Main House

On the 8th of the third month of the year. Wang Ling and Qigang was already hurrying to the main house after Wang Ling's untimely enlightenment in the way of the swords.

Wang Ling was pretty calm and did not mind what was happening at all. But Qigang could already hear Butler Sun's voice reverberating inside his ears, shouting as he waits for the time he gets the chance to speak up and state his case.

What was worst is the fact he can't even say anything to Wang Ling. Not because he was the First Young Master, no, it was because enlightenment was an important thing in the life of a cultivator and he had seen just how much Wang Ling had improved.

Qigang hurried along and together with Wang Ling, they quickly passed through two different cities before reaching the center of the Wang Family Territory.