Mother Xiaofan {II}

The girls weren't surprised when they heard her, instead they helped her to her feet, she sat back down on the bed, dazed. She didn't speak a word more.

How can they possibly know the whereabouts of my little girl? Yating must have hid her well. Xiaofan, Xiaofan my baby... Where are you? What are you doing right now? Have you eaten? Did you go for your shooting today? Xiaofan please come back to your mother, please please please my child.

Tears streamed down the woman's face. Her lips were chapped and her eyes bloodshot.

"Young Master Jin, please do come back some other time, mother isn't truly recovered and she might say things to upset you more." Zeng Suyin begged Jin Yunshen.

Jin Yunshen took one last look at the woman then walked out.

"President Yunshen, Yan Gaoxin is in the city." Fu Zhinian, Jin Yunshen's secretary reported.

The news wasn't expected as Jin Yunshen's expression darkened.

"Make sure, he isn't allowed any way near her! Get more guards to watch over her in secret."

"Yes sir."

They entered the elevator and made their way down, what they didn't know was that the so called Yan Gaoxin had gotten to the hospital and was currently making his way to the private ward of Ying Tungmei.


At the ward, Zeng Suyin, Kang Anmei and Tang Xiyan sat together at the couch, looking at the woman who was wiping her face continuously with the duvet.

Zeng Suyin stood up and walked to the fruit basket, brought out some apples and went into the bathroom to watch it. Immediately she went in, the door to the ward opened and a man in black suit walked in. He had about five bodyguards beside him, they were all clad in black as though they were going for a burial.

The moment the door opened, Kang Anmei and Tang Xiyan stood up thinking it was Jin Yunshen but to their surprise it was someone else, he pulled off his shades and smiled at the two girls.

Yan Gaoxin? What is he doing here?

The two girls shared a look and turned back at the man.

What's all these? Tang Xiyan wondered. Did this man lose his way?

Yan Gaoxin smiled at them, flashing them his complete thirty-two. "Do I still need any introduction?" He searched the two girls face, with his signature smile still on his face.

He looked at the woman on the bed and his expression, changed, turning a little bit...

Why is he looking at ma like that? It's so warm and filled with worry.

He strode towards her, but Tang Xiyan blocked him. "Sir, sorry sir but you can't go any closer."

The man's face darkened and one of his guard moved forward and grabbed at her arm, pulling her away with great force. "Don't you know who he is?!" The bodyguard voice boomed.

Kang Anmei straightened in alarm.

Zeng Suyin heard the noise from the ward, at first she thought it was the doctors but with the man's booming tone, she knew there was something wrong. Her instinct told her to remain in there, she pulled out her phone with shaky hands and tried to dial 119 but she changed her mind and dialed Jin Yunshen's secretary number.

Outside, in the ward, the woman was completely lost in her own world that she didn't notice everything going on around her.

Tang Xiyan whose arm was pulled with great force was nursing her hand.

Yan Gaoxin sat beside the woman and sized her up. He took into account all of her movements.

"Ying Tungmei,"

The woman didn't respond.

"Ying Tungmei,"

She still didn't give a reply.

"Ying Tungmei, what has gotten over you?" The man searched her face, then wiped her tears away with his left palm.

Kang Anmei wasn't the one that was touched but she flinched causing the guards to look at her with displeased eyes.

"Tang Xiyan, Kang Anmei, Zeng Suyin..."

Hearing their names come out from the man's mouth sent shivers down their spine.

Zeng Suyin who was in the bathroom nearly dropped the plate to the floor.

The man pointed at the two, "Where's your third? At least, the fourth has disappeared, where's the third?"

Tang Xiyan and Kang Anmei stared at the man in agape. How did he know nameless models like us?

The man was a media conglomerate, but who would have thought that he knew them?

There were doubts in the two girls mind. How does he know us?

Not hearing a reply, the man turned to the two. "Are you both deaf?"

"No... No." The two girls answered.

"No what? I asked you both a question, where's your third?"

"She... She..." Tang Xiyan scratched her head.

"She isn't here..." Kang Anmei answered with some courage.

They didn't know how this man came to know about them or what offence they might have committed but for him to call them with their first and last name got their mind in a frenzy. They were all model and if they did anything to annoy this man then their life as celebrities, public figures, and even models would be washed away from the face of the earth.

As the man watched them, he smiled. "Really?"

Kang Anmei's eyes widened. She was the one who had told the lie, if he found out it was a lie then she didn't want to think about the consequences.

Zeng Suyin decided not to come out as her friends had said she wasn't around, she didn't know who was out there but she could sense the fear in her friends voices so she dared not implicate them.

Tang Xiyan and Kang Anmei tried their best not to look towards the bathroom door. Afraid that the guards or Yan Gaoxin might catch on.

The man then continued to wipe mother Xiaofan's face.

After some times Yan Gaoxin said, "Call in the doctor."

"Yes sir." One of the guards said and walked out.