
Lang Lin woke up at 7 am. She felt like someone had locked her in a dream, and now she was finally out. Opening her eyes and sitting up, Lang Lin felt her head spin. She felt like she had a hangover. Looking around carefully to not aggravate her head, she realized she was in a hospital room with Wang Ming.

What had happened? She tried to remember what had happened yesterday, but everything's hazy. She could remember that they had drinks at the bar, but then after that she could barely remember what had happened.

Feeling panic, she checked her vagina to ensure nothing had happened. Touching it, she felt nothing out of place, no pain, no nothing. Trying harder to remember what had happened yesterday, she remembered some bits, like Wang Ming pushing Ren Meng. They hugging in the taxi and Wang Ming kissing her forehead, but nothing else.

"Lang Lin, are you ok?"

Wang Ming was still asleep when Lang Lin woke up, but her moving around on the bed made him wake up. Seeing her being awake and able to move made him relieved.


She tried to answer Wang Ming, but barely could as her throat had dried up. Which made her cough while answering.

"Sit still, I'll get you some water."

Grabbing a can of water, Wang Ming filled some water for her. Putting the can down, he pressed the button to notify for a doctor.

"Here take a sip just take it easy."

After taking a sip of the water, Lang Lin realized how dehydrated she was, so she couldn't help but gulp the whole cup of water.

Seeing her drink like a child made Wang Ming laugh. Smiling at her, he offered her another cup. She finally felt satisfied after 4 cups of water.

"How do you feel?"

"I'm okay, I feel weak, like I have a hangover, what happened Wang Ming? Why am I here?"

"Everything's fine, don't worry. Feng Jiayi, Ren Meng and Yin Yan drugged you yesterday, with what the doctor believes is Rohypnol. The doctor said that it's a common drug that rapists use. It makes your head blank and you can even forget all the memories of the night, like what happens when you blackout from alcohol."

"What! That can't be true! Are you sure Wang Ming? What did my friends do? Ehuang, Meifeng?"

Wang Ming didn't want to make a rift in Lang Lin's friendship with the girls. He wasn't sure if they knew what was going or not so he wouldn't sell them out.

"I'm 100% sure. You've drunk alcohol before, right? Think about it Lang Lin, you drank one drink yesterday and you're in this condition. It couldn't have been the alcohol the doctor affirmed, someone drugged you. As for your friends, they did nothing. I don't think He Meifeng and Wan Ehuang has anything to do with this, I just think that they were gaslighted by their boyfriends. You should talk with them and figure something out, but if they don't break up with their boyfriends and apologize to you, then you shouldn't be friends anymore."

Hearing what Wang Ming said, Lang Lin didn't know what to do. She believed in Wang Ming. He saved her, but she had no recollection of last night, not of that, only of Wang Ming, and that pissed her off.

"I believe in you, Wang Ming, thank you for saving me. I don't think my friends are heartless monsters either, I've known them for many years now, we are best sisters from college. We used to go out to drink a lot, we shared sorrows and joys, they wouldn't sell me out just for their boyfriends."

Lang Lin just sighed, there was nothing she could do now, she would have to wait until she felt better to confront them. Looking at Wang Ming, she noticed he had dark circles under his eyes. He probably stayed up late to take care of her. If this was any other person, she would have felt pure joy, seeing someone sacrifice their sleep to take care of her. But Wang Ming confused her feelings.

Reaching out with her hand, Lang Lin grabbed Wang Ming's back head and motioned him to get closer to her. She then gently stroked his hair and put his head on her lap and said.

"Thank you again for saving me, Wang Ming. Not only that, but to all the sacrifices you do for me. Believe me, I see them and I truly appreciate it."

Then, pulling his head up closer to her chest, Lang Lin bowed her head down and gave Wang Ming a kiss. She only wanted to kiss him on the cheek, but she missed his cheek instead she kissed him on his mouth.

