Meeting of the gangs

"My son, we can talk about this no need to resort to violence, right? Just let me call for an ambulance before they die on the ground here." Seeing that Wang Ming gave no reaction and just looked nonchalantly at him. Wang Ping took out his phone with one hand, while his other arm still pressed and pinned Lang Lin to the car. But Wang Ping didn't call for an ambulance first but sent an SOS message to Brother He.

"Ok, the ambulance is on its way. Now let's talk like civilized people. How have you been son, how did you heal?" Wang Ping asked Wang Ming while putting on a sad and caring face. He didn't care much about it. But thought it would be the best way for him to stall for time, and ease Wang Ming since he was still gripping the wooden tube in his hand, Wang Ping was, a business person fighting weren't really his forte, his underlings could survive a hit like that, but Wang Ping would most likely not.

Wang Ming felt torn about what to do. In his head prior, it was just a simple rescue operation, beat the thugs, rescue the beauty, but the x-factor, his father complicated things. Theorizing way that he could let him go, he needs to pay for his sins, but to call the police on him, Wang Ming just couldn't. But if he lets Wang Ping go, and he does anything illegal later, it's going to be his fault.

Even though his father wasn't the best, he wasn't a terrible father. Not at least until his mother died and his father met his stepmother, his father slowly changed from a man to a beast. But he had still raised, fed, and paid for him to go to school. The school was not something all parents could afford for their children. Respect for his parents is something he learned already first year attending school.

Though he realized it wasn't his decision anymore, it's Lang Lin's as she is the victim. She should have the last say. "Ok, Wang Ping, release Lang Lin, and I promise you won't get hurt, then we can talk." Wang Ping didn't want to release the hostage, but he knew he couldn't fight with Wang Ming. Thinking about this, he released Lang Lin by pulling back his arm. Then with a swift motion, Wang Ping threw Lang Lin at him and backed away 10 meters.

Since Wang Ming was sitting in a wheelchair, he felt assured that Wang Ming could not chase him down if he ran away. Feeling safer now, he regained his confidence. The only thing he needed to do now was to stall time, though Wang Ming's eyes still made him afraid, so he didn't look directly at Wang Ming, but looked at Lang Lin's beautiful face and body instead.

When Wang Ping got another look at Lang Lin, he felt regret. Why didn't he execute the robbery faster? Why did he feel playful and dragged it out? If he did it quicker, then he could have tasted that delicious body. He and the boys would have played with her to his heart's content.

"Just wait for the ambulance, I believe Miss here could also need a checkup. I will pay for everything, and then after I will follow you guys to the police station to confess." Which was of course a lie, he just wanted to delay them.

Wang Ming grabbed Lang Lin after his father threw her and let her sit on his armrest, taking her legs he put them on the other one and then he let her rest her head on his shoulders. Seeing the red marks on her arms, he felt guilty and sad. How could his father treat her like this? Lightly he tried to hug her tighter to his body to comfort her, but feeling her resist, he didn't press it. "Are you ok, Sister Lang? Why are you here? Please wait for a moment. The ambulance is coming."

"No, it's fine. Just give me my phone."

Wang Ming heard Lang Lin saying something back to him, but he couldn't comprehend what. It seemed like all the shouting had exhausted her throat. So he placed his ears closer to her mouth, but it shocked him to see how wet her face was he hadn't realized earlier. But Lang Lin had cried a lot, just silently. Seeing her like this made him appreciate Lang Lin more. She just looked so lovely.

Finally, hearing what she said, he didn't see any phones lying around, so it was most likely in Wang Ping's hands. "Give her back the phone." Wang Ming barked at Wang Ping. This was the first time he had ever been rude to his father, but it worked, as Wang Ping hurriedly threw the phone to him, almost hitting his face with it. He then handed the phone to Lang Lin, guessing that she wanted to call her parents.

