Ran Yingjie

Wang Ming couldn't believe what he was seeing. There had to be at least 30 police officers, but clearly these officers weren't the normal ones but a special force unit. As they had a full black bodysuit, a bulletproof vest on top and a black helmet. Not only this, they also had an MP5 rifle each which scared the crap out of Wang Ming. Today was the first time he had ever seen a gun.

As soon as Wang Ming opened the door, he could see at least 20 rifles aimed at their group, and all the officers shouting at the same time. Wang Ming couldn't understand what they were even yelling at the top of their lunges, but finally understood when Qiao Meng said.

"They want us to lie down on the floor, Wang Ming. But don't worry, I'll take over from here."

Qiao Meng limped slowly towards the officers while holding her hands high in the air. Even though she didn't think that they would shoot her she, still kept her hands in the hands in the air.

"Stop, please. My name's Qiao Meng, I'm a police officer in the traffic division, I'm with the two other victims!"

Hearing that Qiao Meng was a police officer, none of the officers lowered their weapons as unless they got direct orders from their superiors they wouldn't do anything to defy their orders. But luckily one of the accompanying officers recognized Qiao Meng.

"Lower your weapons! They're on our side! Lower your weapons!"

Shouted a police officer when he ran out his shoulder insignia had one pip and two silver bars, which meant he's an Inspector 3rd class, a senior officer. He's also the one leading the operation.

Running to Qiao Meng, he gave her a big hug and said.

"What are you doing here, Qiao Meng? Weren't you supposed to work in the traffic division? Ever since you were in one of my classes in police school!"

Seeing the person who hugged her was Ran Yingjie, Qiao Meng tried to wiggle out of his hug. Why had it to be him, she still remembered only two years ago. He was only a Constable 1st class but now he's already and Inspector 3rd class that's a four rank jump. Though what made him memorable in Qiao Meng's eyes was how disgusting his behavior was.

She had met gangsters who were more gentleman than he was. She still remembers being in his class, for every demonstration he would always ask for Qiao Meng to be his partner, then he would touch her body all over, she slapped him the first time he did it. But he just kept going. She reported him to the police school, which got him removed from the school as a teacher. That's why it was even more shocking to her. He did a four rank jump. A police officer, need to have a clean background and history.

Qiao Meng wanted to slap Ran Yingjie again, he hadn't changed at all she thought. But she didn't expect Ran Yingjie to apologize to her.

"I'm sorry, Qiao Meng, I was just so happy to see you again. I'm so grateful that you reported me to the police school board. I deserved it, I was young and cocky, but now I'm a changed man. The last few years I've worked hard to change my image, and I finally got promoted last year when I cracked down a big drug case last year. Once again I apologize Qiao Meng, I was a vile beast before I hope you can forgive me."

"Now can you please tell me what happened here? We've got so many pieces of information we just need someone to piece it together."

Seeing Ran Yingjie apologizing with so much sincerity, Qiao Meng decided she would give him a chance for now. She wouldn't just forgive him like that, but she wouldn't hold a grudge against him. It was up to him to show that he's a changed man, anyway she wouldn't meet him much after this. The most important thing now is to get everybody out.

"I can't help you piece together the information, but I have someone who can. His name's Wang Ming. Let me clarify he's the victim anything he's done today in this factory was because he had to, its self defence. So remember this don't interview him like he's a suspect."

Qiao Meng didn't have the authority to ask Ran Yingjie to do as she asked, but even if he didn't, then she wasn't too worried, as Wang Ming knows Meng Hao. Inspector 3rd Class is a high rank but nothing in front of Meng Hao's uncle who's the police commissioner.

"He's Wang Ming?!"

Seeing Qiao Meng nod, Ran Yingjie hurriedly ran towards Wang Ming. Seeing the man just hugging Qiao Meng running towards him, Wang Ming hoped it wasn't bad news. There was nothing Wang Ming could do if he wanted to arrest him. He had killed in self-defence, but still he had killed someone. He didn't know what Qiao Meng and Ran Yingjie had talked about.

Ran Yingjie walked close to Wang Ming, almost like he was sizing him up with an icy voice he said.

"Are you Wang Ming?"

Wang Ming didn't know why he would ask him this, what was the difference between him being Wang Ming or another person he was still the victim.

"Yes, I am. Who are you, why are you looking for me?"

Turning his attitude 180 degrees, Ran Yingjie pulled out his hand to give Wang Ming a handshake, but realized that he couldn't since he was still supporting Louzheng.

"We are here to rescue you Mister Ming, I'm on strict orders from Young Master Meng to bring you back with no harm. I'm sorry that we came too late. I hope you will put in some kind words for me and my crew, so that Young Master Meng doesn't punish us! Someone get Mister Ming and his friend out of here, get them to the hospital ASAP!"

Wang Ming didn't know how Meng Hao had caught wind of what was happening. He felt so confused. Wang Ming had sent out a message before he entered the factory, and that was to Peng Tong. He asked Peng Tong to bring some of his men as reinforcements in case of a fight happening. But now instead the police are here and Meng Hao sent them?

He wanted to ask Ran Yingjie about it, but he would probably not know. It looked like even though he has a prominent position, he still has a long way to go, to enter Meng Hao's circle.

That Ran Yingjie wasn't good enough to be in Meng Hao's circle, but Wang Ming, who was way below him, could. Made him even more confused about Meng Hao. Who is Meng Hao what does he really want?

