Successful day

After everybody went home. It was time for Wang Ming to open the restaurant for customers.

Opening the restaurant door and keeping it open, so that the smell of the food could make its way out to the street. Wang Ming went inside the get pamphlets he had made to give out to people passing by. Wang Ming remembered that there were people watching the opening ceremony, but since he used over an hour entertaining his guests, he wasn't sure if anybody would be there.

Grabbing the pamphlet, Wang Ming readied himself to stand in the sun and give out pamphlets. But when Wang Ming came out of the door, it had roughly been 5 minutes since he opened the door to him finding the pamphlets. In that time frame, there had come over 50 customers.

Some of them were in groups, such as families and friends, some alone. He had to get them to form a line outside the restaurant as the 16 tables got occupied in the matter of seconds. Wang Ming couldn't believe how many people came just because of the smell, some people in the queue were salivating in anticipation.

Seeing Louzheng franticly running around taking orders, Wang Ming put down the pamphlets to help him. His initial plan was for Louzheng to take orders and Wang Ming to cook, but since all his food was precooked already. Wang Ming didn't need to do much cooking else from cooking the rice, and then he would only need to plate the food.

There were three pieces of meat in a clay pot. He had given out seven clay pots already, which meant he had 28 pots roughly 80 pieces of meat left. Wang Ming would need to track how much meat he had left, since when he runs out of meat he would need to close the restaurant. Wang Ming had earned no money yet, so this was the way he had to do things for now.

Though seeing all the customers he had already he wouldn't have any problems in selling all of his food, which would secure him a lot of money to buy more ingredients. Depending on the earnings, he could also hire someone to help him, though this would probably something he would do only later on. Since if his restaurant got fewer customers, then he would lose money on hiring an additional worker.

Wang Ming then ran to the kitchen and plated up the food. The process was pretty simple, but even though it was, Wang Ming still plated the food with utmost care. Taking the meat from the clay pots and then cutting them each into small cubes, Wang Ming put them on their respective plates. Since Wang Ming wanted this to be a family restaurant, he wanted the food to look good and appetizing for both old and young.

He served two different versions. If there was a family with young children, he would on the plate with meat and vegetables also put two rice balls, but he would shape it like a cat's face. Shaping ears with rice and putting some nori on it to form the face. The version for adults would be with more vegetables and have a more tidy and clean look.

Wang Ming and Louzheng worked with great speed and synchronization. He felt it was great working with Louzheng, since he's very serious and they had good teamwork with each other almost like they had worked together for many years. Many times he didn't even need to tell Louzheng to do something, he only need to glance at him once before he instantly knew what to do. Though Wang Ming still needed to correct Louzheng sometimes, which he had expected.

Working their way through orders, everything went smoothly. After 30 minutes they had taken and served orders to the first 16 customers of the restaurant. The best was that there were no complaints, only compliments. Done in the kitchen, Wang Ming then walked around the restaurant to talk with his customers, since he was curious about what they really felt about his dish. Though not wanting to impose on their meals, he only asked and answered shortly.

After getting his answers, Wang Ming felt satisfied by the answers he had gotten. Most of the customers meant that this was the best braised pork belly they had ever eaten. The ones that knew a little more about food all praised his effort in making the pork belly tender. Hearing them once again appreciate all his efforts really made it feel great. The most important thing for him was that he felt satisfied with the dish, but getting recognition from others felt good.

After talking with all the customers, Wang Ming saw Louzheng took payments and customers leaving. So he prepared more pork and got more customers. This was how the four next hours went, they had sold out already only after 4 hours. They had been having customers and a queue since he opened the restaurant. If this kept going, he could probably earn millions in a matter of weeks.

Everything went great until they went out of stock and had to reject more customers. Most of them were ok with it since Wang Ming promised to be back the next day and promised to give 10 percent off for any person who had waited over 30 minutes.

Though some also got angry and made a ruckus. Wang Ming tried to explain to them and be civil that it would take him at least 8 hours to make the dish, so there was no way for him to serve them anything now.

But they still didn't want to hear, so instead of quarrelling with his customers, he closed the restaurant door. Seeing him close the door and ignored them, the angry customers just walked away vowing to talk shit about the restaurant.

Seeing the angry customers walk away, Wang Ming sighed and went to the cashier box to check on his earnings while Louzheng cleaned up.

Wang Ming had sold the dish at the price of 125 yuan per serving, which he thought was expensive. But none of his customers complained at the price. If it kept going this way, then Wang Ming would increase the price of the dish. Because the dish took over, 8 to 9 hours to complete.

Taking out the cash inside the cashier box, Wang Ming counted out loud.




He kept doing it until he finally reached the last bill which totaled 9820 yuan. Wang Ming had done some calculations and it should have been 10000 yuan, which meant that roughly 200 yuan was missing. It was most likely because of Louzheng's clumsiness, though Wang Ming said nothing as he didn't want Louzheng to feel guilty he didn't really care about the money.

After deducting the money he had used to buy the meat, wine etc. Wang Ming had earned roughly 5 to 6 thousand yuan today. If he kept going like this, he could earn about 150 thousand yuan in a month and close to 2 million yuan in a year.

But seeing how popular his restaurant already was from only the 1st day, Wang Ming not only intended to increase how much meat he made but also the price. He hoped to make 200 pieces already from tomorrow on, though he wouldn't increase the price before next week. Though this meant that he would have to get more clay pots and at least 2 more ovens.

Wang Ming also intended to start takeaway orders, since he only had 16 tables. Takeaway would give the chance to people that didn't want to sit down at his restaurant, but want to eat at home with their family or friends.

Having his plan all sorted out, Wang Ming helped Louzheng clean up the rest of the restaurant. Working together, it took only 45 minutes before the restaurant was shining clean.

After they were done Wang Ming told Louzheng about the money they had earned and promised to give him a BIG bonus if it kept going like this to the end of the month. They then both went out, Louzheng home, while Wang Ming still had to buy meat and new stoves.