He didn't want to eavesdrop on her phone call, so he just looked at Wang Ping, trying to divert his attention to something else. But when he attempted to, the only thing he could think about was her soft body still on his. Her breast touching his chest, her beautiful black hair draped over his shoulders. He just wanted to marvel at this moment forever. His eyes were on Wang Ping, but his mind was at a different place. But soon, he felt Lang Lin tap on his shoulder.

Lang Lin was happy that Wang Ming saved her, but she felt it was inappropriate for her to be so close to him. So after giving her subordinates a call, she let Wang Ming know she wanted to get off. She didn't want to call her father since her father would most likely overreact and the consequences could be severe. She dreaded the fact that her father would most likely hurt Wang Ming just because he's the son of the man that tried to hurt her. Every man that has gotten close to her before has also all been scared away by her father.

"I, have called my subordinates already Wang Ming. Please let me down. I'm better now. They will clean up everything, so you don't have to worry."

Hearing this, Wang Ming hugged her body into both his arms and slowly let her down on his side, making sure that she was stable before he released his arms. Her words surprised him, Wang Ming thought she was only a receptionist. Why would she have subordinates? Even if it was the security guards from before, how could they take care of the police and the gang behind his father? It's Brother Hou's gang she's talking about, one of the biggest in the Ming Zhou city. But since she was confident, he didn't find it right to question her.

"How have you been, Sister Lang? Why were you here today?"

Wang Ming didn't know what to do now, as they were just waiting. He realized he knew very little about Lang Lin. He wanted to know more about her. It felt so natural for him to talk with Lang Lin, as they had talked with each other many times when she bought food from him. Talking with Lang Lin made him feel so relaxed.

Feeling very awkward, Wang Ping cursed silently, looking at the two kids flirting with each other, he prayed for Brother He to come faster. He probably wouldn't be the first one to taste the girl if Brother He comes. But at least he would be the second one.

Finally, he saw Brother He's majestic car, which was a black Audi with the license plate 88844. A license plate with three 8's could go for up to 150 000 yuan. But you didn't just have to have money but also the power to back it up. Else if you offended someone that wanted the same license plate, then maybe they would find someone to destroy the car. There were also 20 cars following him, which made Wang Ping tremble in excitement.

"HAHA, you guys are dead now! Look at the cars that are coming. It's my Big Brother and his underlings. Don't say that I didn't give you a chance, son. Run now but leave the girl, and I won't mention your name but else, when Brother He steps out of that car you're dead."

Hearing his words, Wang Ming felt regret. Why would he be so stupid to believe in Wang Ping? He finally understood why so many people had trust issues. Wang Ping, going back on his words, made Wang Ming realize he had to be more cautious. If a father could betray his son, then who in this world wouldn't be able to betray a person for their benefit?

Sighing, Wang Ming tensed up as the cars came closer and closer. He then remembered that right behind him was the FengShong market, which is Wang Gang's territory. Even if Brother He is powerful, he wouldn���t make trouble at another gang's territory just for a girl or his father. Wang Ming then grabbed Lang Lin's arm and pulled her hard towards him, which made her fall into his lap, which gave him a stinging pain. Grabbing the wheelchair wheels, Wang Ming wheeled as fast as he could towards the market.

But Wang Ping saw what they planned. He tried to run up and stop them. But couldn't do it in time. They just passed the market gate as he caught up to them. But Wang Ping didn't care hurriedly. Grabbing Wang Ming's wheelchair and Lang Lin's arm, he didn't let them move any further.

"Brother He! Here, I caught them!"

Wang Ming had already achieved his goal to get inside the market, so he didn't care about Wang Ping. He just took Wang Ping's arm and squeezed it hard, which made him release Lang Lin. Seeing the red mark on her arm after Wang Ming released her arm, made him pissed. What the fuck was his father doing? He thought.

"Sister Lin, we should be fine now." He wasn't sure if they would be fine, but he would fight with his life on the line for Sister Lang. He had a principle in his life, and that was to protect children, elders, and beauties.

