
After hearing Ming Ming's words, Wang Ming got hopeful. If he could make a young girl, say it was the best food she had ever eaten the food then had to be great, Wang Ming had even taken a few bites as a taste test and the meat were definitely close to the best recipes he had ever made. The only thing he regrets on with the recipe is that it may be too intense because he had to put more ingredients because of the time constraint.

But even after 30 minutes of shouting and advertisement. He didn't even get a single customer. He still had a lot of unused meat, which was still lying in the bags. At some point he would need to cook them as else they would just go bad.

Everything changed, finally after when a couple bought his food. The couple had as a challenge in seven days to try out all the food at the festival. They wanted to taste everything Wang Ming had, even the Kobe. Having his first customers and since they bought so much, Wang Ming gave them the flap steak for free.

After taking their first bite, both of their faces had a surprised, pikachu expression. Wang Ming didn't know what to read from it, Were the food good? But he didn't need to wonder long as only 10 seconds they finally voiced their reaction. Looking at each other, the couple let out a satisfied sigh and said.

"This is extraordinary!! How did you make the meat so tender, juicy and tasty! Why do you sell it for so cheap?"

Hearing them praise the food he had made, Wang Ming felt satisfied. Even though he knew the food he made is great, it's still a big reassurance that paying customers think the same.

"Sorry, the recipe is a secret, but you are more than welcome to buy more."

Wang Ming's reply didn't surprise them, as most cooks would definitely not give out all their tips. Though as the couple weren't cooks, they didn't mind at all. Instead, they bought even more from Wang Ming. Everything was cooked perfectly they couldn't fathom how the flap steak were so tender and juicy, even though it��s mostly though meat. Though the best meat they ate were definitely the pork belly.

It had a beautiful smokey flavor, the texture on it wasn't too soft and had a bit of chewiness to the fat which complimented the meat even more. The spices on the pork belly were also so good, but it was a tad too spicy for them. They wanted to test the Kobe beef too, but since Wang Ming's stall was their last stop, they hadn't brought enough money so they had to try it another time.

Wang Ming felt delightful after getting his first sale, He was worrying before that he wouldn't be able to get any costumers. Though it seemed like the couple started a chain reaction as after they left, customers streamed to his stall, more and more people just kept coming.

It formed a long queue in front of his grill, since he was only a single worker, with a small grill. So he couldn't make enough for demand, but it had seemed like word had already spread around the market that his food was superb and cheap, which made more and more people come for his food.

After around 4 hours of selling and making food nonstop, Wang Ming finally ran out of stock, and they had bought even all the Kobe beef. Rolling his wheelchair to the front of the grill, Wang Ming announced.

"Thanks, to every customer today, but I'm sad to announce that I'm out of stock. Sorry to the ones that didn't get to buy food this time. I promise I will be back tomorrow with even more meat and even better food!"

When his customers heard the words he said, some people in the queue felt dissatisfied, since most of them had waited for a while. But most of them understood since Wang Ming only had a small shop, it was reasonable for him to run out of stock. They just swore to themselves to be faster next time, as standing in queue for so long without getting to eat anything was akin to torture.

Wang Ming felt relived to see his customers sympathized with him and to see that they were even eager to come back the next time. Tallying the meanings he had made today put a bright smile on his face. Just today had earned him more money than 2200 yuan, so he got a little over double in profits. If he worked hard this week, maybe he could even earn 20 thousand yuan in profits. The festival still lasted six more days he would need to work extra hard the upcoming days.

After cleaning up the spot, Wang Ming came upon another problem, and that was to get all of his items back to the room he had rented, which would be a massive hassle. Since he still needed to buy groceries for the next day, he also had nowhere to clean up the grill.

But then he remembered on the pamphlet he had read that you could pay 300 yuan for a week to the administration. Then they would hold the spot for you so no one takes it. They not only look after your spot but will also protect your assets at the spot, as for cleaning the equipment he would just have to bring water and a towel the next day.

After talking with a person from the administration, which number he had seen also on the pamphlet. Wang Ming paid 300 yuan and felt safe to go now, as his equipment would be safe. Wang Ming headed to the meat shop first as this was his most important ingredient. Luckily his spot wasn't too far from the shop, only 10 minutes away.

Arriving at the shop, just as he tried to open the door, it shocked him to see the door almost flew open, almost hitting his legs. The owner of the shop had seen Wang Ming from far away and was excited to see that Wang Ming was back again at his shop. So like yesterday he opened the door for him, but since he was too excited, he swung the door open instead of opening it slowly. Though luckily the door didn't hit him.

"Sorry, Mr. Wang. I was excited to see you again, so I opened the door a bit too forcefully. I didn't hit you, did I?"

Wheeling himself into the shop, Wang Ming noticed the shop was exactly like yesterday. It had no customers. Then turning around to Uncle Weng, he finally said.

"Hello, we meet again, Uncle Weng. No worries you didn't hit me, just be careful next time. Could you please sell me some more meat? Your meat had excellent quality and sold well!" Wang Ming smiled at Weng Ping after telling him how good he had sold.

Hearing his words, Weng Ping felt proud and puffed his chest up "Of course I can Mr. Wang, to be honest, my shop is not doing well, you are only my second customer of the day. Even though it's the festival today, it doesn't seem like anybody wants to buy meat from my shop. But enough of my rambling, anyway. What do you want today?"

Wang Ming thought it was weird for such a shop not to have many customers. He even felt sorry for Uncle Weng, but there wasn't anything he could do for him than buying meat and support his shop. "I'm sorry to hear that Uncle Weng, I will help your shop as much as I can. I want the same meats as yesterday, Uncle Weng. But this time I want a double amount of everything, but instead of 400 grams I want 500 grams of Kobe."

After buying the meat, he bid Uncle Weng farewell and asked him to call his nephew again before rolling out to the streets. He then bought a couple of Baoxis stuffed with pork, which was a simple and traditional Chinese dish. Just as he got the food, he also saw that the taxi had arrived. Wang Ming, feeling famished. He just wanted to devour all the Baozi's there and then, but waited till he reached home first before eating.

And that was how his life went for the next six days. There was a lot of hard work he worked from 5 am to 11 pm every day. But it was all worth it when the last day he had 15000 Yuan in his wallet. Everything was well until he witnessed that happening.