But since he's a brother and family, Wang Ming couldn't care less what his agenda was. As long as it didn't hurt him or his beloved he would do anything for Meng Hao.

Ran Yingjie's special force unit worked with an incredible efficiency, as only in a few minutes Wang Ming, Louzheng and Qiao Meng was sitting in an ambulance together to the hospital together with Ran Yingjie.

Finally getting in the ambulance, Wang Ming grabbed his phone to turn it on. Turning it on and activating it, Wang Ming got so many notification sounds he had to turn the sounds off. Looking at the notifications, he realized he had gotten 252 calls and messages from Meng Hao, 102 calls and messages from Peng Tong.

Before Wang Ming could check the messages, he got an incoming call from Peng Tong. It seemed like they had continuously called him.

"Hello little brother!"

Wang Ming couldn't say one more word before Peng Tong bombarded him with questions. He was shouting into his phone, which made Wang Ming's right ear buzz. He had already one deaf ear he didn't want the other ear to be deaf too.

"Little brother, talk slower one question at a time. Please talk softer. One of my ears is deaf already I don't want the other to go deaf too."

Peng Tong wanted to talk softly, but couldn't when he heard that Wang Ming's left ear had gone deaf. He needed to find these people and kill them. Who would dare to do this to his big brother! Peng Tong once again shouted into his phone.

"Big brother Ming, who did this? I will seek revenge for you."

"HouZi Gang."

When Peng Tong heard who had instigated it, he once again felt cold. If it were only a person who could deal with them easily. But HouZi gang gave Peng Tong a tremendous headache. He couldn't instigate a war just because of his personal matter, many of his brothers would die if he did.

Finally, Peng Tong was silent. It was now Wang Ming's turn to talk.

"Peng Tong, did you talk with Meng Hao? Why were the police sent to the factory? Weren't you supposed to send reinforcements?"

Hearing what Wang Ming said, he realized he had totally forgotten to tell him about what had happened.

"If you didn't remind me, I would have forgotten big brother. I'm sorry, when I got your message I was with Meng Hao. We were doing something for you together. When I got the message Meng Hao also saw it and he advised me to not send any brothers, instead send the police. That's how it happened, believe me, I really wanted to help you but with Meng Hao sending the police I knew you would be safe. But hearing that you're injured, maybe I should have sent my men instead."

"I see now, little brother. Don't worry, it was the right choice. If I can't even protect myself, then how can I protect my family, my brothers? It's not your fault I got hurt, I got hurt protecting important people. Talk to you later. Please inform Meng Hao also, I'll call him later."

Wang Ming wanted to talk more with Peng Tong but Ran Yingjie kept looking at him so he cut the conversation short.

"Officer Ran, do you need something?"

When Wang Ming called him officer Ran, Ran Yingjie thought Wang Ming was mad at him since he had been staring at Wang Ming. So he hurriedly apologized.

"No, No. Mister Ming. I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk with you more about the case. I hope that's ok!"

Wang Ming did not understand why Ran Yingjie apologized to him but it didn't matter. Wang Ming also wanted to know more about the case, so he didn't mind talking about it.

"Officer Ran."

"Please don't call me Officer Ran, just call me Ying. Yingjie, it's what my friends call me."

"Yingjie, I don't know how much you know, but I will tell you everything I know then we can compare the information we know."

Wang Ming then told Ran Yingjie everything that had happened that day, from the poisoning in his meat, to going to Weng Ping's shop, finding Weng Ting and then everything that had happened in the factory. How he had saved Qiao Meng, Finding Gang Gou and Including that he had killed a person, Wang Ming felt nervous telling Ran Yingjie about it, but he knew that there was no way for him to escape the fact that he had killed someone.

"Are you sure that you fought with five men? Mister Ming?"

Why would he ask such a question, Wang Ming thought but just nodded and said.

"Yes. I killed one, knocked out three, and shot the last one in the crotch."

"I'm sorry, It's not that I'm doubting you, but when we came to the scene, we didn't find any of the men you talked about. We found the corpses of the thugs you talked about, but not the bodies of the men you had knocked out. There was a big bloodstain in the primary room close to the door, but we did not find any bodies close to it."

Hearing this, Wang Ming didn't know what to think. Wang Ming had only spent about 5 minutes from getting Louzheng out of the room until he walked into the room filled with police. In that time span someone had moved all the bodies of the men, unless they had all faked their condition when Wang Ming knocked them out.

It was possible, but how could One move so fast after being shot in the crotch. Did the ones he had knocked out carry him away, or was there someone else there that had cleaned everything up?

"I promise you everything I say is true, I saw the men I fought against them. Even Louzheng had seen one of them. Qiao Meng can also testify. We saw one of them he tried to kill them, so I killed him it's the man I told you about. His corpse should still be in the backroom, didn't you check there Gang Gou should be there also!"

Calling to his subordinates to check if they had searched the room, Ran Yingjie smiled hearing the results.

"Gang Gou's dead, shot in the head we don't know who did it as clearly you guys don't know either. But the good news is there is a corpse there with the clothes you described."

The ambulance finally arrived at the hospital, nurses came to get Wang Ming, Louzheng and Qiao Meng out. They were all put in a wheelchair and pushed them inside the hospital but before the nurses took them away, Ran Yingjie gave Wang Ming his card and said.

"I believe you, Mister Ming. I will find you again if I need anymore information, I will also update you with anything we find. Thank you, please take my card if you ever need anything please call!"

The nurses then pushed the group inside.