Good night

Good Night

Wang Ming wasn't sure at first, but later on he realized that Lang Lin was most likely drugged. He didn't know by what, but some kind of drug had to have done this, Wang Ming couldn't believe that someone would get into this state by only a single drink, it wasn't even a strong one. This wasn't the first time that Lang Lin had drunk alcohol either, so it made little sense. So he would take her to the hospital to get her checked out.

The taxi driver wanted Wang Ming to seat belt, but seeing Lang Lin hugging him like a koala he gave up, there was no way for the belt to reach over them both.

"Please drive the fastest route to the hospital. I'll pay extra if there are any extra costs."

"Don't worry Mr. I'll get you there as soon as possible. I can't drive over the speed limit since the police stopped me a few days ago. I'm sorry for that, if you want you can take another taxi that can get you there faster. I'm Su Huiliang [1], just call me Hui."

"I see you live up to your name. Don't worry Hui, just drive within the boundary of the law. I think someone drugged my friend here, but she has a stable breath so just take it easy. I'm Wang Ming."

Looking at Lang Lin's face, Wang Ming just smiled. He had never seen her face so at ease before, looking closely at her face. He could see dark patches underneath her eyes, which made him sad. It seemed like Lang Lin also led a stressful life with a scant amount of sleep. She tried to hide it with her makeup, but since Wang Ming was so close to her, he could see it.

This made Wang Ming cherish Lang Lin more. He didn't want a woman that couldn't do anything else than being a trophy wife. He needed someone that would pull their own weight, having their own dreams and ambitions. Though he didn't value it in money as long as she does something she enjoys doing, she can earn 0 yuan a month, he would still support her.

Wang Ming didn't want to do it, but seeing her adorable face, he lowered his face to hers and kissed her on the forehead. Even though a kiss on the forehead for most people isn't a big deal, Wang Ming thought it was wrong to do something like this especially not when she can't consent.

"Wang Ming, we've arrived. The bill is 60 yuan but, I'll take a clean 50 from you."

"Thank you, Hui, but it's unnecessary. I told you I would give you a bonus to get us here fast, and you did. I didn't even notice that we were here already please take this."

Giving Hui two hundred yuan, Wang Ming then carried Lang Lin out of the taxi, being careful so that her head didn't hit the door.

Wang Ming didn't like to waste money, but he had no qualms in helping other people, especially workers. Su Huiliang had been kind to him, so Wang Ming wanted to help him out as much as possible.

Nodding at Su Huiliang, Wang Ming carried Lang Lin into the hospital, even though it was fairly late at 10pm the hospital was still open. Though most doctors and nurses had gone home already, leaving only people on night shift, which is fewer than on the mornings. Walking up to the receptionist, Wang Ming asked.

"Please, could you get a doctor to look at my friend? I think someone drugged her. She's been nonresponsive to me like her mind shut down. She can't stand straight or do anything by herself."

Usually with these types of enquiry, she would just let them sit and wait until a doctor is ready, but seeing Wang Ming's great concern to his girlfriend. She let him go directly to a doctor. The receptionist wished that one day she could also get such a manly boyfriend as Wang Ming.

"Please, just walk up the stairs to the right. There should be a door that says Dr. Wong on the door tell him that, Dongmei sent you."

Almost screaming thank you at Dongmei, Wang Ming hurriedly ran up the stairs with Lang Lin in his arms. Seeing the door she had talked about, Wang Ming knocked on it.

"Who is it?"

"I have a patient. Dongmei sent me!"

Wang Ming waited for 10 seconds but couldn't hear anything anymore, didn't the man want to treat Lang Lin? But he then heard a loud sigh behind the door before it opened, which revealed a man in his forties. He had round glasses looked like he took care of his body enough that he wasn't fat but Wang Ming would consider him chubby.

Seeing the doctor motion for him to get in, Wang Ming walked in with Lang Lin. Seeing a bed in the middle of the room, he placed her gently down on it.

"So what happened? She looks fine?"

"I'm sorry, Doctor Wong, to disturb you at this late hour. But I think someone drugged my friend. She has shown no adverse side effects, but I still want to find out what she got drugged by. In case it has any permanent effects."

"Okay, step out of the room while I do a checkup. It'll take 5 minutes."

Wang Ming didn't want to leave Lang Lin in the room alone with the doctor, even though he's probably a good man he couldn't be too trusting now. Lang Lin is very vulnerable at this moment if the doctor did something unspeakable to her then he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Seeing that Wang Ming didn't move, the Doctor Wong knew what Wang Ming was worried about, so he let him stay.

"Sorry, just stay here. I know what you feel."

Wang Ming then saw Doctor Wong do a basic checkup on Lang Lin. He was very respectful to her and didn't touch any sensitive body part unless he had to.

"Did she have any alcohol, perhaps? She seems fine her heart rate is slow but other than that she will be okay after a night's sleep."

"That's what makes me worried. She only had one light drink tonight. She has drunk alcohol before, so it's weird how she reacted so hard if it was only alcohol. If you smell her breath you can barely smell the alcohol."

Hearing what Wang Ming said, it clicked in Doctor Wong's head.

"You, young man, have been a hero today. You're right, it's rare someone gets to this state from just one drink, especially since she has drunk alcohol before, it's even less likely. Someone drugged her, I don't know the specific one unless I do a blood test but, since she's not conscious I won't. Instead, I can do an educated guess. How long did it take before she became dazed, did she have any kind of seizure?"

Since the doctor confirmed someone had drugged her it didn't take a detective to know who had done it. It had to be the group of Feng Jiayi they probably spiked the drinks. If anything happens to Lang Lin, he would definitely find them for revenge.

"No, she didn't have a seizure of any kind, I've been there with her from the bar till now every single second. It took about 25 minutes before the drugs kicked in."

"Okey, then I know they most likely drugged her with Rohypnol. It could also be Xanax or Klonopin. But by far Rohypnol is the most popular drug, they're also called date rape drugs. Someone probably had the intention of drugging your girlfriend here then, I'm sorry but rape her. I think you should go to the police with this, but that's up to you. Now take her up to the fifth floor bed 102 let her sleep the drug off then she'll be good. I'll re-examine her when morning comes. Now go!"

"Thank you, Doctor Wong!"

Taking out 500 yuan Wang Ming wanted to give it to Doctor Wong, only to be reprimanded by him.

"What are you doing! This is a hospital, if anyone sees you giving me money I'll lose my license. I thank you for the intention, if you want to reward me then buy me dinner sometime."

Thanking, Doctor Wong one last time, Wang Ming grabbed Lang Lin in his hands and carried her up to fifth floor. Laying her down on the bed felt sour as he needed to leave to take care of his restaurant. He still needed to prepare the meat that he had ordered for tomorrow. But seeing Lang Lin lying on the bed, Wang Ming just couldn't go, not until he felt assured of her safety.

Grabbing a chair to sit beside her, Wang Ming stroked her head softly and said.

"Good night."