Uncle Hou

"Good job, Gao Xingjuan! Keep doing that, Louzheng."

A few days had passed now, Wang Ming still couldn't believe how many people were visiting their restaurant, Wang Ming kept having to order more and more pork belly. Though this also resulted in him having to work more at night, he now has to make at least a 1000 pounds of pork belly every night! And even when he did, the restaurant would sell out in 5 hours.

The restaurant earns 250 thousand yuan a day! Though not all of this is profit, he still has to pay for the ingredients, but the profit margins are superb from the 250 thousand yuan, 150 thousand is profit.

Though the one person who has impressed him a lot, these few days are Gao Xingjuan. She showed him he had judged her totally wrong. And it's never too late to learn. She's worked incredibly hard these few days to become integrated into the restaurant, she now runs everything together with Louzheng. But even though she has a lot of responsibility, she doesn't act willfully, she's even been teaching Louzheng as much as she can.

The only thing Wang Ming needs to do for the restaurant every day is to cook the food, as both of them have shown they have enough capabilities to run the restaurant with ease. Of course they still make mistakes, especially Louzheng, but he's learning, even he makes mistakes all the time, it's a big part of learning.

"I'm out now, good luck you two!"

Today's the first day where Gao Xingjuan and Louzheng will have full command of the restaurant without his supervision. He believed they could do it, especially seeing how capable Gao Xingjuan is. She would have no difficulty helping Louzheng resolve any problem that may arise.

If they do good this time, then Wang Ming could finally rest easy and just leave the restaurant for them, though he would still make the food or find someone to do it. Having Louzheng and Gao Xingjuan take care of this restaurant, left him time to do what he needs to do in the evening, but finding someone to replace him would be the best option as then he could fully dedicate himself for a new project.

It seemed like it's the time to give Uncle Hou a call luckily he still kept Uncle Hou's card.

Zhang Hou were busy reading the papers, he saw an article detailing Wang Ming's restaurant about its success and scandal. Zhang Hou felt pissed off when the article dared to slander his nephew's restaurant. They wrote that Wang Ming's recipe is something he had stolen from a western culinary book. Not only this, but they said he sold rotten meat, that's why his customers got poisoned.

The audacity, Zhang Hou, had always kept an eye out for Wang Ming's restaurant. He clearly knew what had happened. If Wang Ming had stolen the recipe from somewhere Zhang Hou would have known instantly, he has read so many culinary books through his life not only this he has a large database of every recipe he knows and none is like Wang Ming's these guys must be crazy! '

The worst part is that Wang Ming's recipe is clearly Chinese! Though he also understood that with great fame also comes jealousy and resentment, these newspaper agencies are probably spreading fake news for more sales. Thinking about Wang Ming, he realized he hadn't seen his nephew since the opening ceremony of his restaurant. He felt sad that Wang Ming hadn't called or visited him yet. He doesn't have any children so, Wang Ming and Meng Hao is the only nephews he has.

Seeing his phone buzz, Zhang Hou didn't have the mood to take the call, there isn't many that know this phone number so it's probably a friend, but Zhang Hou just didn't feel like talking with anybody. Hearing the call stop, Zhang Hou sighed and thought.

I should have married and gotten kids, I've worked all my life to get the success I have today, but yet I'm still so lonely.

Hearing the phone ring out again, Zhang Hou felt even more pissed off. Who keeps bothering him? Don't they realize if he doesn't pick up the phone, then it means he's not there or doesn't want to talk? Grabbing his phone, Zhang Hou shouted at the person who called him.

"Stop calling me! Who is this?!"

Wang Ming didn't know what he had done wrong, but hearing Uncle Hou's angry voice, he realized this probably wasn't the best timing to call and talk with him.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Hou! This is Wang Ming, I wanted to call you to ask you about something, but it seems like you're busy. I will call back another time."

"Wait, no! I'm not busy. I just read an article, they wrote some nasty stuff about your restaurant which made me angry. Coupled with I thought there was someone else calling it made me irritated, I'm sorry nephew! What did you call uncle for?"

"Oh, don't worry about them, Uncle Hou. I know what their saying, if you get angry it just fuels them to do it even more. I don't care I've done nothing wrong so I have nothing to fear. I want to hire a chef, someone capable of taking care of my restaurant I want to expand."

