
The nurses had finally put Wang Ming to bed. When he, Louzheng and Qiao Meng had arrived at the hospital. They had to do multiple tests for the doctors to find out their condition. Qiao Meng didn't have too many tests as she only had a wound on her thigh, even though One had pressed down hard on it further bruising the skin, her overall condition was good.

The doctor had sent her home, warning her to not do anything strenuous for the next week. As for Wang Ming and Louzheng, they had to stay in the hospital. Louzheng had multiple fractures in his legs and arms, but unbelievably enough, nothing more than that. Louzheng had told the doctor and Wang Ming the beating he had endured. It was unbelievable that he only had fractures.

If a normal person had endured the beating Louzheng did, they would most likely been dead or crippled for life. Though since he had both fractures in both arms and legs, he would have to sit in a wheelchair for the next six weeks before he could move. It would cost him 20 thousand yuan to get an electric wheelchair, or 5000 yuan to lie on the hospital bed for the next six weeks.

Louzheng just wanted to get home and lie on the bed there for six weeks, since he didn't want to spend such an enormous amount of money, nor did he have it. But the doctor didn't want him to go home, as he had no one to take care of him at home. He would end up injuring himself even more by trying to take care of himself.

"Louzheng, I'll pay for you 20 thousand for an electric wheelchair and 5 thousand for a nurse to help you do bathe and go to the bathroom."

Since Louzheng's arms had fractured, he couldn't really do anything by himself anymore, not even go to the toilet. Wang Ming felt bad for him as it was his fault this had happened, clearly both HouZi gang and the other people that had hunted him all came for him and Louzheng was just collateral damage. Now Louzheng couldn't even go to toilet without using a catheter and a bedpan which he never wanted to use again.

"Wang Ming, It's too much money… I've only worked for you a week, at max I've worked for 1 thousand yuan… My savings is only at 3 thousand, I couldn't pay you back unless you give me years maybe longer! Please Wang Ming, I know you feel guilty, but this is my problem I can't take so much money from you."

There hadn't been many times Wang Ming had heard Louzheng talk more than a sentence or two at a time. It seemed like he was really serious this time, Wang Ming would have conceded any other time except for this time.

He wouldn't be able to live with the guilt that Louzheng has to live in major discomfort, potentially hurting himself, just because he didn't want to take Wang Ming's money. Louzheng's not only a server in his restaurant, but also his friend.

"Louzheng, I understand how you feel. Even if you don't blame me, I still blame myself. Now about the money don't think that I'm gifting you the money, I'm compensating you the money because you got hurt in the restaurant. You will also need to pay me back the money it will deduct it from your monthly salary, 1 thousand each month. I don't care how long it takes to repay me, just work for me until its paid, is that ok?"

Louzheng still wanted to decline, but seeing Wang Ming's face, he knew that Wang Ming wouldn't take no as an answer. At least, this way Louzheng owed the restaurant money and not that Wang Ming did him a favor.

"Okay, I accept. I'll work again as soon as I can so I can repay you the money. Thank you, Wang Ming!"

Though what Wang Ming didn't tell Louzheng was that he was going to increase Louzheng's salary with at least 1000 yuan. So he wouldn't lose anything. After selling at the restaurant for a week, Wang Ming knew that the potential to his cooking and restaurant is immense.

"Good, now relax I need to do my tests now. Go home when the doctor sends you home and stay home. I will keep paying you the next 6-8 weeks, even though you don't come to work. Think of it as a medical leave, just relax, do whatever you want. Goodbye Louzheng."

It was finally Wang Ming's time to get tested. Luckily, he had come out of that factory in much better condition than Louzheng. Except for his wound at the side of his head and his deaf ear. The doctors had taken x-ray pictures of him checking his wound, ear and some other minor tests.

"Mr. Wang, you are very lucky had the gun just fired a centimeter to the right you would have been dead. Had the pistol been even closer to your ear while it fired, you would have been permanently deaf!"

After the doctor had finished reprimanding Wang Ming, he then said this time with a gentle voice.

