He Has Disrespected His Woman

"Alright! Good bye sir! I'll let you know once the autopsy result is out!" The investigator gave a salute to Yunshen. Yunshen said nothing and left.

Just as he was about to get into his car, a microphone was extended to his mouth. "Sir please, help us out. Do you think that was Miss Ying, in the bag?"

Yunshen studied the microphone in front of him for a while before turning to the make newscaster.

The young man thought he would pee in his pants, "Erh...erm, it's alright if you don't want say." He took the microphone away and continued from where he stopped.

Yunshen got into his car, lingered for a while more before driving away.

By the time he got home, the rain was no longer that heavy. With ease under the drizzling ran he entered the big mansion.

"Yunshen, you're back." His mother jumped from her to welcome him. "Why did you allow yourself be beaten so much by the rain? Hunh? You don't plan on killing yourself, do you?"

"Just let him be," Yunshen's father said. "Let him do as he wish," he was tired of her always bugging their son. The boy even stayed away from home because of her but she didn't seem to notice or she was just pretending not to.

She wasn't happy with his statement, "Leave him alone? Why? I'm his mother and i'm worried about him. You are the one that doesn't care, you think by supporting him is the right thing?"

Jin Yunshen ignored him and went to his room.

"Where are you going? Won't you eat anything?" She probed following closely behind. "Yun, Yun?"

He shut the door in her face, her jaws clenched. "Yunshen don't forget I'm your mother, stop treating me like this!"

Yunshen went to take a warm shower, changed into his pajamas and laid down on the bed.

The thought of Xiaofan clouded his mind and brain.


Click, clack. Click, clack. Click, clack.

The sound of a heel clicked against the tiled floor.

Since he had a very sharp ear he was able to hear it.

He was sitting with his hand supporting his jaw in the meeting room.

Suddenly the door was pushed open, "Tada! Surprise, surprise!" The voice made his neck snap backwards!

Ying Xiaofan!

His eyes popped out, she was dressed in a sequin pink dress. It was too tight as it highlighted her little curves. A furry scarf was in wrapped around her neck and a sunshade glass.

"What are you doing‽" He jumped from his chair and went to stand in front of her, the instant the door opened everyone had turned around. So they had seen her creamy and fleshy thigh, no! That was unacceptable!

She then chuckled. "What? You don't like me here?" And she stood on tiptoe trying to kiss him, but he dragged into his office instead.

The employees were wowed by her appearance,

"Secretary Fu, who's that young lady?"

"Is that our president's girlfriend?"

"Yes, I bet she is. Our president is so handsome and deserve someone as beautiful as her,"

"She looks wild, I don't think they fit."

"Y'all better be quiet! Or lose your monthly bonus!" Secretary Fu warned before storming off to his office.

She giggled loudly, "Why is your face like that my love? You don't want me here?" Xiaofan was a very naughty girl, she would always tease him and then make fun of him.

His face was grim, he didn't look too happy. She noted and took a step closer, easily she lifted her leg to curl around his waist and with her index finger, she traced his face. Leaving wherever her finger traced as hot as he couldn't imagine.

She loved playing with fire and was never scared of getting burn. She swayed on her other leg and he held her waist to steady her. "Why did you come?"

"Reasons are, I miss my lover. I miss my lover!"

His lips twitched, "Your lover is it at the office and you're interfering with his work, that isn't right."

"It is, lover is now paying much more attention to work than his woman." And she pouted.

He frowned and pushed her leg down, "I have warned you to stop being so cute. Or you want me to. Devour. You. Here?"

She laughed out so loud it made him smile.

"Go. Ahead. Then."

No, that was something he had been resisting. He had promised to marry her first before laying with her, but Xiaofan was pushing him to the edge. Always teasing and arousing him on purpose then apologize when he grabs her.

"You shouldn't have come to the company dressed like that!" He went round his desk and picked a bag up, he tossed it at her. "Wear that!"

Xiaofan opened the bag to see a very long blazer, she frowned. "Why this?" She inquired. "Don't you know I'm a model? And going around in this short dress would make me earn more money. More people would want to hire me. But no one would take a second look at me the moment I wear this!"

He knew she loved arguing and he was always at a lost, as he never had enough word to refute her. "Just wear it. I will pay you times two of whatever you're to lose." He heard her chuckle. He already knew why, she loves money. And spent it all on food! She would go to expensive restaurants to taste their food and return often if the food was that good. She loved eating but never liked entering the kitchen.

"Ahan?" She stood up from her chair and catwalked towards him. Seductively licking her lips, he swallowed. She straddled him.

Yunshen groaned. "Stop it!"

"Why?" She asked with a teasing voice.

"You're playing with the wrong person."

Xiaofan chuckled, "Then I should go out there to play with the right one?" She felt his hand go round her waist, he tightened it and tugged her closer.

"You wouldn't like to dare me,"

"Yeah, sure!" And she chuckled again.

Watching her throat bob, he couldn't help but reach to touch it. He trailed his finger over it, with the desire burning in him, he kissed her neck and heard her moan.

Her tiny moan only added to the fire and heat inside of him. He wished he could flip her over, but they were in this tiny chair. He should probably get a bigger one. That will fit the two of them.

She took the initiative to kiss him first, he continued afterwards. His hands roamed her body.

"Yun," he heard her whisper. She continued kissing him and started unbuttoning his shirt.

He grabbed her hand to stop her but she continued with the left and he felt something wasn't right. The hand was slightly cold, he percived a fragrance he didn't recognize.

Slowly he opened his eyes. He had left his room light on, and mistakenly fell asleep while thinking about Xiaofan. Is this what they called wet dream? He was dreaming about Xiaofan in a dirty way.

Though Xiaofan loved playing dirty, he should never have succumbed. He saw a shadow move.

"Finally, you're awake." The familiar voice said. "Are you that horny to be kissing in your dream?" She grinned. "Don't worry, I'm here to help."

He soon realized she was straddling him, with anger brewing in him, whatever sweet dream he had right now felt utterly sour to him, he shoved her off him. "What are you doing here‽" He sat up and massaged his temple.

"Uhm, giving you exactly what you desire." And she chortled.

He then remembered he had been kissed. He quickly got up and went to wash up. It took him a total of five minutes to think he was clean now, not just clean enough. He almost threw a punch at the mirror, but remembering it wasn't the mirror's fault he had acted this stupid he went back to his room to face her.

"How did you get into my room?" He remembered slamming the door in his mother's face and locking it.

"Obviously, I have a key." She folded her hands and smiled.

"Get out," with a calm and cool voice he said.

"No! Yunshen, how do you expect me to leave when you're in need of help."

Now that was one thing he hated. "I said get out,"

She ignored him as she looked away.

He had disrespected his woman and still disrespecting her by allowing this woman remain here. He only took two steps and was now close to her, he grabbed her hand, the force he pulled her with shocked her. Throwing her out once they got to the door.

Since he was much stronger and had thrown her with force, she was just an inch from rolling down the stairs. She held her chest in a protective way as her chest rose and fell.


"Bang!" He slammed the door close. The noise reverberated in the big house. She couldn't believe it!