Fast Learner

Louzheng acted like a little kid, bouncing up and down in excitement. Seeing him like this, Wang Ming smiled and tapped him on his shoulders, signaling him to let him down. But Louzheng didn't notice Wang Ming's effort at all as he kept bouncing and hugging him. So Wang Ming tapped a pressure point on Louzheng's shoulder, but he had to hit three times before finding the spot.

Wang Ming gained a lot more knowledge in how the body functions and different pressure points after getting his body rebuilt. It was like he knew every nerve and bone that got rebuilt in his body. Since Louzheng's also a human, he should have similar pressure points as him, though since it was the first time that Wang Ming struck at pressure points he wasn't accurate enough and it took three tries before he hit it.

Also, Wang Ming didn't know how to strike at the pressure points yet, so the most he could do were to inflict some pain, and not kill or disable someone.

After Wang Ming struck at Louzheng on his shoulder, Louzheng felt a sharp pain in his arms which made him lose control of his arms for just a split second. It wasn't much, but enough for Wang Ming to free himself from Louzheng. Louzheng's strength impressed Wang Ming as Louzheng was almost as strong as him. If he really wanted to break free from Louzheng without hitting his pressure point, then he would probably have hurt him.

Louzheng didn't know what happened he suddenly lost control over his arms and it made him scared. Louzheng didn't believe in QI or cultivation or anything like that, but he didn't know how Wang Ming did it. What surprised him even more was how Wang Ming's legs had healed so fast just a few days ago he was still in a wheelchair.

"I'm sorry, Wang Ming. It excited me to see that you have healed. But how did you do that to me and how are your legs healed already?"

"I know, you are a good man and a great friend Louzheng. It's a long story so I won't explain it to you now, but I will another time don't worry. What's more important is your training and the restaurant. I hope you can do your best and try to learn as much as possible. We don't have a lot of time, so I don't expect you to become a professional server. But I want you to learn the basics."

Wang Ming then opened the restaurant door and walked inside with Louzheng behind him. Arriving at the kitchen, Wang Ming asked Louzheng to sit down in front of him. Not wanting to waste any time, Wang Ming started the lecture.

"Ok, Louzheng, I need you to be two things here in this restaurant, and that is to be a cashier and then a server. Since you have worked as a taxi driver before, I don't think you should have any problem handling money. So I only intend to teach you about being a server. Are you ok with this?"

If it was Louzheng for only a year ago, he would have to embarassingly say that he barely knew any math. Since he was an orphan growing up in the slums, he had never gone to school, so he couldn't do math and could barely write or read. Though after working as a taxi driver, he learned how to calculate money fast. He was terrible at it at the start, even giving wrong amounts of money to the customer often.

"I'm ok. I learned to calculate money while working at the taxi job. Even though I don't enjoy talking too much to people. But I will try to treat all customers as my friends."

Wang Ming felt glad to see Louzheng's willingness to learn and adapt. This was the only thing he needed from him. Since Wang Ming knew no one would be great on their first day, so he didn't have any high expectations. He wanted someone that he could teach from the start and make him his assistant, which later could help him manage his business.

"Then lets start."

Wang Ming luckily didn't need to teach Louzheng about speaking etiquette as he's a fairly polite man already. So Wang Ming just gave Louzheng a small script for him to remember when talking to customers as a server. Having a script would ensure that Louzheng always serves customers with a consistent speech.

After this, Wang Ming taught Louzheng about safety in the kitchen and the restaurant, the last thing he wanted was for him to injure himself or worse other. Which Louzheng took in really well. He was cautious with anything in the kitchen that could harm him, Wang Ming or customers.

The ordering system would be simple, take a number from Louzheng when you enter the restaurant. After taking the number, he would write this number down in a book two times. He would then cross out the number one time after he has served you than the second time when you have paid. The order would also have the number of the table which would make it simple for Louzheng to know which table ordered what.

Last, and the most important thing he needed to learn, is that the customers are king. So it didn't matter what had happened or who it was, as long as they were a customer, then they were correct. But there were also exceptions to this rule, since Wang Ming doesn't condone any harassment in his restaurant. So if the customer went too far, then Wang Ming would have no problems in Louzheng throwing the customer out.

This last point is an important rule for Wang Ming, since he wants that all of his workers now and later on. To be humble and honest, it doesn't matter who they serve as long as they are a customer, then they should serve them to their best of abilities. But if the customer is too excessive, then they should also know that Wang Ming would have their back.

This was how Wang Ming and Louzheng spent the day. Wang Ming felt at ease seeing how fast Louzheng learned everything he taught and how hardworking he was. Wang Ming felt thankful and happy that he didn't judge Louzheng wrong. He really was a good and hardworking man.

Though there were still a lot of flaws with Louzheng, the biggest one is that he's too clumsy. Wang Ming couldn't understand why he was so clumsy, since when Louzheng fought it looked like he had good balance and stability. But when Louzheng held a plate with food, then he would turn into an old lady with leg problems. He would walk like he's drunk and bump into chairs and tables, knocking the chairs over, he even tripped over several times.

This was something Wang Ming would need to fix ASAP, but apart from that, then Louzheng just needed to talk with more confidence and it would be perfect.

Seeing it was late, Wang Ming then sent Louzheng home and prepared himself for tomorrow, which would contain a lot more teaching and even more cooking.