Qian Guo

Qian Guo

"Welcome back, Mr. Ming! They're ready for you now. Do you want to interview them together or separately?"

"I'll interview them together."

Wang Ming thought it would be best to interview them together as it would take less time and having them both there would make them even more competitive. He then followed her to a small room, which only had a table and a few chairs, a minimalistic room. But it's more than enough.

Upon entering the room, he saw two people who he assumed were Gao Xingjuan and Qian Guo. Shaking hands with them and sitting down, he started the interview. He started off by doing some basic introduction, then he started asking questions, but since he had never been the interviewer before, he wasn't sure what to ask. But on the walk back to Tonsheng he had searched on Baidu for questions to ask, and luckily he found some good ones.

"What skills and strengths can you bring and what value can you give my restaurant if I hire you?"

He then motioned for Qian Guo to answer first.

"Sir, I'm a hard-worker. I work with a lot of passion. I've worked at many businesses and restaurants, so I not only know how to do basic serving, I can also help with management of the restaurant. I can help with staffing needs, inventory and coming up with new ideas. Since I've been a worker for the most of my life, I know what to do to make your staff happy! I can also cook!"

Then it was Gao Xingjuan's turn.

"I've worked for only a few restaurants for most of my life all were a few years employment. I have over 15 years experience with food and restaurant management. I can't cook, but I've become good enough to know what food should taste like. I've even been a judge in multiple tv shows to judge food, I would've become a chef if I could but, I can eat food not make it. I know a lot of media people I can contact them to give you a lot of coverage if you have enough money."

Wang Ming asked them a few other questions like if they work well in teams, how they overcome challenges and so on. Qian Guo really impressed him, even though he only had two years of experience working with restaurants. He was not only witty but very smart. Wang Ming had no doubts that he could take good care of staffing, it would benefit him a lot if he hired him.

As for Gao Xingjuan, she's good, even more qualified than Qian Guo, but she's too rigid. Wang Ming felt like she didn't fit with his vision. She's definitely better at restaurant management than what he or Qian Guo is, but after talking with her he felt like she's too afraid of taking chances and making mistakes. She would fit in his restaurant if he only wanted to sustain and make slow gains.

But Wang Ming didn't want that, he wanted someone daring to take chances, to expand his restaurant's reach fast. That person would be Qian Guo.

"I've decided, just wait for me. I'm just going out to get the papers."

Wang Ming walked out of the room, but when he stood up a stack of 100 yuan bills fell out of his pocket. He then walked out of the room. This was a test he had thought of, even though it isn't a perfect test, it would still let him see their nasty side. He had observed their faces when he dropped the money they both had a greedy look on their face, but for Gao Xingjuan it then became fear, before it finally turned normal. Qian Guo, he had a greedy look on his face also, but then it changed into a disgusted look.

After getting the papers, which took a few minutes, Wang Ming finally returned to the room. Looking at them, he noticed Gao Xingjuan looked a bit flustered while Qian Guo's face was red like Guan Yu's face. Even though he wanted to ask what was wrong but he didn't, he had noticed that the stack of money he dropped wasn't there anymore, so someone had to have taken it. He would wait until one of them said anything about it.

"So, I've decided on who I want to hire. But before I announce it, do you guys want to say anything? It could influence my decision in a good way."

But even after 30 seconds none of them said anything they just looked at the table and didn't dare to look at Wang Ming.

"Okay, since no one wants to say anything. I'll announce who I'll hire. Congratulations Gao Xingjuan, please just sign the contract and you can come to work tomorrow."

What Wang Ming said shocked both of the applicants, Gao Xingjuan was sure that Wang Ming would sign Qian Guo, they hit it off really well. Not only this, but Wang Ming's attitude towards her was only lukewarm, so it made her even more insecure about herself.

Qian Guo thought the same thing he thought he had this interview for sure. He would have an outstanding job, earn a ton of money and help his family.

"Are you sure you want to sign me, Mr Wang, and not Qian Guo? Your attitude to him earlier was so great, I thought you were signing him for sure."

Taking another look at Qian Guo, Wang Ming sighed and said.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'll explain it after you sign. You're right, I'm sorry, I've been biased."

After Gao Xingjuan signed the contract, Wang Ming finally explained to her why. Qian Guo was still sitting there just dumbstruck.

"First, let's talk about your qualifications. Through our interview, you probably noticed also that we are very different people Gao Xingjuan. You're a very qualified person, better than most I've seen. We just don't have the same vision, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. We can learn from each other and adjust our visions to make us both better."

"Second, which is also the most important factor, I never mentioned this in the interview, only me and the receptionist know. It is that I value loyalty over everything. I don't care if you're bad at everything you can still learn, but for most people, loyalty is something they can't learn, it just depends on the price it takes to buy out the loyalty. I had high hopes for you, Qian Guo, especially after hearing what the receptionist said about you. Why did you do it?"

Both Qian Guo and Gao Xingjuan knew what had happened now, Wang Ming dropping his money, was just a test. He deliberately dropped his money for them both to see.

"But, then you shouldn't hire me either! I saw the money, I felt the greed I wanted to take the money also, but I just couldn't. Shouldn't that make me a disloyal person?"

"No, Gao Xingjuan, it makes you a good person. Having desires is common it's something we can't help. Say you have a boyfriend and you see a 10/10 man, it's normal to have shameful thoughts, but the most important factor is that you never act on it."

"Once again Qian Guo, why did you do it?"

Hearing Wang Ming knew he had taken the money, Qian Guo got down on his knees and grabbed Wang Ming's arm and begged.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang! I have no choice, my wife and children are starving, I need the money. Please hire me, take your money back! Just give me a chance, Mr Wang."

Qian Guo then pulled the stack of money from his buttocks and stuffed it in Wang Ming's hands, which made him feel disgusted. But it didn't matter for much Qian Guo would beg now it's too late, he's already chosen.

"No, just take the money, think of it as my compensation for your time. Now Gao Xingjuan see you at X address tomorrow, please be there before 10 AM."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Wang! I promise to do my best! To do everything to make you restaurant the biggest in the city! I'll come bright and early tomorrow!"

"Okay okay, just call me Wang Ming when you come tomorrow, I don't like people calling me sir this sir that, young master here young master there."

Qian Guo realized it was nothing he could do anymore, his greed and desire to help his family, had made him miss the chance of a lifetime. He had heard about Wang Ming's restaurant from his former boss. That Wang Ming's restaurant is one of the hottest restaurants in Liaoling city at the moment. That's also why Qian Guo stole from Wang Ming, he didn't think a rich boss like him would care or even tink about such a small amount of money.