Valuable Jade

When Wang Ming arrived, he had to stand in line to enter Valuable Jade. He couldn't believe the amount of people that were here to stone gamble. Luckily, Peng Tong had got one of his underlings to stand in the line for them, so after Wang Ming grouped up with Peng Tong they got a spot in the line. Wang Ming felt bad cutting the line like this, but if he didn't, they would wait for hours. By then, the shop would be closed.

Even though they weren't at the front of the line yet, but they were close, it would probably take only an hour before they were in. Wang Ming thought they would stone gambling on the streets, but since Peng Tong wanted him to meet here, there had to be a reason.

"Glad you're here, Big Brother. Don't think about the line it moves quicker than you think. Many people gamble and buy stones from other places, but what they don't know is those places. Extract the jade from the stones first or they survey every stone to take all the good stones away first, buying a stone that contains jade from those places are very hard. But Valuable Jade is a reputable shop, they do everything organically, they have branches all over China!"

So that's why he chose this place, Wang Ming thought. He didn't think that buying stones off the street would be so risky, though he also understood that most of those businesses try everything to maximize their profit. When they got closer to the store, Wang Ming suddenly saw three big men in suits threw out five men, three who were still unconscious, and went back inside.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. But the Valuable Jade shop has an incredible background. If you do anything stupid, they will throw you out and blacklist you. Most people, even if they lose a lot of money, just hold their temper, but occasionally it's those types of persons who think they have a strong background and can do whatever they want, they usually get a beating. Even if my big boss, Wang Gang's leader, came here, he still would have to follow the rules! That's how powerful this shop is. But enough talking we're in."

Finally, it was their time to enter the shop. Wang Ming felt excited to try out some stone gambling, though he also felt apprehensive as it's 500 thousand yuan he's going to gamble. This is the first time in his life he's going to gamble actual money. He had played some mahjong before, but that's it. He knew it's a stupid choice to gamble for money, but he really had no idea how to get 20 million yuan in a short time frame without doing it.

"I know how you feel, Big Brother, I felt as intimidated as you when I first came here. It's so majestic! The store has three different floors, first floor are where the 'garbage' stones are though depending on the stone the price is anywhere from 100 yuan to 20 thousand yuan. The second floor has stones from 20 to 50 thousand yuan and the last upper floor is where all the good stones are, but the minimum price for one is 100 thousand yuan!"

Wang Ming agreed with Peng Tong the shop looked amazing. There were big wooden tables, with a beautiful red tablecloth over it. There were even golden dragons on the tablecloth. The tables had a myriad of stones on it, which differed not only in size but color and shape, though most of them had a spherical shape.

He couldn't believe that these were the garbage stones as many looked superb, but of course the outside can deceive, just because a stone looks good on the outside doesn't mean that it has jade.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Big Brother? Even though it's not a crazy amount, but it's still 500 thousand yuan. I'm not rich, but if you really need money, I can lend you 1-2 million yuan. You should know gambling isn't guaranteed you will probably lose a lot more than you win. A reason I got you here was to intimidate you so you would give up, but seeing the stars in your eyes, you probably won't."

Wang Ming smiled, hearing how concerned Peng Tong was. Even though he did this on an impulse, he still felt confident that he wouldn't lose all his money. He felt lucky today. He felt like he had exhausted all of his bad luck with the banks and Qiao Meng it could only go up from here. Even though 500 thousand is a lot, it wouldn't break Wang Ming if he lost it, but if he won big, then he would be set.

"Don't worry little brother, I know you're concerned but keep your money. You still have your underlings to take care of. I need 20 million yuan for my business plan, so I'm trying my luck. Even if I lose today, it won't break my bank.

"I understand, even though I don't think you should gamble, but since you have a plan, I will help you to the best of my ability. But I don't think we should buy stones here even if many of the stones look good, it's called the garbage stones for a reason. People only find jades from these stones maybe once or twice a day, so the ones that have money skip this floor. Since you have 500 thousand, we should too."


Wang Ming and Peng Tong were walking up to the second floor, when Wang Ming spotted a little boy trying to look at the stones but he wasn't tall enough. So instead he tried to drag the tablecloth to get the stones closer to himself. Luckily Wang Ming spotted what he was doing and grabbed the boy, just as Wang Ming grabbed him multiple stones fell down from the table exactly where the boy had just been standing.

"Little boy! Don't do something so dangerous again. Where are your parents?"

"Ah, my parents!"

Hearing Wang Ming mention his parents, the little boy wiggled out of Wang Ming's arms, but before he ran off, he picked up a little stone from the ground and put it in Wang Ming's pants pocket.

"Goodbye uncle!"

Seeing the little boy run away, Wang Ming went back to Peng Tong and they finally move to the second floor.