Fast and furious

At only 10am in the morning, so many people had gathered in front of Wang Ming's restaurant that he couldn't even see the street outside his restaurant. People kept pushing and pressing at each other to come closer to the restaurant door. While some stood patiently and waited further back, afraid of getting caught up in the trouble.

Wang Ming didn't see at first but, there had gathered over 40 reporters to his restaurant. Seeing so many people overwhelmed him since he didn't expect this many people in front of his shop already, and especially not reporters. The reporters bombarded him with both questions and blitz flashes, which made him stumble.

Though they didn't go inside the restaurant to make trouble, they all knew who protected this market. The Wang Gang wouldn't mind them making some ruckus, but if they started destroying things and disrupting business too much, they would deal with them accordingly.

This was also why it was important for the reporters to be in front. Since they had to let customers through the door. Which meant that only the reporters in the front would have the chance to talk with Wang Ming unless he went out of the restaurant.

Taking a second to collect himself, Wang Ming tried to answer some questions but he couldn't as all of them kept bombarding him with questions. Also, having so many reporters here would block all his customers and scare those that had families with small kids away. So Wang Ming drove them all away, telling them to come back after he closed the shop.

He still had a lot to do and lots of customers to serve, so he didn't want to entertain reporters. He knew it's a great opportunity for him to make his restaurant more known, but as a chef and owner he couldn't let them bother his customers or delay his work.

Being driven away the reporters weren't happy, but this could become a great story for them. Most of the reporters got strict orders from their superiors to all get a story from Wang Ming. They hadn't even heard about this restaurant before, but seeing the line of customers behind them, they at least knew it was popular.

Some of them had their own sources and had hard that Wang Ming's restaurant had only opened 1 day prior but did incredibly well on opening day, they had also interviewed some customers that came that day all of them affirmed that the meat here was some of the best they had ever tasted. So they all wanted a piece of the story.

But one reporter got a brilliant idea, and that was to just buy food. If she bought the food, then she could taste the food to give a review. But since she's Wang Ming's customer, it wouldn't be too far to ask him a few questions. Sneakily she walked towards the queue trying to blend in, but she wasn't sneaky enough as other reporters also saw what she did, so they all lined up behind her waiting to get in the restaurant. Not all the reporters lined up, as most of them went away, and would come back after Wang Ming closes.

The reporters that stood in the queue after being driven away were in for a long wait, cause as soon as walked away. The people that were behind them had lined up in front of the restaurant, all excited that the annoying people had moved. There were at least 50 people waiting in line, though it wasn't too bad for the reporters as they got to ask the customer's questions, so they found out a lot of excellent information.

Inside the restaurant, chaos also unfolded. The customers today were a lot more crazy than yesterday, the customers ran to the tables as fast as they could. Some even argued with each other on who came first to the table, others went even a step further and just sat down on the floor.

Wang Ming tried to tell some customers they had to wait for their turn. But they didn't care about Wang Ming, and just kept on arguing with each other. Getting annoyed, both Louzheng and Wang Ming shouted out, deafening their ears. Getting all the attention, Wang Ming smiled and said.

"I know you guys want to buy food, but everything has its rules and order. I only serve 16 tables at once, the ones on the floor or don't have a table please get out and wait inline. If you don't want to wait, then I will do an exception only for you guys inside right now. You can buy takeaway, so now please stop making trouble or else I will need to throw you out."

Since they were his customers, Wang Ming tried to be strict but also respectful. He is an owner of a restaurant, couldn't swear at them or use violence unless he had to.

Looking at Wang Ming's and Louzheng's faces, the customers felt fear, especially the small kids. But seeing that Wang Ming eased up and smiled, the customers also eased up. What Wang Ming had said was very reasonable, so they stopped arguing as there would be enough food for all of them. The people who didn't have a table all got their takeaway and walked away happily. Their goal was just to get the food eating there or not didn't matter too much to them.

After this, Wang Ming and Louzheng could finally work as normal again. Wang Ming kept on cutting the meat and serving with rice and vegetables. He didn't have too much time to talk with his customers since there were a lot of takeaway orders.

But one thing Wang Ming noticed was that he was running out of pork belly again. They were only 2 hours in service this time, but he only had 1/4 of the meat remaining. The reason was because there were a lot of takeaway orders. They had only served roughly 50 portions at the tables, but double that for takeaway. This meant that they would have to stop service early today also, Wang Ming didn't expect this at all.

Though Wang Ming had also forgotten about Uncle Hou and Uncle Fu. They had circulated news about his restaurant to every media company out there. Not only this, Uncle Hou had also circulated news about Wang Ming to all the chefs he knew, which garnered even more attention to Wang Ming.

Wang Ming would have to increase the amount of Pork Belly he makes and buys, at this rate he would probably have to at least cook 500 (226kgs) pounds of pork belly a day. He didn't know if he could do it himself, but he would put in all the effort to make it happen.

After another half hour, Wang Ming had to close the restaurant again. The customers didn't take it hard today; the news had spread from yesterday also that he closed shop early. Which made Wang Ming happy, since it was one less problem for him to deal with.

Though one thing he had forgotten was all the reporters still sitting outside. The reporter that came with the plan to stand inline and wait were furious since she was the next customer inline. She had smelled the delicious food for over 3 hours, which made her completely forget about her job, she only wanted to taste the food. But then the shop suddenly closed. How could she not get angry?

But controlling herself, she turned back to the professional reporter she is and instantly got to business. Since she was right in front of Wang Ming, she instantly took the chance to interview him.