Welcome back!

After Wang Ming finished at Tonsheng, he went back to the restaurant to clean up everything. The meat he had ordered for the night prior were in boxes at the floor in the restaurant. They hadn't gone bad yet, but he couldn't possibly sell it to customers, so he asked someone to take it away and giving it away to an animal shelter.

He then slept. He felt his body craved it. Even though Wang Ming has a powerful body, he couldn't ignore the fact that his body needs enough sleep. He slept like a stone until he awoke a little before 2 am. Thankfully, he got no more dreams, he still remembers the dream he had about Lang Lin, Fu Ya and Qiao Meng.

Waking up, Wang Ming started the same usual procedure to make the food, though this time he didn't feel the same motivation and drive he had felt before all this happened. He's getting bored by making the same dish day and day out. He realized he needed to find another chef to cook at this restaurant. He needed to do something new, something different.

The reason he didn't want to get another chef prior is that he doesn't want anyone else to get their hands on his recipe, it needs to be someone he trusts, a person like that isn't easy to find. His best bet would be to ask Uncle Hou about it, since he has been in the game for so long, not only this but he has multiple famous restaurants he must know how and who to hire. Though he would call him later as it was still only 2.30am.

The time ticked slowly this morning, Wang Ming wanted to do something else, but he pushed through. Even though he didn't want to make braised pork belly at this moment, it's still the dish that made him rich. He also owes it to all the people that's going to come tomorrow to eat at his restaurant.

Soon the clock hit 8am, Wang Ming hadn't slept this time during the night, instead he was strategizing. The only thing he needs now is funds. He had multiple ideas on how to make a lot of money, just sadly not enough money. His best bet for now would be to open up more restaurants, which would spread his reputation and also earn him more money.

Though Wang Ming wasn't sure what type of restaurant, he wanted to open yet. He had two ideas one is to open other restaurants that have the same menu but would have their own specialities or have all the restaurants only sell one specialized dish.

Like how his restaurant now had one dish only the braised pork belly, the other restaurants he would open would have their own dish. Wang Ming thought it would be an amusing approach, as he hadn't heard about anyone doing it like this. Usually all restaurants under one franchise will have the same menu with some specialities.

Though not everyone has the same capabilities like him, Wang Ming's sure that he could make more dishes like the braised pork belly with enough time. Though for now he needs more money.

After Wang Ming put the last batch of pork belly in the heating cabinet, Gao Xingjuan arrived. Seeing Wang Ming, she hesitated before saying.

"Good morning, Wang Ming! I'm sorry that I'm late on my first ay! I got stuck in traffic."

"Don't worry you're not late you're still 2 minutes ahead now change your clothes in the locker room and prepare to open the doors!"

Wang Ming, then suddenly the door open again. Looking at the door, Wang Ming saw Louzheng with his nurse came into his restaurant, Louzheng's face was red with anger, but his eyes looked like he was about to cry.

"Wang Ming, how could you do this to me?"

He did not understand what Louzheng meant. He had done nothing to Louzheng, nothing that made him feel guilty.

"What do you mean, Louzheng? We are brother's, good friends. I would do nothing to hurt you."

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Louzheng said.

"Do nothing to hurt me? Then what is this? I saw it just now a woman entered the restaurant, you hired her right? Are you going to replace me? I can work Wang Ming, I'll work today! Don't replace me, I love this job, I love working with you!"

"What are you talking about, Louzheng? I'm not replacing you, I'm getting us more help. I'm trying to set up everything so when you come back to work, I can entrust you with this restaurant. Gao Xingjuan will do everything you cannot do, she will do a lot of the restaurant management, but you will be the boss here, I'll even share 50% of the profits from this restaurant to you."

Louzheng couldn't believe that Wang Ming not only didn't replace him, but wanted him to become the boss of this restaurant later. He didn't even finish high school. How would he manage a restaurant? Not only this, but Wang Ming wants to give him 50%? That's insane! But not something he could accept, Louzheng felt apprehensive.

"I can't Wang Ming. I've done nothing except from taking customers, but now you want to give me your restaurant and give me 50%. I just can't."

Wang Ming understood why Louzheng's like this. He still remembers the first time he met Louzheng, he had given him 500 yuan, which made Louzheng spend an entire morning trying to find him. But if Louzheng didn't take this position no one could, Louzheng had proven himself to be loyal and honest, which is what Wang Ming needs the most.

The only two other people who would trust in this position would be Peng Tong and Meng Hao, but they have their own matters. He couldn't bother them. Especially for Meng Hao, he's a rich, powerful young master he would never want to manage a restaurant.

"I understand Louzheng, but believe me, no one fits this job more than you. You think you aren't qualified enough, I understand, but Gao Xingjuan can teach you. I need someone loyal to me and you are that person. If you don't take this job, then I don't have anyone else, I need you to step up to the plate Louzheng, I still need to focus on other projects and you helping me would make it easier."

Louzheng only sighed after listening to Wang Ming, he had no choice now.

"I understand, I accept your position, but I have two conditions, I don't need 50% only give me 10% it should be more than enough. Then I want to work from today! I've healed enough, I'm so bored at home, I need to do something."

Wang Ming couldn't understand why Louzheng was so afraid of money, here he offered him 50% of the money but he only wanted 10%. Though for his second condition, Wang Ming didn't know Louzheng's condition, so he couldn't agree.

"I agree on the first condition, but your second condition I don't know. You need to get approval from your doctor first."

This was when Louzheng's nurse who had said nothing till now finally interjected.

"Don't worry Mister Wang, Louzheng can work even though his arms and legs aren't good yet, I've talked with the doctor. Since his job isn't physically taxing, as he only needs to talk to customers the doctor agreed. I will also help him o anything he can't, since I'm his full-time nurse."

Since his nurse consented, Wang Ming had no reason to decline anymore. He only need someone to take care of the food and he would have the team assembled.

"Welcome back, Louzheng!"