Hearing that Wang Ming wanted to expand his business already, made Zhang Hou intrigued even though he had kept tabs on Wang Ming's restaurant he didn't know specifically how much money Wang Ming but to think that Wang Ming has made enough money to open a new restaurant already, Zhang Hou found it a bit hard to believe.

"I think I have a perfect candidate for you. Let us meet somewhere to drink coffee and talk about it more meet me at Blue Mountain cafe in 30 minutes."

Wang Ming felt excited since Uncle Hou had a perfect candidate for him. Uncle Hou had worked in the food business longer than him and his father together, Wang Ming, the person must be incredible to get such a recommendation from Uncle Hou.

It didn't take long before Wang Ming came to the Blue Mountain Cafe. He had arrived 15 minutes early, but Uncle Hou had arrived even earlier than him. After greeting Uncle Hou, he sat down, but it seemed like the person who Uncle Hou wanted to recommend had arrived yet as he saw only him there.

"Uncle Hou, where's the person you talked about?"

Uncle Hou just smiled and said.

"Isn't it obvious, nephew?"

Wang Ming didn't know what Uncle Hou meant at all. What did he mean about obvious it was only them there?

"I'm sorry, Uncle Hou. I don't understand."

"Silly nephew, we are family, right?"

He didn't know what Uncle Hou was implying, so he only nodded.

"I also know your recipe already, don't I?"


Wang Ming finally understood, Uncle Hou wanted to work at Wang Ming's restaurant!

"No, you can't Uncle Hou! Your my uncle, you're a food mogul how can I as your nephew make you work for me?"

"Nephew, stop. We're family, right? Family helps each other out. It doesn't matter I'm your uncle, I want to help you out!"

"No buts! I'll help you out, all my restaurants are running without me, I have nothing to do. Maybe this will bring some excitement in my life again."

Stunned was what Wang Ming was feeling right now. He couldn't believe that Uncle Hou would volunteer to work at his restaurant. Wang Ming had searched up Uncle Hou in his free time. Uncle Hou is famous and even one of the most respected chefs in China.

But then Wang Ming saw someone run up to their table, a man in his twenties. He looked familiar, yet Wang Ming knew he had never seen him before. He only thought the man was a stranger, but he then stopped at the table Wang Ming and Uncle Hou shared and bowed and said.

"Grandpa Hou, I'm sorry, I'm late! This must be Wang Ming, right?"

The man then turned to Wang Ming and gave him a firm handshake and sat down.

Wang Ming wanted to ask who the man was. But he then finally noticed Uncle Hou's smirk, which then turned into a full-blown laughter.

"I'm sorry, Wang Ming, haha. This is the man that I want to recommend. I would love to work at your restaurant but, I need to give the younger people a chance. This man is Uncle Fu's grandson. He's 18 years old. Even though he's young, believe me when I say he's good, I've taught him myself since he was 6! Even though he's not as good as you, I hope you two can help each other out."

"Uncle Ming! Please give me a chance. I promise I will do everything I can to learn and to make the best food possible!"

Being called Uncle by a man only a few years younger than him felt weird, but that's how seniority is. Wang Ming wasn't sure about hiring him, but he's not only Uncle Fu's grandson but also Uncle Hou's disciple means he's family. Wang Ming has no reason to refuse family.

Uncle Hou was looking at Wang Ming's face expression seeing him look unsure. He then put his trump card on the table.

"Wang Ming, I know you don't know Fu Jinhai, I can assure you he has massive talent, please hire him. I'll also work at your restaurant until I feel satisfied he knows everything he needs to know to take care of you restaurant, is that ok?"

"Uncle Hou, you don't need to do that. I will hire him since he's Uncle Fu's grandson and your disciple he's family, I have no reason to decline family."

"Don't worry about it, since I'm recommending him, I need to make sure that he can do his job! Now thank Uncle Ming, you doofus!"

Fu Jinhai felt ecstatic that Wang Ming would hire him. He had heard a lot about Wang Ming's restaurant from his master. Not only this, but his master had made Wang Ming's recipe once, which he luckily got a taste of. It tasted so good that Fu Jinhai needed to know the recipe, but sadly his master told him he couldn't give him it since it belongs to Wang Ming, but now he could finally learn it!

"Thank you so much, Uncle Ming. I won't disappoint you!"