Mother Xiaofan {III}

The guard walked out to go call the doctor.

The doctor who was In the midst of a surgery was suddenly interrupted, he didn't have a single smile on his face and when he found out who was asking for him his expression worsened. What will Yan Gaoxin be doing in the hospital?

Everybody knew Yan Gaoxin as a thug and wherever he went he went with trouble. The man wasn't friendly in any way and insulted people to their face.

The doctor followed the guard up-to the VIP ward and into Mother Xiaofan's room. Here?

When he came in he was shocked to see Yan Gaoxin sitting on the bed, wiping the woman's face. What in the world is this? Is the world ending today? In the hospital here?

"Yes sir." The doctor was a man in his early fifties. A professional doctor, he didn't break a single sweat seeing the other man's terrifying gaze.

"You are?" Yan Gaoxin asked.

"Senior Doctor Gong Shunfu." He answered.

"Senior? Doctor?" Yan Gaoxin laughed and his minions laughed as well. "Then tell me why this woman in your care hasn't recovered? Are you sure you are the senior doctor here? Or just a clone?" Yan Gaoxin had stopped laughing so as his guards.

These people are a bunch of stupid people. The doctor criticized in his mind.

"I'm sorry sir... I'm trying my best to..."

"You don't need to 'try' your best. Not try, I want you to do your very best. The best you could offer."

He is not related to her and giving such others? This man is truly foolish like they say.

"Sir... President Yunshen of the Imperial Group said..."

"President what? Of what group? I'm the one speaking here!" The guards immediately surrounded the doctor.

"Using your little power on this tiny people shows how much you have and possess." A cool voice rang from the corridor. The man arrived standing at the door with his hands in his pockets. There was this lazy air around him.

Tang Xiyan and Kang Anmei felt themselves breath a sigh of relief. A saviour at sight was better than the one still on his way.

Yan Gaoxin expression turned stoic and almost immediately it turned soft. "Hehe." The minions didn't back him up this time. "Oh, look, look at who we have here. Young Master Jin, what a lovely surprise."

Jin Yunshen smiled. "It's my pleasure to meet the honourable Mr Yan Gaoxin, here today. I will surely tell my fans about this." Yunshen's reply was filled with sarcasm.

Yan Gaoxin stood up from the bed, "You flatter me, Yunshen."

Everyone's eyes widened including his minions. Did he just refer to President with his first and second name? What guts?

Yunshen smiled. This man was obviously trying to challenge him but him replying the same way would put a black paint on his status. He would be stooping too low.

"Yunshen, tell me, why have you come? Wait, don't tell me you have been tracing and following me around?"

The smile on Yunshen's face broadened, "No way, how would I dare? It must be mere coincidence."

Everyone watched these two.

"Don't tell me," Yan Gaoxin said, narrowing his eyes at Tang Xiyan and Kang Anmei. "They informed you."

Kang Anmei sniffed in a hot air. What nonsense? Is he purposely trying to get us in trouble?

Tang Xiyan herself wasn't relaxed but realizing that President Yunshen was around she eyed the man. What guts? He must be targeting us for a crime we know nothing about.

"Hehe, don't tell me Mr Yan that in your presence, these two young ladies took out their phones to call me and you didn't catch on." Yunshen's tone was very insulting.

Yan Gaoxin suddenly lost his calm face. "No, they wouldn't dare."

He turned back to look at the woman on the bed. This woman, how had she become like this?

"Yunshen, I must say that you're really incapable of any thing. How come Ying Xiaofan has been missing for weeks and there's no single lead on her? I must say, this is surprising. Your mother is the prime suspect, don't tell me. You can't possibly ask your mother straight to the face, where your woman is?" He smiled, he was enjoying insulting Yunshen. "I will take my leave then." He left with his minions following behind him.

"Good. Make sure not to return." Yunshen's voice, as light as a feather was heard by Yan Gaoxin. Yes, how could he not hear it, when the young man was talking to him.

His temple popped up in anger. Just you wait and see.

When they left, Zeng Suyin came out of the bathroom carrying the washed apples, her hands were trembling so she couldn't peel them right away. "Thank you."

Yunshen didn't reply and turned to leave.

The doctor left as well. Leaving the three trembling girls to themselves.

Zeng Suyin had heard the name of the person when President Yunshen called him. What does Yan Gaoxin want from us? He even knows our names, this is terrifying. We have never offended him, so how?

Tang Xiyan and Kang Anmei walked up to her, "Are you two OK?" Zeng Suyin asked.

"Yes, yes." The two girls answered. "But," Tang Xiyan started. "He touched mother, he even wiped her tears."

Touched mother? But why?

A lot of questions formed in these three minds, but who could they ask?

But it seemed as if President Yunshen knew something.


When they got to the parking lot, a group of bodily built men surrounded Yunshen, his secretary, driver and guard.

They were none other than the Imperial Guards. They all had a wire connected to their ears. About ten of them. Yunshen surveyed them and nodded. "You can go." Fu Zhinian said to them and they all left, disappearing into the elevator.

Fu Zhinian drove a black car while the driver Tao Tingzu and the guard Qiu Quanbo escorted Yunshen in the chestnut colored Bentley.


The hospital's staffs were shocked seeing the ten bulgy men. Who are they? No one dared walked up to them ask, because not even one of the men were smiling.