An Alien?

In her entire life no man had treated her this cold and heartless. Yet, the only man that did it she wanted him more and more.

"Yaoyao, are you alright?" Mrs Jin asked.

She hid her face and wiped her tears, sniffled in and nodded.

"Did he hurt you?"

She shook her head. "No,"

"Then, why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying, aunt."

Mrs Jin beamed. "Don't worry, it won't take that long again." She assured the girl.

The next day, Mr and Mrs Jin were having their breakfast when Shu Yaoting came out of the guestroom wearing only a long shirt that barely covered her thigh. The collar had been pulled to one side to reveal the skin beneath it, her hair up in a bun and a light smile on her face. She soon realized that it was only his parents eating and he was no where in sight. She rushed back in to change. As she was busy changing she heard Yunshen mom say.

"Yun, won't you have breakfast with us?"

"I prepared your favourite breadfruit porridge. Come have some,"

"Yunshen are you even listening to me?"

"You need your breakfast! It's the most important meal to have,"

She quickly got changed and with heavy and thumping heart she ran out of the room. And just in time she was able to see him leaving. "Or just not in time?"

She went back to her room for the second for another change of clothes, she wore a baby pink pant, white teddy and the pant's jacket.

She picked her car key and ran out of her room, headed straight for the door.

"Yaoyao? Aren't you eating too?" Mrs Jin questioned. "You should eat and don't starve yourself like my son. Come here, come have breakfast with us."

"Uhm," Yaoting shook her head. "I'm not hungry, I'll be back for lunch."

She rushed after the man that had just left a minute ago.

Mr Jin shook his head, "You should have never asked her to come!"

Mrs Jin scowled. "For him to suffer alone? Believe me, with time, with all the effort she puts, he will come to realize Xiaofan is gone and Yaoting is here for him."

"Is gone?" Jin Murong frowned. "How are you so sure she's gone! And what are you saying? Thought you said you liked Xiaofan at the police station."

"I like her yes, but the fact that she's gone should be as clear as day to our son."

"You're only after yourself! Your selfish reason is why Yunshen suspected you first." He stood up with force and the chair toppled over.

She watched him leave and could only sigh.


Shu Yaoting caught up with Yunshen at the underground packing, but before she could take her hand bag out he had already entered the elevator.

"Yunshen," she called after him but he totally ignored her. She hates him for this.

A minute later she was inside the elevator as Yunshen had probably gotten out.

At the last floor, she saw two guards positioned in front of the elevator.

"Who are you?" One of the guards asked.

"You don't know me?" She spoke in English then flipped her hair.

The two guards shared a look and shrugged.

"I'm Shu Yaoting,"

"What's your business here?"

Shu Yaoting frowned. "What do you mean? I'm Yunshen's friend. Now move away,"

"Sorry ma'am but we can't let you in." The guard apologized.


"Exactly, what he said." The second guard said.

Not too far off she saw secretary Fu, she straightened her clothes and waved at him. "Secretary Fu, long time no see."

Fu Zhinian pointed at himself then looked backward to make sure he was the one being referred to. "Do I know you miss?"

There was a crack in Yaoting's smile. "You don't remember me?"

"No, now if you will excuse me." And he walked off.

"You two don't know who I am! You better move or else..."

Now the two guards understood what their master had meant by, "Don't let her in." That was his answer to their, "Good morning." She was one crazy girl. Even pretending to know secretary Fu just for them to let her in.

"You truly won't let me through?" Shu Yaoting wanted to kick the two guards some feet away, but she couldn't. She could only look up at the two big men.

They shook their head. "Sorry, we have to obey our president to keep our job."

She just stood there staring daggers at the men, and wished Yunshen hadn't asked them to do this. "Okay, I'll wait here. One of you go ask Yunshen, who Shu Yaoting is."

Yaoting took out her phone ready to call on Yunshen when she lay eyes on the man, striding out of the office. "Yunshen!" She screamed and the workers on the last turned to look at her weirdly. She giggled and waved at him as he was now looking at her. It didn't take him a second before he continued to wherever it was he was going. Her jaw dropped. Did he just ignore me? Did he?

"Ma'am, please kindly take your leave."

Shu Yaoting felt utterly disappointed, so all her rush was in vain. She had even skipped breakfast for him and he just told his guards to block him off? No, that wasn't fair.

She was suddenly sad, the high spirit and hope in her dissipated. What had she been expecting? For him to suddenly look at her and says he wants her? When he didn't do it all those years ago. She wasn't giving up though, at least she still believed she could have him. That Xiaofan whatever was no longer around, so?

She turned around facing the elevator metal doors for twenty long seconds then a thought flashed through her mind. "Ah!" Her sudden scream surprised the two guards.

It was her way of trying to distract them and just when she thought it was working, they quickly grabbed her and steadied her in front of the elevator doors again.

She sighed as she felt defeated, pressed the number one button on the elevator, she didn't forget to wave at the two big men then stuck her tongue out at them.

Shu Yaoting went to the nearest coffee shop to relax, she would wait for him and that was it! He might be acting cold now but it won't last that long. Besides they were once childhood sweetheart before Xiaofan came into the picture. Xiaofan stole Yunshen from her and she had easily given up without a fight. She had thought of fighting back a lot, but Yunshen had accepted the girl into his life so she tried her very best to forget him. Seems she hadn't forgotten him enough because when the news of her disappearance reached her, she took the first flight back to Beijing.

She took out her phone and started browsing the internet, reading every article related to the missing Xiaofan. "Mrs Jin Yating, is the main suspect? Are they insane? How could Yunshen allow his mother get arrested because of that girl? Is he that obsessed with her?" She would sip her coffee every now and then, also take a bite from her biscuit.

Suddenly her phone rang, it was her mother calling.

"Yaoting, how are you dear?" The woman worried voice came over. "I told you not to go back, but you didn't listen. Tell me, is Yunshen treating you any better?"

"Yes," she lied. "Look he took me out for breakfast too but he had to rush back to the company for some urgent meeting.

The woman's face lightened up. "Really? If it's true then that is great."

Yaoting smiled. "It's true!"

"That is good then, I would love to speak to him later. Call me once he's back home."

Shu Yaoting nodded like a very obedient girl. Speak to him? Now that's craiizee! Alright, alright. I'll try my best. She hung up and stared into space. Where is that girl though? Did she get tired of Yunshen, then left him by himself? Or she just cared about his money alone? Xiaofan, Xiaofan... Where are you? You can't hide for long! Believe me, you can't! I'll find you, and expose you!

She continued her browsing to find out more about Xiaofan. A model, she wrote it down on her notepad. Her three best friends last saw her when she had excused herself to go pee. The camera hadn't even caught her leaving? Is she some sort of ghost?

Disappearing without trace, how humanly possible is that? Not even her body was found, if to say she was killed or had committed suicide. Then what really happened? Xiaofan, who and what are you? An alien? Or you are just playing a trick on us?

Where are you? Where did you disappear to? Why didn't you leave behind a single trace?

Shu Yaoting mind was in a whirlwind. Who would have thought that apart from Yunshen someone else would be able to cloud her mind? And it happened to be that girl.