Market Festival

Hearing the birds chirping from outside the window, and people talking outside, Wang Ming woke up from his slumber, the noise levels were getting higher by the minute.

Not the most delightful way to wake up, but Wang Ming felt very refreshed and in top condition, something that had not happened in a while, especially without coffee. Of course, his legs still didn't work, but he barely felt any pain from them today, which was a pleasant surprise, especially from all the abuse they got yesterday.

His legs didn't look any worse than before, at least on the outside, so he wouldn't go to the doctor yet, but even if he did, they wouldn't be able to help him.

After taking a shower, which was a lot harder than he thought it would be. Since he didn't have anybody to help him, his whole wheelchair got wet, since he just wheeled it in under the showerhead, he tried to wash his body as much as possible but some places were impossible for him to get to. He hoped the wheelchair wouldn't rust or else he would have to pay a fee to get it fixed.

Getting the grooming out of the way, Wang Ming went out to get one of his favorite breakfast dishes, soybean Milk with deep-fried dough sticks. It was still early on the day so he got his right out of the pan, which is when they are the most crispy, then dipping it inside the soybean milk.

It's almost heaven when you bite into it, the sweet taste of soybean milk and the crispy dough sticks complement each other perfectly. Though he had to eat it fast as the longer you leave them, the mushier they become, the best was that the dish only cost Wang Ming 5 yuan.

With only 45 yuan left in his wallet, Wang Ming felt the need to earn money. He had to earn at least enough money for rent and to pay for the wheelchair. The room he rented was way too expensive. It cost him 150 yuan a night which would be 4500 yuan a month. He could get an adequate apartment out of town for roughly 1000-2000 yuan. If he didn't at least get 150 yuan today, then he would have to sleep out on the streets.

The plan today was to sell at the Feng Zhong market, as there was no way for him to sell in the old market, unless he wanted to die. He had offended Brother Hou two times already, he wouldn't take lightly that Wang Ming beat up his underlings. Because it meant that Wang Ming was directly opposing him.

The Feng Zhong market was roughly a 15-minute taxi drive away, which isn't that far, but Wang Ming still opted to take a taxi which would cost him roughly 20 yuan. The earlier he got to Feng Zhong market, the better it is.

Hailing a taxi this time for Wang Ming was a lot easier, as it wasn't rush hours now, empty taxis were plentiful. Even before arriving at Feng Zhong market, Wang Ming could see a sea of people wandering the markets. Which he thought was weird, as there weren't that many people that visited the market yesterday.

But he understood why when he saw the banners hanging on the streets. It was the yearly market festival, which meant that anybody that wanted to sell at the market. Was free to do it. They didn't even need to register, and it also lasts for seven days. Usually, this would be a horrible idea, but Wang Gang, one of the three biggest underworld gangs in Sanxiang city, was the owner of the market.

Nobody would dare to make any trouble in the market. There were only three types of people that would even dare to try, and that's Rich, Powerful, or stupid people. But usually it would be the stupid kind as even if you were rich and powerful, didn't mean that they would care.

Wang Ming grabbed the wheelchair wheels and moved further down the market, with the charcoal grill on his lap two bags on both sides of his wheelchair, Wang Ming looked fairly comical as multiple people stopped to look at him. Though Wang Ming didn't care as the meat was thawing, so he had to hurry and grill them.

He had already seasoned the meat before he came to the market. But since he didn't have much time, he had used more spice than usual, which he hoped wouldn't pose a problem, but he would only know after making the food.

It took him over 15 minutes to find a spot where he could set up his "stand," some people were fighting for it, but they gave the place to him when they saw he was in a wheelchair, it seemed like not everybody was heartless even if it meant losing some money.

Fu Mei, who witnessed the scene, felt her heartbreak when seeing how pitiful Wang Ming looked. She hurriedly ran over to help Wang Ming with all the stuff he was carrying. But when she tried to carry the grill from his lap did she realize she couldn't carry it. It was just too heavy.

Even though she was a 35-year-old woman petite woman, she prided herself in being in a great condition. Once again she tried, but just couldn't move the oven. Feeling embarrassed, she then took the bags on Wang Ming's side and put the contents on a sheet he had prepared.

Wang Ming didn't think someone would help him, he didn't know what to say, especially seeing a young woman straining herself to help him. Wang Ming felt even more embarrassed than Fu Mei did, hiding his face from her as Wang Ming thanked her.

"Thank you, miss! I can't repay you with money, but later if you want to taste my food I will give you some for free!"

Fu Mei didn't expect Wang Ming to call her 'miss' she felt she was way above that age, Wang Ming didn't look much older than her daughter. She thought Wang Ming was just sweet talking to her, but when she saw his bashful face, Fu Mei realized that he really meant it. Feeling her face redden, she hurriedly said.

"No need to thank me, people around here call me Aunt Fu. If you ever need any clothing, please come to my shop Fu Clothing. I will give you a good discount!" Then she almost ran back to her shop, afraid that Wang Ming would see her tomato face.

Feeling a heartwarming feeling, Wang Ming felt a single tear leave his left eye. He promised himself never to cry again, but it had been so long since someone was kind to him, and Aunt Fu reminded him of his mother. Yelling farewell to her departing back, he set up his 'store'.