Peaceful Sleep

"Second brother we can only go greet the Empress if the Emperor agrees to it! We all know he put a lot of security to protect her!" Wencheng Interrupted.

Pengfei who was interrupted turned sharply towards Wencheng, "No one asked for your irrelevant opinion! Don't you dare interrupt me again!" He glared furiously at Wencheng.

The latter who always had a cool aura remained unfazed, he smiled at his second brother. It was clear to everyone that they were trying to infuriate the Emperor.

It was like a family war between the brothers as they have forgotten everyone else in the room.

Renshu: "Wencheng..."

"The ban hasn't been lifted! No one is allowed to see her!! And that's my final order!!!" The Emperor deep voice echoed in the imperial court.

Emperor Ju-Long, the greatest of all time. Growing up he learnt swordsmanship. His appearance differed from all the other Princes. He was called the BRAVEST SON of Wu Hunglong. Wu Ju-Long the current Emperor of the Ming kingdom, forty years old but has conquered several wars, bringing home the victory. And in his every win he was given a Consort. His first war was at the age of thirty, which he won and was forced into marrying his betrothal Qing Xiuying. The betrothal was set before she was born. Qing Bohai had saved the then Emperor, Wu Hunglong.

He had never met her before the wedding and even after the wedding he didn't treat her like the Empress. Even the commoners could beat their chest with proud and say the Empress was beneath them.

Wu Ju-Long who wanted to marry the woman he admired, adored and loved had no choice but to go ahead with the betrothal.

Qing Xiuying was the first daughter of the Qings. The bright and beautiful scholar was nothing to the Empress.


Back to the present.


The head physician kept checking the Empress's pulse nonstop trying to make sure she was still breathing. The head maid at the same was wiping her sweats with the wet napkin. The three other ladies went to the kitchen to prepare porridge and some other light food for the Empress.

It took hours before the Empress finally woke up again.

Xiaofan lay dazed for some minutes, looking up at the ceiling, 'I'm still here?'

'How come? I already left, how come i'm still here?'

'This dream is becoming real and I'm not ready for it!' While her thinking was running around, everyone in the room inspected her every movement.

Xiaofan felt someone stir beside her and sat up instantly. Her eyes caught the woman sitting at the pillow side staring back at her without blinking, the woman eyes almost out of their socket. She turned and saw other people, all dressed in the same ancient clothing as the woman. Gong Shunfu reached out his hand to feel her temperature but the more he stretched the more she moved backward...

The man in green robe reached out for her forehead, she flinched and moved back instinctively.

She kept moving back until the man got tired and sat back down with his legs folded.

"... hmmmm." The man cleared his throat, "Your Royal Highness, if you could please sit still then do so. I need to check your temperature and also feel your pulse."

Xiaofan opened her mouth to say something but no words were formed, her throat all dried up and hot like the desert sand. She was thirsty but how can she ask these strangers for water? In what land is she in? She must have died but then Almighty gave her a second chance in life all because she couldn't achieve her dreams in previous one probably, but why in the world does it have to be ancient times? Whyyyyy? It could have been in another city, country, continent or even in another world... Why is it here of all places?

She clutched her head, disassembling all the accessories on her hair.

God why?!? She started whimpering, How could she be so unfortunate?

The head maid panicked and rushed forward to pull her hands away from her lady's hair but the instant her hand touched her lady's hand, she flinched at the coldness.

Xiaofan who was lost in her thought felt a hand on hers and screamed, "Ahhhhhh!!! Don't get close to me!!! Don't touch me!!! Mother!!!"

Everyone watched her with worry plastered on their faces. "What is wrong with the Empress?" The head maid asked with panicked voice.

Gong Shunfu who was well known for his adversity in Acupressure which is often called Acupuncture moved in a flash, inserting the needle behind her ear, the soft area just before the point where the neck muscles meet the jawline, putting her into "Anmian" which actually translates to "Peaceful Sleep"

The head maid broke down in tears, her eyes bloodshot as her tears flowed down freely.

The other maids felt sad as well.

"I think we need to wait more! Go get water, she must be thirsty!" The head physician stated.

"Also prepare the bathtub for her! I think today is our lucky day!" Lai Lijuan instructed the maids then turned to Gong Shunfu, "You can take your leave now...I will take over from here!"

The chamber was cleaned up by Peizhi who didn't dare look up at the Empress.

After soaking the Empress in a hot tub for more than thirty minutes, the head maid helped the female physician bring the Empress into her chamber.

The Empress who was in her peaceful sleep didn't know anything that was being done to her.

Dressed only in her inner white robe, they lay her down on her stomach.

"Now pass me the oil!" The nurse told the head maid.

She applied the oil gently onto her palms then started from the Empress's temples, then down to her shoulders. Her movement gentle and slow.

The massage alongside the hot bathe would go a long way for the Empress who hadn't moved a muscle for the past seventy-two hours.

She admired the Empress's delicate and white skin, it was shining more with the oil on her skin and soft like that of a child.

Today will be a great day! The blazing sun brought with it a touch of greatness and an undeniable brightness.