Wang Family Territory II

"I can move up to the third form, finally. It was hard, but I can finally move forward." Wang Ling showed an insidious smile because the third form and above of the Heaven Vanquisher swordplay was something made to kill.

Judgment was made to execute anyone with a single slash and Vanquishing Blade to supplement the shortage of long-range attacks of the sword. These two forms were undoubtedly capable of killing anyone if used properly.

But they were not flexible enough to be used in different situations. Judgment was strong but it was linear and once used its trajectory cannot be altered quickly. Vanquishing Blade can kill from a distance, but it consumes too much qi.

Given that Wang Ling's qi was abundant and will not run out so quickly but the point is, they can only be used for a small number of cases. But that all changes after the third form come up.