Mother Xiaofan {I}

In a building very far from the city, far from the hungry eyes of humans a man sat on a king sized couch with newspaper in his hand.

He was reading but his mind has wandered away like a lost soul.




The sound of footsteps came from behind.

Jin Yunshen was doing his cuffs button when he came out, his expensive handmade suit was firmly pressed against his well sculpted body.

His hair well-laid back, he used to get prixie cuts but then allowed the hair to grow more.

"Is the car ready?" He asked the chauffeur.

"Yes sir!"

He didn't spare his father a single look as he walked to the door.

"Yunshen?" A feminine voice called out to him.

"Won't you have your breakfast?" The woman had just come out from the kitchen as sweat was trickling down from her scalp.

Yunshen who stood rooted at the door suddenly turned and glared at the woman furiously.

He left without answering her.

"Let him be! Stop trying to make him speak to you when you don't want his happiness!"

The woman stared at her husband, "Will you be quiet? What do you mean I don't want my son's happiness? What do you know? Do you know how sad I'm that my own son isn't talking to me?No you don't know and do not want to believe me! I want my son's happiness more than he himself does!"

The man slapped the newspaper shut and stood up, he gave her a grave look and went upstairs.

The woman whose thoughts was muddled took off the apron and threw it at the table. She had gotten up early to prepare him breakfast but he doesn't even want to look at her with a smile.

Yunshen sat in the chestnut colored Bentley and the chauffeur shut the door.

The Bentley sped along the empty road into the bustling road.

Many eyes turned to it, many wishing they could own such but it was only one family that owned that colour. The great Jin family. It was a family of three but their wealth could buy the world.

They arrived at the hospital parking lot and used the elevator, three young men behind him carrying a basket of fruit each.

He had his hands in his trouser's pocket, his posture poise and his eyes direct.

Ding! The elevator beeped announcing their arrival at the VIP ward.

The corridor of the VIP wards didn't have the scent of disinfectant but that of blooming flowers.

The scent was refreshing and brought peace of mind to the patients.

Yushen strode into a ward where a woman lay on the bed, her eyes at the ceiling.

She didn't blink nor speak. She had been this way for a long time now.

The guards dropped the baskets and went to stand outside.

"Mother Xiao?"

No answer as the woman who had just been spoken to continued looking up.

"Mother Xiao..."

The woman must have heard it this time as she turned toward the source of the voice calling her.

She was looking at him but her eyes were distant, she was looking at him but her mind wasn't here!

Yushen felt a dull pain in his heart. "Mother Xiao?"

"Yu... Yushen." Her mind was now fully concentrated on her surroundings.

"How are you doing?"


"Yes, it's me!"

"Where's Xiaofan?" The woman looked behind him as if he was hiding something from her, "Where's she? Did you come along with her?"

The pain he felt intensified, "I didn't come along with her..."

"Hasn't she been found? You said you'd find her... it's been days, no no it's been weeks maybe months... Yet you haven't found her? You are not capable of anything! You're useless! Where's Yating? Go ask her where my child is... go! She knows where my daughter is! Yes she does know! Are you scared of her? You are Yushen, you can't be scared of her, right? Also she is your mother go find out where she kept my babygirl..." The woman's eyes were wide but tears was streaming down her face.

Yushen stood rooted on the same spot.

The woman continued blabbering.

"My child didn't die! She isn't dead yet! Find her... Find her... She isn't dead! My baby girl, she is just a little child... I knew that getting close to you was deadly, I wanted to warn her but you had captured her heart already! Now your mother is against my little angel, what could she have possibly done wrong for your mother to take her away? I will sue her... Yes! Sue! I will sue her for sure!"

"Mother I'm trying my best to find her! I..."

"Be quiet! You are not trying enough, you're not putting in much effort, you don't even care about her... You're only pretending to help, only pretending! How many people did your mother bribe to make my child disappear?" Mother Xiao cut through his statement.

"Get out! You've the blood of that devil running through you! Get out!" Mother Xiao finally lost her cool.

Her tears pouring nonstop.

"Or maybe you are the one that took her... You hid her away from me! Bring my baby girl to me! Please, please." She slapped her hands together and started pleading.

He inched closer and tried to hold her but the woman moved away instantly. "Do not!" Her voice cold.

She hurried to get down and stand on her feet but her legs wobbled and her knees hit the tiled floor. "Ahhh!" She yelped.

"Mother..." He made a move of helping her up but she slanted her body.

'She must detest me! She hates me more than ever now!'

"Bring my baby to me, maybe then I'd consider forgiving you!" Her eyes were bloodshot. Her eyes direct and unwavering at him.

It's been months now but he hasn't found her, he himself felt useless.

He himself was in pain! His heart ached for her but who can he tell? His mother? Who abducted his woman or his father who only cared about his presidential race? And now, his second mother detests him! He had no one to complain to.

The only woman he loves disappeared into the thin sky.

At the corridor the voice of young girls came through.

His sad expression changed immediately.

"Go away... Get away from here! Get out!!" Mother Xiao yelled.

The girls came in and saw mother Xiao on the floor, "Mother?"

The woman turned to the girls, "Where's Xiaofan? Did she come along with y'all?"

The girls looked at theirselves.