
Lang Lin's had a big smile today. She hadn't felt so free in a long time, she'd worked six days straight 18 hours each day. So' finally in a long time she got a three-day vacation, which meant she could visit the yearly market festival at the Feng Shong market. It had been an annual tradition for her to visit since she's a foodie. She always tries new food here, but she hadn't been able to go the last few years. Eating just makes her so relaxed.

Usually, when going out, she would always have security guards with her. But today she didn't take them with her since she just wanted to relax. She felt assured no problems would occur since no one dares to create trouble at the Feng Shong market. But before she arrived at the Feng Shong market, parking the car further away since there were no free parking slots closer, something unexpecting happened. A man jumped out in front of her car, which scared her hurriedly as she tried to break, but it seemed like it was too late as she felt a little thump before the car stopped.

Opening the door to see if the man was okay, she took out her phone to call an ambulance. Seeing him lie on the floor and groan made her anxious, though she was sure even if she hit him there shouldn't be a severe injury since she was only driving at 25km/h.

But before the call could connect, she felt someone grabbing her phone. Thinking it was a thief, she turned around to slap the person. But before her hand hit the person, the person who grabbed her phone also grabbed her hand and pressed her body towards the car.

Finally getting a good look at the man which pinned, she felt he looked very familiar but didn't know where she had seen him. Struggling to get away from the man, Lang Lin saw there were four thugs behind him, and she finally understood what was happening. It was a setup, a scam, and a robbery.

She had heard about this before these groups would usually send one man out and stage a car accident. They didn't care if the driver hits the man or not, they only want to rob and coerce the person in the car which was what was happening to Lang Lin now.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Just give over everything you have, and the car keys too. Then just accompany us for a brief ride and play with my brothers and me, and you will probably be fine. Maybe even very fine."

The man's words terrified Lang Lin. She thought they only wanted money, but seeing the lecherous face of the man. Lang Lin knew they didn't just want the money, but her body too. She's still a pure woman, though she didn't care about giving her virginity to someone as long as they loved each other.

But losing her virginity like this? She would rather suicide than giving in to these guys. Screaming out for help, Lang Lin tried to struggle even harder to get away from the man. But she realized even though how much she struggled she was just too weak, the man didn't have any problems pinning her to the car. The worst was no one tried to help her either.

Some people had seen the situation but didn't want to implicate themselves, afraid of the thugs. Wang Ming also saw the situation he wasn't sure if wanted to intervene, as the last time he did, he got bedridden. But seeing that the person was Lang Lin, Wang Ming took a deep breath and rolled his wheelchair fast towards her. Getting closer, Wang Ming hit the man who pinned Lang Lin to the car with his wheelchair, which made him fall to the ground.

Looking at the thugs, Wang Ming said with an icy voice.

"Don't you guys have anything better to do? Ganging up on a girl like that? Where's your dignity? What did your parents teach you!"

But then Wang Ming felt like his world got turned upside down, when he saw the person he had just hit. The person he had hit is his father. Funny how he had scolded them about their parents and here his parent, his father, was trying to rape and rob a person in the broad daylight.

Feeling both shock and anger, Wang Ming didn't know what to do, but his head cleared when he heard Lang Lin's screams. His father had once again grabbed Lang Lin's arm to take her away. It didn't seem like he thought Wang Ming would stand up for her and go against his father.

The thugs and Wang Ping all felt ecstatic they had hit the jackpot today. They would be rich today if they could sell the car. It looked like a model from this year, coupled with having fun with the lady. Her chest was of incredible size. They looked gravity-defying, and the thugs wanted to cop a feel, but had to wait for Wang Ping first.

As they were daydreaming, they suddenly saw someone moving up so fast they thought the person was in a motorcycle but no he was in a wheelchair and hit their big brother. Looking at the man they felt their backs chill, his eyes got darker and angrier by the second. He looked like a maniac, his eyes bloodshot the worst was his smile it looked so evil.

Wang Ping almost didn't recognize Wang Ming, after Wang Ping left Wang Ming to die at the house. It seemed like Wang Ming had changed, even he felt scared of his son. After leaving Wang Ming for dead, Wang Ping had escaped to another city, but then after a fruitful encounter he joined Brother Hou's gang. He had saved Brother He, which is Brother Hou's right-hand man.

But even though he saved Brother He, he still had to give him all his money before Brother He accepted him. Since he had been a prior entrepreneur and business owner. He proved to be a valuable asset, earning the gang a lot of money in only a week. Seeing that Wang Ping were talented and reliable despite of Wang Ping's age, Brother He made him his confidant.

Seeing Wang Ming alive, Wang Ping didn't feel any remorse. He had cast away his previous life. "Go, home son, don't look for death you survived once, but don't think you will survive a second time. The only reason you are alive is that Brother Hou thinks you're dead." But seeing that Wang Ming still didn't back off, Wang Ping sighed and motioned for his underlings to finish Wang Ming.

Seeing the men approach Wang Ming, Lang Lin felt worried for Wang Ming. She tried to get him to just run away to abandon her. Wang Ming was in a bad enough shape already if he got a beating now he would probably die. But before she could say anything, Wang Ming looked at her and just smiled.

Wang Ming didn't feel like himself. Even when he's surrounded by the thugs, he didn't feel fear. Not like last time. This time he knew he was going to win the fight, his body knows how to fight. When the thugs came close to him, Wang Ming swung the wooden tube which he had hung behind his wheelchair at the thugs.

But it seemed like these thugs were more experienced and sturdier than the last he beat. They didn't want to go down and slowly surrounded him. They tried to tip Wang Ming off the wheelchair, but soon realized that he was just way too strong for that. Wang Ming still didn't control over his strength, so he didn't know how hard to hit them with the tube.

But seeing them not backing off even after getting hit so many times, he decided enough was enough, and beat the thugs with more power. He still held back, but the hits were a lot harder now, the first one that got hit felt like his head almost burst in two and instantly blacked out, and soon the four other thugs followed the 1st one, all lying on the ground with blood trickling down the side of their heads. The only one left standing was his father, looking at him with horror in his eyes.