Sell me the recipe

Hearing Uncle Hou's praise to Wang Ming, everybody got excited. But Uncle Fu felt surprised. He had known Zhang Hou for over 25 years. He knew the standards of Old Hou. For him to compliment Wang Ming like this, it was something he had never witnessed before. Wang Ming was 25 at most, Fu Hong couldn't really believe that Wang Ming had the ability to make such a great dish.

Fu Hong knew that Wang Ming was probably a talented chef, but he's just too young he couldn't have that much experience. Fu Hong had only seen Old Hou compliment someone like this before, but that person was both Fu Hong and Old Hou's senior.

Fu Hong thought Old Hou was only being nice to Wang Ming, so he lightly tapped on Old Hou's arm to check with him. If Old Hou had faked the reaction, then Fu Hong would need to cooperate with him.

Feeling Old Fu tapping on his shoulder, Zhang Hou looked to his left and noticed his doubtful and confused look. Zhang Hou instantly understood why Old Fu would have such an expression, since Zhang Hou rarely reacted like this to food. Since he had tasted most dishes out there, but Wang Ming's meat just hit a home run straight into his heart. Zhang Hou wasn't acting. What he did was his body's honest reaction.

"I know what you're thinking, just eat it, and don't bother me. I need to savor this as much as I can. If you keep standing like that, I'll take your food too."

Hearing Old Hou talk to him like this, it made him even more curious. Looking around the table, he also saw all the kids waiting for him to eat before they could. But seeing Ming Ming's pitiful expression waiting for the moment she could dig in, Old Fu said, while cutting his meat.

"You youngsters no need to wait for us, just eat. We're in Wang Ming's restaurant. No need to worry about etiquette and all those trivial things just dig in. We aren't so old-fashioned."

Then, taking the bite and putting it in his mouth, he finally understood why Old Hou reacted like that. The pork almost melted in his mouth, Old Fu didn't know how Wang Ming did it, but he could taste a hint rice wine and soy sauce from the pork.

Usually it would be too heavy for people to enjoy more than a few pieces. But with Wang Ming's pork, it had a perfect balance. The pork wasn't too savory or overpowering, which made it easy for a person to devour it all without being tired of the meat. That's the reason many eat braised pork with rice, but with Wang Ming's you could eat it with or without rice.

Seeing everybody eating and enjoying the food, Wang Ming felt happy and touched. He felt like all the effort, time and money he had put into the dish was worth it. Seeing everybody eat so happily, Wang Ming then locked the restaurant door so nobody would walk in and disturb them. He then joined the table with Fu Ya, Lang Lin and Ming Ming, since Ming Ming kept nagging for him to sit with her.

Seeing him sit next to her Ming Ming then jumped down from her chair and ran to Wang Ming and said.

"Daddy, let Ming Ming sit on your lap."

Wang Ming wanted to say no, but seeing her almost in tears, Wang Ming could only admit defeat and put her on his lap.

"Don't Cry Ming Ming don't you like the food? Why would you cry?"

"No! The food is best, Daddy, you are the best cook man in the world! You are Ming Ming's superhero!"

After saying this Ming Ming kept putting more and more pieces of meat in her mouth to prove to Wang Ming that the food is great. But she ended up putting too many in her mouth so her face looked like a hamster, her cheeks looked inflated.

"We Bedst!" (The Best)

Fu Ya had to hold back her tears as she didn't want to ruin her makeup and didn't want to ruin this moment. Looking at Wang Ming, she just smiled. Ever since Ming Ming were little she had never had a good relationship with any man, she'd met.

Fu Ya finally understood why Ming Ming loves Wang Ming so much, at the start Fu Ya was afraid that Wang Ming was someone that had ill intentions for either her or Ming Ming. But after witnessing how he treats his friends, elders and Ming Ming, Fu Ya realized that he's an honest man. She couldn't help but compare Wang Ming to Ming Ming's father, they're totally different, though if she compared Ming Ming's father to a cow the cow would even be nicer.

"Ming Ming! Remember to chew and swallow. What if you choke on the food?"

"Sorry, Wang Ming, that Ming Ming keeps bothering you. But she wouldn't eat unless you came over."

Even though Wang Ming hadn't spent a long time with Ming Ming at all. He felt close to her and even regarded her as his own daughter, so he didn't mind how Ming Ming acted and only felt she was cute and lovely.

"Don't worry, Ming Ming is like a daughter to me."

Then Wang Ming took a deep breath and followed up with

"I hope I can become Ming Ming's godfather, that way she can call me daddy without it being awkward. I know it sounds weird since I've only known her for a short amount of time. But she's made a tremendous impact on me and has become irreplaceable in my heart."

Wang Ming felt like he had poured his heart out and could only wait nervously for Fu Ya's answer. Feeling a tap on his shoulder, Wang Ming turned to face the person saw Peng Tong and the other's had listened in and were rooting for him they all gave him thumbs up even his uncles.

Fu Ya contemplated for a bit and was about to reject Wang Ming, but before she could Lang Lin, whispered something in her ear. After hearing what Lang Lin said, Fu Ya face changed.