"Sister Lin hide behind me, okay? Don't worry, I will protect you!" Hearing his words, Lang Lin hid behind him. The reason he got her to hide behind him was that he saw a two menacing groups of thugs walking towards him. There had to at least be 50 men in each group.

One group was most likely led by Brother He, as Wang Ming saw his father running towards the young man and greeted him with respect. Though Wang Ming didn't know the other group which were led by an older man who looked to be around 50 years old, even though he looked like an old man he still looked sharp and strong. He had gray hair with a butler outfit, white gloves, and round glasses.

Wang Ming tensed up all his muscles. He felt like his body craved for the fight. His eyes once again turned menacing and bloodthirsty. Wang Ming felt like he could at least take down 20 of them with him, Wang Ming smiled towards Lang Lin and said. "Please run, Sister Lang, I will hold them back. It doesn't seem like it, but I can fight. So go now"

But Lang Lin didn't even budge. She just stood there her eyes had a bit of fear in her eyes, but also relief. But weirdly enough, it didn't seem like it was because of Wang Ming's words but because of the people that were walking towards them. As she looked straight at the group that were coming.

Not having any other choice, Wang Ming just sat there patiently waiting for the people. And then he finally understood why, because half of the group led by Brother He walked with Wang Ping. Brother He, even scolded and hit Wang Ping's head, telling him he was stupid, and should figure out their victim's backgrounds before robbing them next time.

While the other group went straight towards Wang Ming, the old man stopped in front of Wang Ming and Lang Lin, then bowed and said, "Young Miss." Wang Ming finally realized why he saw relief in her eyes before. This made Wang Ming even more curious about Lang Lin's identity.

When Lang Lin heard the old man's words, she ran up to him hugging him and cried out, "Uncle Ma, I'm sorry I will never ditch my security again! You need to get revenge for me. The man in the wheelchair helped me, so please reward him. Please, just get me home." When Lang Ma heard Lang Lin's words, he felt anger bursting inside him. But Lang Lin's security was the most critical task. So he got two of his trusted helpers, Pou Zheng and Lao Ta, to take Lang Lin home first.

"Goodbye Wang Ming, thank for your help today!" Lang Lin told Wang Ming before she went with her guards. When they passed Wang Ping and Brother He, Wang Ping wanted to stop them but stopped when Brother He hit his back head. He knew he had made a colossal mistake by trying to rob the girl, but just wasn't willing to let it go. So he swore to get Lang Lin another time when he had more power and to bring HouZi gang to new heights.

When Lang Ma saw that Lang Lin was safe, he then confronted Brother He. "Young He did you eat something wrong today, who gave you the courage to rob and kidnap our Young Miss, do you think the Lang Gang is something you can just trample over!?" When Brother He heard Lang Ma's words, he became unhappy, even though his underlings had made a mistake who were Lang Ma to scold him like that.

What would his underlings think about him if he just took the scolding? "Uncle Ma, mind you words! HouZi gang is not afraid of your Lang gang. Everybody knows that Lang Gang is on the decline after your Young Master's death. A war with the HouZi gang would not give you any benefits. So let us take the boy, and we will compensate the Lang gang one million yuan, ok?"

Listening to Brother He's words, Lang Ma felt dissatisfied, but it was true. Lang gang couldn't afford a full war now, not for a minor issue like this. The Young Miss's safety is his priority and mission. As for the boy, he didn't have enough power to save, but that's how life is. "Hey boy, thanks for saving Young Miss, but we can't risk a war with HouZi gang. I'm sorry, but we can't protect you."

After his father went back on his words, just earlier, Wang Ming was ready to being betrayed. He understood from Lang Ma and Brother He's conversation that Lang Ma couldn't decide, Wang Ming didn't blame Lang Lin for this but Lang Gang one day they would also pay for this.

"I understand. Just don't get in my way. I will fight my way out of here."

As Wang Ming was rearing up to fight, someone grabbed his shoulder and stopped him, followed by a burst of loud laughter.

"If Lang Gang won't save him, WE WILL."