
Waking up, it shocked Wang Ming to see that it was 10 am. He usually woke up latest at 7 am. He looked down and around the room and realized he wasn't at the restaurant. But looking at the room, it brought back a lot of memories because this was where he lived when he was young with his mom and dad.

He didn't understand why he was here at this house. It had fallen into the hands of his step-mother Feng Fan. He had not been in contact with her ever since she kicked them out, Wang Ming and Feng Fan's relationship were like strangers, but after what happened he considered her an enemy, he would take down eventually.

Standing up, he walked towards the table and opened the drawer. Peeking inside, he saw a picture of his mother that she had taken when he was three. There was no doubt in Wang Ming's mind anymore that this was his house.

Taking the picture and putting it in his pants pocket, Wang Ming realized he was standing on both his legs and not sitting in his wheelchair. Wang Ming examined his legs to see their condition, but before he could he panicked shouts from downstairs. One of those voices he recognized was Lang Lin's. Wang Ming ran downstairs as fast as he could.

Upon entering the living room, his eyes widened with horror. He couldn't believe what was transpiring in front of him. Lang Lin and Fu Ya were kneeling in the center of the living room. They only wore underwear which had sustained heavy damage and were close to falling off their bodies.

His father, Brother Hou, Brother He and Feng Fan and her lawyer boyfriend were also in the room. Brother Hou stood in the front while the others were a foot behind him. Brother He and his father both held a knife on each of the girls's necks, threatening to cut into their necks at a moment's notice.

The girls were both crying, but even though their clothing had been roughed up, they had sustained no damage or abuse. It didn't seem like his father's acquaintances had done anything to them, at least not yet. His heart was pumping hard. He felt pain every time his heart pumped. This is his fault, he involved them. He wasn't strong enough to defend them.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Ming tried to calm down and got ready for a fight. Slowly taking deep breaths, he endured Brother Hou's taunts.

"Where are your courage now? Try saving them, try beating up all my underlings again! Just so you know, even if you surrender, I will take your corpse and feed them to wild beasts. And for these two ladies? They will become my plaything, and after I'm done with them, I will then give it to Little He, who will then sell them to the cheapest fuckhouse, they're going to get fucked to death think about that haha! At the end, they will not be persons anymore but cumdumps!"

Wang Ming took more rapid breaths. Hoping to calm himself, he felt his body and mind turn cold. His only thought was to kill brother Hou to end all of this. Nothing else mattered right now he didn't care about consequences, nor if he were going to live through this he would kill brother Hou first then save the girls.

But Wang Ming felt his world shatter by the one person he loved the most in this entire world. His mother emerged from behind Feng Fan. She only had a small rag that barely covered her upper body and went down to her thighs. Wang Ming could bare see any spots on her body which didn't have bruises, but what made him most enraged was that he could clearly see she had endured sexual abuse.

Seeing her in this state, Wang Ming felt tears uncontrollably fall from his eyes. Roaring with all the power and anger he could muster, Wang Ming jumped at them.

"I will fucking kill you all!"

But he was too late as he ran up to them. Feng Fan walked to his mother and slit her throat with a knife she was hiding, leaving his mom in a pool of blood.

Feeling a level of anger he had never felt before, Wang Ming bit his lips so hard that it started bleeding. Taking the knife from Feng Fan's hands, Wang Ming stabbed it right into her heart. Closing his eyes, he relished at the fact that he had avenged his mother.

But when he opened his eyes again, everyone had vanished. Brother Hou and all of his people were smiling at him, even Feng Fan. But his mother, Lang Lin, and Fu Ya had disappeared.

Wang Ming didn't understand what was happening, but before he could even figure out what was happening. He felt his head hurt again the world started spinning around. Then he heard the voice shout out.




Those words kept repeating as the world spun. Wang Ming felt like those words imprinted in his mind.

His head was gradually hurting more and more. He felt an excruciating pain in his head for each second that went by, but right before he gave up. He woke up.

Waking up Wang Ming felt his body sweating profusely, his entire body were like a radiator. Looking around in a flurry, he didn't see Fu Ya, Lang Lin or his other. After seeing nothing out of the ordinary, Wang Ming let out a huge sigh of relief. Everything was just a dream, most likely instigated by the voice. Though he still felt uneasy and wanted to call Lang Lin and Fu Ya to check up on them.

Sitting up in his wheelchair, he saw a note falling down from his chest. Seeing it fall down to the ground, Wang Ming tried to grab it before it fell to the ground, but overextended his arm and fell down from the table.

Falling to the ground he did as any human being does when falling down and that was to stabilize and if that didn't work then protect his vital body parts from the fall. As Wang Ming hit the ground, he put his arms on the ground and pushed as hard as he could, which made him take a front flip, landing on his legs on another table in front of him.

If anybody saw what Wang Ming just did, then they would have applauded and think he was a professional acrobat. But people close to Wang Ming wouldn't care about the flip at all, but that he was standing on his legs.

Even Wang Ming couldn't believe it either he was standing on his legs again. He didn't think he would ever see this day. Wang Ming even slapped his legs hard two times to see if he felt anything, worried that this was also a dream.

Relieved that he felt pain, Wang Ming then jumped down from the table to further examine his legs. His legs were a lot more muscular than before, his legs looked like if a soccer player trained in the gym. The muscles in his legs weren't only fit, but strong.

Wang Ming then felt something hit his face. Looking around, he saw the pamphlet again. Opening it this time, he saw two more pages with information. The pamphlet seemed like it just got thicker for each time he saw it. He did not understand how much information it could even hold. Reading the new pages, he now had a better understanding of what happened to his body.

After his legs healed, his body finally finished rebuilding itself. His body is currently roughly 6 to 7 times stronger than an average man, which meant that he's stronger than most of the world's population. Though even if he's strong a single man's power is nothing to an army, and even though he's strong, it doesn't mean he can win fights against someone weaker. Technique is a big part in the outcome of a fight.

Though there wasn't a lot more information after this, it mentioned nothing about the dream. The next page had the same three sentences he had seen in the dream.




Since there was nothing more in the pamphlet, he closed it and put it away. But after putting it away, the pamphlet disappeared like it had never been there.

Seeing the note that was still on the ground, Wang Ming grabbed it. The note was from Lang Lin and had her phone number and her utmost apology for what had happened. Seeing her sincere apology, Wang Ming decided that if he ever became powerful enough, he would demolish HouZi Gang.

Reading her note, Wang Ming saw an image from his dream. Lang Lin kneeling on the floor in her underwear with a knife to her throat. It was still livid in Wang Ming's mind he felt immense guilt from it.

Taking the phone out, Wang Ming realized it was roughly 10am next day. Calling Lang Lin and Fu Ya, he felt awkward calling them out of the blue. But it eased his mind talking with them, but since they both were busy he didn't get more than a few sentences before they hung up.