"I agree, but Ming Ming also has to agree. I can't make the choice for her."

Feeling excited, Wang Ming wanted to ask Ming Ming, but before he could Ming Ming stood up on his lap and wrapped her small arms around his neck and screamed into his ears.

"Daddy, you are the best! Daddy daddy daddyyyy!"

Seeing that she accepted him, Wang Ming's eyes became red. He tried with all his might to hold back his tears. But he couldn't, while Wang Ming hugged Ming Ming, his tears were slowly staining her shoulder.

"Thank You Ming Ming, thank you Fu Ya, thank you everybody!"

Seeing how happy was, everybody gave him applause and congratulated him, Fu Ya and Ming Ming. The loudest person being Louzheng who was eating and clapping from the kitchen, even though Wang Ming wanted him to eat at the table, Louzheng refused.

Peng Tong then grabbed his cup and wanted to announce something.

"Hello, everybody! I'm Peng Tong, I'm thrilled today to get to know so many new people, from sisters in laws to brothers and uncles. I propose a toast to congratulate my big brother Wang Ming, not only to celebrate his restaurant opening but also for his legs that have healed and now that he has a goddaughter. Meng Hao! I hope you also like me, see Ming Ming as your family and will do everything to protect her! Now toast!"

Hearing Peng Tong's announcement, Lang Lin and Fu Ya both reddened, though they weren't sure who Peng Tong meant. But they didn't dwell too long at the topic and instead celebrated with everybody for Wang Ming. Though Wang Ming didn't serve any alcohol so they toasted with water.

Wang Ming then walked to each table to talk with everybody, which was a fresh experience for him. Wang Ming felt like he was now slowly rebuilding his family, he hoped to find a girlfriend sometimes. Though he would only "hunt" for one after his life has stabilized, he couldn't get complacent now just because of the praise he had got.

Today had to be one of the best days in Wang Ming's life he got to know so many new persons. Though he didn't get to talk too much with Fu Ya, but Wang Ming talked a lot with Lang Lin instead. They talked about when he saved her, but even more about food since Lang Lin is a foodie. She wanted to know everything about the braised pork, and if he had any plans to make other dishes and how they would taste.

After talking with everybody and seeing that they had finished eating, Wang Ming opened the door to send them out. But Uncle Hou grabbed him and finally asked what he had wanted to ask ever since he tasted the first bite.

"Wang Ming, Uncle Hou, hopes you can sell this recipe to me. I've really fallen in love with your dish. I don't know if I can sleep well at night, if I don't get the recipe. Uncle isn't as rich as your Uncle Fu, but I can give you 50 million yuan."

Hearing that Uncle Hou wanted to pay him 50 million yuan, Wang Ming didn't know what to do, 50 million yuan would fix all his problems, he could open up at least 5 more restaurants with that kind of money. But he couldn't believe that his recipe was worth 50 million.

"50 Million? Are you sure, Uncle Hou? Are you sure you didn't mean 50 thousand yuan?"

"Yes, 50 million don't belittle yourself, Wang Ming. With enough marketing and time, this recipe could earn over 50 million yuan. I don't want to buy the rights to your recipe, but I just want to know what your recipe is."

"I'm sorry, Uncle Hou, I don't want to sell this recipe. It's my brain child, my baby. It isn't right for me to do so."

Seeing that Wang Ming denied his offer, Zhang Hou couldn't help but feel depressed. But hearing Wang Ming's next words, his mood changed once again.

"But I can give you the recipe for free, but you need to promise me, not to give it to any other person. You can't sell the recipe or use the recipe in any of your restaurants."

"Only this? You are giving it to me for free like this, Little Ming. How can you even trust me, aren't you afraid that I will betray your trust? With my standing in the market I could take this recipe, earn billions, then claim I made the recipe."

Zhang Hou couldn't believe how much Wang Ming trusted him. Even if he had bought the recipe from Wang Ming, Zhang Hou had no intention of selling the recipe or the dish. The only reason he wanted to buy the recipe is because he loves to learn about fresh ways to make food.

"Don't worry, nephew, I didn't intend to do anything else then learn from your recipe even if you had sold it to me. I can't take your recipe for free, but what I can do in exchange. Is to help market your restaurant in the food circle, and Old Fu can help with the media. I can promise by two days. There will be news about your restaurant everywhere not only in Liaoling city but the whole Hang Meng district will know about your restaurant."

Bowing to Uncle Hou and Uncle Fu, Wang Ming then thanked everybody for coming and finally sent them away. Ming Ming didn't want to leave, but Wang Ming promised to come another time and cook her food. It was only then she obediently went with her mother. Though before Fu Ya and Lang Lin went home, they both said to Wang Ming to remember their date. Hearing that they both had a date with Wang Ming made Lang Lin laugh.

"I wanted to treat Wang Ming to dinner because he saved me once, I don't mind going together. We could go on a big date, Me, You, Wang Ming and Ming Ming that would be fun."

Wang Ming thanked the gods that Lang Lin instantly defused the situation, but what Wang Ming didn't know was that Fu Ya and Lang Lin went home both in a bad temper, though they didn't want to show it in front of Wang Ming.