Wang Ming didn't think that Lang Lin was so bold to kiss him on his mouth. He had never kissed a woman before, but he had seen movies before and even heard some drunken tales. So he did what he thought was right and pushed his tongue out into her mouth and engaged in a tongue battle with Lang Lin. Even though the kiss only lasted 10 seconds, it felt like hours for them, they just couldn't get enough.

They wouldn't have even stopped after 10 seconds, but they heard someone knock on the door which made them realize what they were doing.


Lang Lin with a total red face wanted to explain herself but, before she could, Doctor Wong opened the door and stepped into the room. Doctor Wong saw both Lang Lin and Wang Ming, who were now standing had bright red faces like how teenagers would react if parents catch them doing something naughty. But since he hadn't seen them do anything, he didn't ask to spare them the embarrassment.

"How are you doing today, Wang Ming, looking at your clothes you probably didn't go home yesterday? What a great boyfriend! Girl, I'll tell you what I told this brat yesterday. He's a great man he absolutely saved you from being sexually assaulted, as a thank you to him I think you should take better care of him and yourself!"

Hearing the doctor confirm someone had drugged her, once again made her think of her friends. Did they really betray me? What's happening.

"Thank you, doctor, I will! But he's not my boyfriend. Just a great friend, but from today I will consider him as a boyfriend candidate."

Once again Wang Ming felt sad to hear that Lang Lin didn't have any romantic interest in him, but after hearing Lang Lin's last words, he felt euphoric. Wang Ming thanked Doctor Wong in his mind for being the best wingman ever.

Doctor Wong then did the checkup he did yesterday. Since Lang Lin was awake this time it made things easier, as she could answer questions he had.

"Okay, you're ok, no symptoms of any severe side effects from the Rohypnol. Just the normal ones as dizziness, weakness and memory loss. I can discharge you now or you can stay for another night tomorrow you should be good as new."

"Thank you so much, Doctor Wong, please discharge me now. I've been away for a day, I think my father's worried sick."

"Just pay at the reception whenever you are ready to leave. I hope I don't see you guys ever again, at least not in the hospital, now goodbye!"

After Doctor Wong left, Lang Lin wanted to stand up from the bed but her body's still too weak, she almost fell and hit the floor. With a shy face she could only ask, Wang Ming to carry her, which Wang Ming had no problems with.

Cleaning themselves up in the bathroom, Wang Ming then carried Lang Lin down to the reception, though this time he used the elevator. He had been in such a hurry last night that he didn't even notice it. Seeing the reception, he saw the same receptionist from last night, Wang Ming asked her.

"Hi, again, thank you for last night! How much is the bill?"

"Hi to you too. The bill is on 300 yuan, it would have been cheaper, but since Doctor Wong assigned you a single room, it's more expensive how you don't mind. If you don't have the money, then I can pay for you first."

Wang Ming couldn't believe how nice the workers in this hospital was, he had never heard of a receptionist paying for a client before. But he didn't need it so pulling out 300 yuan he paid her, Wang Ming wanted to thank her more than just saying thank you, but he still remembered being scolded by Doctor Wong yesterday, so he didn't dare to give her money.

"Thank you for everything goodbye!"

Lang Lin wanted to thank the receptionist too, but Wang Ming ran out of the hospital that she didn't even get the chance.

Coming out of the hospital was when they realized how many people that were already visiting the hospital, Wang Ming and Lang Lin kept getting stares, which made Lang Lin embarrassed. She like being an independent but now she felt so weak and vulnerable, but it also felt good being in the secure arms of Wang Ming.

Wang Ming had called a Su Huiliang earlier for a taxi ride, Wang Ming didn't know if he was driving now, but to Wang Ming's surprise, Su Huiliang said he sleeps in the taxi, so he's ready for a drive whenever. When Wang Ming exited the hospital, Wang Ming easily spotted Su Huiliang's taxi as he was jumping in excitement waving for him.

Walking to Su Huiliang, Wang Ming noticed that he really had a blanket and a pillow in the right seat, it seemed like he had been sleeping when he had called him as well.

"Please take us home, Brother Hui."

Wang Ming then looked at Lang Lin as he didn't know what her address was.

"Tianzhaicun area, 214445."