiognomy turned livid but changed instantly. "Good news then..." She paused and looked at Peizhi before signalling her to leave.

Consort Liqiu who pretended not to have seen anything suddenly looked back and watched Peizhi's disappearing figure.


At the Emperor's palace...

Wu Ju-Long: The youngest Emperor in the Ming kingdom, Who's name means "As powerful as dragon" depicts that very impact as he has conquered many battles and brought home the victory. He is the lion in the jungle! The eagle in the sky! He lived a carefree life until he was forced to marry Xiuying. The beauty of the Ming kingdom. A scholar she is, even if she is a woman!

He believes in love before marriage and not marriage before love!

The eunuch ran to the Emperor and passed him a scroll with his shaky hands. He watched as the Emperor put the scroll down in another part of the table. He wanted to say something but words failed him.

The day brightened up in the matter of minutes as the Imperial court chiefs marched in group into the court.

The elegant nobleman sat gracefully on his throne, with his blank expression. His beautiful black pupil was as bright as the star.

On his head was his golden crown, with ruby stones beautifying it.

The Emperor who has six extra brothers separated them into two parts.

On the left side was Wu Pengfei(second brother), Wu Renshu(third brother) and Wu Mengyao(fourth brother) alongside the left prime minister Tai Fuyan.

On the right side was Wu Shanyuan(fifth brother), Wu Jianguo(six brother) and Wu Wencheng(seventh brother) alongside the right prime minister Qing Bohai.

"HIS ROYAL MAJESTY!!!" The whole court greeted.

He nodded at their greetings and brought his eyes down onto the scroll which the eunuch had given to him earlier.

He pulled the scroll open slowly and the first statement appeared in bold letters. "FROM THE EASTERN PALACE." His brows furrowed slightly as he read the letter which had no exaggeration added to it to himself. "The Empress woke up in the early morning of the day, but lost consciousness again and is in deep slumber according to the physician. She will be up sooner or later." He wondered who wrote such stupid letter, but in truth he cared less about what happened in the Eastern palace.

"It seems like sister has risen from the dead..." The person who spoke was none other than Wu Pengfei, he turned his head toward the Emperor. "I need to go give my greetings, she needs to know she still have people who care about her in this palace!"

"Second brother," another male voice called out. "Remember to take fruits and dry tea leaves to her! She needs it for proper recovery." Wu Renshu.

The court chiefs watched the Princes in silence as they tried to annoy the Emperor and felt their palms sweat.

It wasn't a new thing to say the second, third and fourth Emperor's brothers hated his reign.

Minister Qing Bohai the Empress's father expression remained sullen.

The news all over the kingdom was that the Empress had woken up but went back to remaining unconsciousness once again, who knew how long this would last?

"This great news won't be complete until we confirm it ourselves, but then again we need permission from the Almighty Brother Long to go see her... What can we do, When the Emperor is against the Empress's existence...?" The owner of the voice paused and took a peek at the Right Prime Minister before clearing his throat to continue again. "Even Minister Bohai can't visit his own daughter...I feel really sad and bad at the same time for Xiu... Oh my mistake... Empress Xiuying." The ever so quiet Mengyao spoke up igniting Renshu's plan the more. GAME ON!!!

No one dared to comment on Mengyao's speech.

Mengyao: "Say brother Long... Can I go say my greetings to the Empress? I mean if only you allow it!"

Renshu: "Oi! You don't need permission to go visit the Empress you only need permission if it's Consort Meiwei..." He covered his mouth instantly acting surprised. This time around he directed his statement toward Qing Bohai. "Xiuying is really pitiful." He cast the side of his lips down and looked in-between the Emperor and Minister Bohai.

Pengfei: "I believe we all can go say our greetings to Xiuying due to..."

"Second brother we can only go greet the Empress is the Emperor agrees to it! We all know he put a lot of security to protect her!" Wencheng Interrupted.