Ming Ming

After placing the bags down on the ground, Wang Ming took the sheet he had prepared and spread it out. Then, taking the charcoal grill he had bought yesterday, he put it at the center of the sheet. Wang Ming realized that the charcoal he had bought the day before was a long-lasting one, which meant that he would work extra hard early on for them to catch fire, but they would burn hot and last long.

Placing the charcoal in the grill, he separated them into three piles. This would make it easier for him to control the heat. As the amount of coal dictates the temperature, since he would cook three different meats, which all needed different temperatures he came up with this method. In addition, he would control the heat further with a wooden tube, which he would use to blow air into the coal.

After lighting the coal with some paper and matches, Wang Ming blew at the coal using the wooden tube. But since the charcoal were the long-lasting ones, it took him close to 10 minutes before the coal caught fire, but even then he couldn't stop blowing he needed to blow at them more until the flames died out and only red hot coal's left. Though what tired him even more was that he needed to manage three piles of charcoal at once.

Finally, the flames died out, Wang Ming put his hand over the grill to check the temperature, he placed it high to not damage his hands. The temperature was perfect for cooking. Hurriedly placing the meats on the grill, Wang Ming could instantly hear sizzling sounds coming from the meat the moment he put the meat on. Perfect, he thought.

Placing the flap steak on the left, pork belly and pork loin in the middle, Wang Ming blew constantly at the coal to keep the temperature at a constant. Even though Wang Ming didn't use the third pile of coal yet he still blew at it, as he would use it for the Kobe beef later, but he didn't want to multitask while cooking it since the Kobe, is a more delicate steak to cook.

After a few minutes, Wang Ming flipped the meats, and they looked perfect. The flank steak had a golden crust on the outside, also the pork loin. The pork belly had a few black marks on them as Wang Ming had been pressing on them, this to give them an even smokier flavor, just looking at the pork belly made his mouth water.

Finishing the first batch of meats, Wang Ming hurriedly put a Kobe steak on the grill. With this one, he went for a safer approach. After only 2 minutes on each side on the grill to get the crust and grill marks, Wang Ming held it in the air over the grill, to assure that the Kobe wouldn't cook through.

Placing the meat to the side for it to rest, Wang Ming felt nervous he had no money left. He had invested all of his money in this, if he didn't sell enough today he would be homeless. Taking a deep breath for courage and to calm himself, Wang Ming shouted at the passersby to try his food.

"Free test, for the five first customers! Come here to try!"

Shouting a few times, he saw he had garnered the attention of some people, but it seemed like they didn't care. Still, after a few minutes no one approached his 'stall'. Wang Ming was getting worried, as the Kobe beef would get worse the longer it sat there.

"The first who try my food and give their honest opinion will get 20 yuan!" Feeling desperate, Wang Ming just wanted someone to try his food to say that it was good to advertise his food.

Still, no one approached him. He didn't know why, but in hindsight, it was pretty obvious why. The clothes he wore looked very rough, with holes in them, and he hadn't shaved, so he looked almost like a beggar, which made people feel wary.

But then amidst the sea of people a small girl ran towards him, her feet skipping with every step. She looked to be around six years old, with twin tails and adorable bubble cheeks. The girl ran past the charcoal grill and stopped right in front of Wang Ming and smiled. Which showed her two dimples on both sides of her cheek. She was so cute that he couldn't help but lightly pinch her cheeks.

"Uncle, Uncle, could you please, please, please let me try the food. It looks so yummy." She said as she pulled on Wang Ming's sleeve. Seeing how adorable she was, Wang Ming let her try all the food, and gave her as much as she wanted. He knew it wasn't a smartest decision, but seeing how cute the little girl was, coupled with the fact that she couldn't eat much, he didn't really care.

"Where are your parents, little girl?"

Wang Ming asked the little girl, but before he could get an answer he heard loud, he heard a woman shouting.

"Ming Ming where are you? Please come out. You are making mommy worry!"

When the girl heard the shouts, she widened her eyes. She had forgotten about her mom. "Mom, I'm here!" Ming Ming shouted back, but because of her age, she couldn't shout loud enough, so Wang Ming helped her by also shouting.

When Fu Ya heard the shouting, she ran towards Wang Ming's side and felt relieved to see that Ming Ming was ok. But seeing her sit on a stranger's lap made her worried. She didn't know if the man had any ill intentions or not.

"Why did you walk off on your own! What if you got kidnapped or what if I couldn't find you? Now hurry and get off this mister's lap now." She pinched Ming Ming's cheeks to let out her frustration.

Ming Ming squealed and squirmed around on Wang Ming's lap. "I'm sorry mom, please don't pinch me. But this uncle said he gave out free food, and it smelled so good." She said cutely said and smiled at her mom.

Fu Ya looked disapprovingly at Ming Ming. "Are you sure? Why would he give out free food, look at him, he seems poor? Did you take food from mister without paying Ming Ming? Now get off his lap." Grabbing Ming Ming off of Wang Ming's lap, Fu Ya apologized to Wang Ming.

"My name is Fu Ya, I'm so sorry that Ming Ming troubled you, mister. How much did the food cost, I will reimburse you?"

"No need, Miss Fu. My name's Wang Ming, and I gave little Ming food for free, she didn't steal from me. 'She didn't eat for too much, around 40 yuan worth only. So don't scold her." He said afraid of Ming Ming getting in trouble, for his actions of giving Ming Ming food.

Hearing Wang Ming's words, Fu Ya apologized to Ming Ming, she wasn't all in the wrong. "I'm sorry that I scolded you so harshly, Ming Ming." Then looking back at Wang Ming, she said.

"Thank you, Mister Wang. But I have to pay you something, here take this bill. Take it as my thanks for taking care of Ming Ming. Please take it!" Wang Ming didn't want to take the money, but seeing how persistent she was, he did.

Seeing the mother and daughter then walk away, Wang Ming smiled. It reminded him of when he was young, walking around with his mother. He then saw Ming Ming stop and turned around and shouted towards him. "Uncle, it was the best meal I have ever had, I hope you get many customers and see you another time!" His smile got even wider hearing Ming Ming, she's so adorable and innocent, he hoped her words would come to fruition.