Valuable Jade Part 2

After going through the security for the second floor, Wang Ming finally saw the second floor. Though to his disappointment, the second floor was identical to the first one, the only big difference were how many stones it's on the tables and the number of people here.

Half of the people coming to Valuable Jade don't qualify for the second floor to enter the second floor you need to have a net worth of 1 million and be willing to spend at least 100 thousand yuan.

"Big Brother, this is the second floor, don't get deceived. Even though this floor doesn't look different from the first floor, it's vastly different. All the stones in Valuable Jade, even though they don't do any trickery, have been checked by the best appraisers in China. That's how they choose which stones to put on each floor."

But if they did this, how did they earn money? Wang Ming felt confused.

"Of course they don't put up all the stones they get for sales, they actually take most of the stones they get and sell them. But since this is stone gambling, they have to place stones that actually have jade in it on the floors as well. It's a profitable business for them, but even with the best appraisers in China to work for them there are still a lot of stones that have jade which gets overlooked. If we have luck, we can even find an imperial green jade!"

"I see, no more explanation let's find stones!"

Peng Tong had explained so much already, Wang Ming didn't want to hear anymore and just wanted to pick out some stones. But he realized he didn't actually know anything about picking out stones, though since he had told Peng Tong off, he didn't want to ask him to explain more. He would just pick on feeling.

Wang Ming walked around looking at stones, but since he didn't know what to look for, he just touched them to feel if the stone was the right one. Peng Tong also walked with him to look at the stones, but he said nothing and let Wang Ming do what he wanted.

Looking around, he realized he came unprepared as many other people in the room came with their own appraisers, to assure the highest success rate.

It took roughly 30 minutes for Wang Ming to gather seven stones he felt good about. They all have their own distinct color, but the one he felt best about was the white stone. It weighed roughly at least a few kgs if it was a jade in it then it could be worth a lot.

Peng Tong had taken off after a few minutes and had grabbed a few stones of his own, which Wang Ming feel at ease. As he didn't want to appear stupid in front of his little brother, for buying stones based on feeling.

They wouldn't cut the stones before they're done picking all the stones. Both Wang Ming and Peng Tong had used roughly 200 thousand yuan each, which was more than enough for Peng Tong. But Wang Ming still wanted more but since they had scoured the whole second floor already and not found another stone they wanted. They went to the third floor.

While they were walking up to the third floor, Peng Tong finally couldn't hold it inside anymore and whispered to Wang Ming.

"Big Brother, are you sure about your stones? They're all small except for the white one. Not only this, they all look so bad, there probably won't be any jade in it. You can still return them now before we pay later. Even though I'm not an expert in stone gambling, I don't believe in any of your stones. Look at mine they look much better it surely has jade!"

"Little brother, you know it's called gambling for a reason. Not we can't base everything on looks and reason. Have you played blackjack before? Even though you hold 17, the book says for you to not get another card, but sometimes if you do you win. That's what I'm betting on."

"I understand."

Peng Tong hoped that Wang Ming's hunch is right. He also knew that stone gambling is unpredictable. If it was predictable, then the stone suppliers would have been rich. There wouldn't have even been any stone gambling if there's a method to know if it's jade inside or not.

The security check for the third floor was much more strict than the other two. Even though the criteria were the same except for the amounts, Wang Ming had to give them his ID to scan not only this they even took a picture of him and wrote his information. Though for the last floor you had to at least use 600 thousand yuan, which meant that he had to spend more than he intended.

Finally, after an arduous 10 minutes of getting through the security check, they sent him and Peng Tong through.

Entering the third floor, Wang Ming and Peng Tong understood why they had such heavy security in this building. They couldn't believe that there were at least 20 rosewood tables here. One rosewood table costs at least 300 thousand yuan, but these were the bigger kinds which meant the price were even higher!

They also had multiple jade decorations throughout the room. It seemed like the third floor wasn't intended only for gambling, but you could also buy art and carved jades here.

Wang Ming and Peng Tong then went out on the floor to find stones they liked, but this time they were much more careful walking around, afraid of scraping the tables or hit one of the jade decorations. It didn't take long before Wang Ming had finally found the stone he was looking for. Even though the stone had many jagged edges, Wang Ming felt like its appearance was to protect what's inside.

But when he grabbed the stone to put it inside his basket, someone tried to grab it away from him. Seeing it was a feminine pair of hands, Wang Ming just gently pulled the stone away and said.

"Sorry, I grabbed it first, please find another stone!"

But what Wang Ming didn't expect was to hear a voice he hadn't heard in so long, a voice which haunted his dreams and made his blood boil.

"Is it you, Wang Ming? Who did you scam to get here? Now give me the stone before I call security."