Save her

Creeping close to the guard, Wang Ming felt the adrenaline spike in his body and heart beating faster. Looking at the guard, Wang Ming saw these people didn't seem like pros at all. The guard in front of the door had on a black suit, but he also had black sunglasses on which would impair his vision. It also looked like he was dozing off and used the sunglasses to hide that he was sleeping.

This was the first time Wang Ming witnessed someone sleeping while standing. He didn't think it was possible until now for someone to sleep in such an uncomfortable position. Seeing the man sleep, Wang Ming tried to sneak his way behind him and get into the door, but before he could do it. The guard who was sleeping leaned backwards and supported himself with the door, which also blocked Wang Ming to open it.

Seeing no other way, Wang Ming put down the baseball bat, he then grabbed the guard's mouth, which woke him up but as soon as he did. He then struck him hard in the neck, knocking him out. Looking around, Wang Ming didn't see or hear anyone react, which meant no one had heard him.

Wang Ming then carried him and left him behind some boxes, hoping he would stay put till everything was over. But what Wang Ming didn't know was that this man could never wake up again and would lie on the bed for the rest of his life, since Wang Ming's hit to his neck was too strong.

Taking the bat in his hand again, Wang Ming then opened the door. Opening it, Wang Ming could hear the sound like someone was being whipped and the laughter of a man. Hurrying inside but not forgetting to be stealthy, Wang Ming made his way into the room. Coming in Wang Ming realized this room was much larger than he expected. It looked like it had been a storage room that someone later remodeled to be a bedroom.

Walking further into the room, Wang Ming could hear the voice of the man with the scar and the whip sounds getting louder and louder. Finally arriving at the source of the sounds, Wang Ming felt deep regret that he didn't come here sooner.

Wang Ming saw Louzheng's arms and legs tied to a thick wooden object that resembled an X. His entire body looked bloody, Wang Ming could see many red and purple marks on Louzheng's body, they had probably not only hit him with a whip but with a blunt object also like a baseball bat.

Wang Ming wasn't sure, but it seemed like they had hurt Louzheng's legs and arms badly. But that wasn't even the worst, because it seemed like one of the whip strikes had hit Louzheng right in the eye. The eye was bleeding, Wang Ming didn't know if the hit had blinded his eye or not.

Louzheng were only having his left eye open while he shut tight the other. Seeing Louzheng like this, Wang Ming felt his body was on fire, but also a lot of guilt. He would do anything in his power to repay Louzheng. Shaking his head, Wang Ming realized it wasn't the time to think about this, the most important factor now was to get Louzheng and Qiao Meng out of here.

As he was readying up to take out the man with the scar, Wang Ming heard him say.

"Hmpf, no fun to play with you. What is the point in me whipping you if you won't even scream! Fucking pathetic, after I finish with the girl, I'll fucking kill you."

Hearing this, Wang Ming hurriedly turned his head down to look at the revolver and pulled it out. But looking up again, Wang Ming couldn't see the man anywhere. It's like the man had just vanished.

Feeling panic, Wang Ming didn't care about stealth anymore and ran towards Louzheng to free him. But as Wang Ming untied Louzheng's right hand, Wang Ming felt him slap his hand away. Looking at Louzheng Wang Ming then untied the rope again, but Louzheng slapped his hands again and then said with a hoarse avoice.

"Wang Ming don't bother with me *cough*, I may look like this but I can still move."

Taking a deep breath to soothe his hurting throat Louzheng then said.

"I've endured beatings ever since I was young. You need to save the policewoman, he will rape her, my wounds will heal but if he rapes her, that's something that will never heal! GO now, there's a secret room behind that wall that's where he went."

Seeing that Louzheng were conscious and could still talk eased Wang Ming because it meant Louzheng wasn't in a life-threatening condition.

Wang Ming then ran towards the hidden door and opened it. Entering through the door, Wang Ming couldn't be happier that he listened to Louzheng's words. Because behind this door was the actual bedroom, and the man had already undressed himself and Qiao Meng.

Qiao Meng was lying on the bed with only her underwear on. She looked like an angel who had fallen from heaven. Wang Ming could now see the wound on her thigh and it looked deep, but didn't look life threatening if he got her to the hospital soon. The man still hadn't heard that Wang Ming had entered the room since he focused on Qiao Meng and how he would play with her.

Seizing the moment, Wang Ming took out the revolver, pointing it at him, which alerted the man because of the noise. But before the man could do anything, Wang Ming pointed the revolver at the man with trembling hands and said.

"Who are you! Tell me! What are your plans and who do you work for? Why did you want me to come here and why did you do that to Louzheng! Tell me, why are you targeting me!"

Wang Ming was feeling stressed out and angry, so he spurted out every question he could think of. But instead of getting an answer like he expected, the man instead walked closer while laughing at Wang Ming and grabbed the revolver and pointed it at his head and said.

"Haha, look at you. You can't even hold a goddam revolver right. Look at your hands their trembling more than my grandmother, kill me? PLEASE. Shoot me, if you dare!"

Hearing his words, Wang Ming's face paled, because he knew the man was correct. Wang Ming couldn't bring himself to shoot the gun and kill a person. Wang Ming had only killed animals, not humans.

The man saw that his distraction technique had worked. He hadn't met many that was as gullible Wang Ming was. Seeing his chance, he tried to grab Wang Ming's revolver, but doing this got Wang Ming's attention.

Seeing that the man wanted to grab the firearm, Wang Ming yanked it back from the man's arms and pushed him as hard as he could towards the wall. Which coincidently spelled the man's demise as the man's back hit the wall, making him fall down on his ass. It wouldn't have been too bad, but since the place he fell down was also where he had placed his whip earlier. So the handle of the whip penetrated the man's ass, making him howl in pain, roughly 5 inches of the whip had penetrated his ass.

The pain drove the man mad as he trashed around trying to pull out the whip. But every time he tried to touch it, the pain only got worse. Finally, after a few minutes the man gave up touching it and just lied on the ground in shame and defeat.

While the man was doing this, Wang Ming examined Qiao Meng and looked at her wound. The wound was still bleeding, so Wang Ming tore up his shirt and wrapped it tightly around the wood, hoping it would stop the bleeding. Examining her further, it didn't look like she had any other wounds on her body, which made Wang Ming wonder how she got knocked out.

Though looking at her face, Wang Ming finally understood how it had all happened. The leader had probably ambushed Qiao Meng with a towel filled with chloroform after seeing her battle prowess. Qiao Meng then fought back, which made the leader angry, so he stabbed his knife into her thigh.

Seeing that Qiao Meng breathed fine and there seemed to be no other issues with her, Wang Ming let out a deep breath. If something had happened to her, it would have been Wang Ming's fault. It was he that had asked her for help. Just as Wang Ming's mood got better, the man on the floor ruined everything.

"Hey, you. You are Wang Ming, right? Let me cut you a deal, eh? Just get the fuck out of here, but you need to leave the bitch and the assistant behind. I need to have something to play with. I'll tell them you never came, then run as far away as you can. You are in deeper shit than you think."