"But congratulations, you won't have any permanent damages. I'm fascinated that your wound has stopped, it's bleeding and shows signs of healing. I won't pry, but it's very intriguing. Now your ear is going to be uncomfortable for the next seven days while it heals, if you hear buzzing or anything at all it's normal. The bulletproof vest blocked the shot at your back, so you only have minor bruising there. I would like you to stay at the hospital for a day. But it doesn't seem like you enjoy hospitals, so you can go now."

Hearing that he didn't need to stay at the hospital Wang Ming felt relieved. He had been in a hospital once before when he was young and had a horrible experience, which made him hate hospitals ever since.

"Ah, I almost forgot. Please remember to change bandages daily or if they get wet. Also clean the wound daily it's going to hurt as hell, but the last thing you want is an infection in that wound. Just pay at the reception, goodbye!"

"Thank you, doctor for everything. I hope I never see you again! Unless you're a customer at my restaurant."

The doctor just laughed at Wang Ming's comment and sent him out.

Walking to the reception, Wang Ming sighed a breath of relief. It seemed like only Louzheng was the unlucky one which he definitely was. Reaching the reception, Wang Ming saw his savior, Meng Hao.

Even though the police squad Meng Hao sent came late, they still helped him by getting them to the hospital fastest possible. Not only this, but they had cleared him of any suspicion which Wang Ming didn't have words for how much he appreciated.

Seeing Meng Hao standing there smiling at him, Wang Ming ran up to give him a hug.

"What are you doing here, second brother! Thank you for sending help earlier, I heard everything from Peng Tong. I can't thank you enough!"

Feeling Wang Ming hug him Meng Hao just wanted to melt into his arms, but as soon as he got comfortable Wang Ming let go. Sighing Meng Hao said.

"What kind of younger brother would I be to not send help? But it seemed like I sent help too late. What happened to your head? You're injured! I clearly told them to not let anything happen to you."

Wang Ming felt happy that Meng Hao were angry for him because it meant he really cared not that Wang Ming had any doubts about it. It just proved to Wang Ming more that believing in Meng Hao and admitting him as a brother was the right choice.

"It's not their fault, second brother. I could have waited for the reinforcements but I didn't know that the police would come, since I turned off my phone. Not only this, the reason I'm hurt is that I had to save Louzheng and Qiao Meng."

Since Wang Ming wanted to protect them, Meng Hao didn't say much. But he needed to find out who hurt Wang Ming and get revenge for him.

"Ok, but Big Brother, who hurt you? We need to get revenge for you. If I find out who did this I'm going to shred him to pieces."

Meng Hao then tenderly touched Wang Ming's head. Thinking about the scar that would come from the wound made him angry. He felt sad since a scar would now ruin Wang Ming's perfect body. Though it didn't mean that Meng Hao liked Wang Ming any less, instead it amplified his feelings. Wang Ming's actions had proved he's loyal and brave.

"There were two parties. One I don't know the identity of, there were 5 men like soldiers or mercenaries that wanted to hunt me. They used the HouZi Gang to do the grunt work for them."

Hearing HouZi gang again made Meng Hao even angrier. He had heard about them many times. This gang would do anything for money. Forced prostitution, kidnapping, and extortion are things they do daily.

His uncle had wanted to take them out for a long time, but lacks evidence. The big bosses like HouZi Gang's boss always find a scapegoat, they never get caught doing anything illegal.

"HouZi Gang is troublesome, but they won't get away from this unscathed. I can't do much for now, Big Brother, but I can send the police to monitor them and disrupt all their illegal businesses."

"No, just leave them be for now. This is my revenge, not yours."

Wang Ming didn't want to drag Meng Hao into his problems. HouZi Gang had messed with him not only once, but multiple times, Wang Ming had enough. He wouldn't rest until he could bring down HouZi gang. He wasn't sure how yet, but he would find a way.

"Now let's go. Let's go for a drink I'll pay!"

After paying the hospital fees for both him and Louzheng, Wang Ming joined Meng Hao to his car.