Valuable Jade Part 3

"What do you mean? Anybody can come here if they have enough money, including me. I found the stone first I'll keep it."

Wang Ming didn't think that he would meet Feng Fan here. He hadn't given her much thought lately, as he had other enemies who occupied his mind. But seeing her now reminded him of how much he hated her. He didn't care about what she did to his father anymore, but he still resented her for all the torment she had put him in.

Feng Fan had actively tried to bully Wang Ming out of the house by abusing him daily. Luckily, it never went as far as sexual abuse. But, she had beat Wang Ming the earlier year when she came into the house until she realized Wang Ming had gotten too big for her to beat, then instead she kept abusing him mentally.

Seeing her now made him recall every horrid memory he had tried to bury for so long. His body started shivering, seeing her icy eyes, the ones he had seen in his nightmares. But he's not the same person he was a few months ago. Even though his body shivered, Wang Ming took deep breaths and stopped it. His mind's stronger now than it was.

"WHAT! How dare you talk back to me like that, even if I'm not your step mother anymore. I was for many years! Now show me the proper respect and give me the stone!"

Feng Fan had never seen Wang Ming act so defiantly before. Every time he saw her before, Wang Ming would be like a mouse seeing a cat, acting meek, and try to run away. This infuriated her even more. The only persons she accepted acting like this to her are people that have a stronger background than her.

Even worse is that their appraiser, which she had paid 2 million yuan to hire, had seen the stone earlier and told her he was 99% sure that it contains imperial jade! If she could buy it, then she could earn 10 million yuan! But now Wang Ming snatched it away. If it had been someone with a strong background, she wouldn't mind letting it go, but not to Wang Ming!

But since they're in Valuable Jade's shop, she can't snatch it away from him either, as they have strict rules. It's first come, first serve.

"Wang Ming, we've been family once so do me this favor ok? I know you need money how about I give you a million yuan for the stone then you can take the money to open a little shop. I'm only trying to be nice to you, just give me face."

Wang Ming just snorted, hearing Feng Fan's offer. The stone in his hand couldn't be simple if she wanted to offer him one million. There's only one reason she would do this, and that's because the stone is worth a lot more. He didn't believe her at all, there's no way she wanted to do him a favor, she just wants to take advantage of him.

"Thank you for doing me a favor!"

"But If you are doing me a favor, could you just give me one million yuan instead and I keep the stone? It's probably not worth anything, right?"

Seeing her face go from happy to stone cold, made Wang Ming feel delighted. She really thought he would give her the stone? He's not that gullible anymore.

"Don't force my hand, son! If you don't give it to me now, you will regret it."

Wang Ming didn't really care about her, as even if she wanted to take it from his hand forcefully. He would just sell the jade. Many people coming here aren't only stone gambling but they're looking for jade's for their jewelery shops. He had no doubts that he could sell it to someone here.

"Just give it up, Feng Fan. I will not sell it to you. Good luck on your search, but our talk is done here."

Feng Fan tried to grab Wang Ming's shoulder to pull him back, but she quickly realized that Wang Ming wouldn't even budge with her power. Since her approach didn't work on Wang Ming, meant she would have to find another way. She didn't want to give up the 10 million yuan.

"Wang Ming, stop!"

This time Feng Fan had another offer. She wanted to gamble with him for the stone, this way she wouldn't even lose a single cent and get the stone from Wang Ming. She could even torment Wang Ming later because he lost a 10 million yuan stone to her.

"How about we do it like this. You have all your stones here, right? Let's weigh them up then I will choose my stones equaling that weight, then we cut them open to check their values. Then the one who has the highest total value wins, okay?"

"What do I win?"

Feng Fan smiled, hearing Wang Ming's reply. It clearly meant that he had taken the bait. The reason she proposed a gamble like this is that she has stones picked by her appraiser. While Wang Ming clearly picked his stones by himself, he was only lucky picking the stone she wanted.

"How about if I win, you give me the stone I wanted to buy from you? If you win, I give you all the stones I've bought?"

Wang Ming felt intrigued by Feng Fan's proposal. If he won this, then it could earn him a lot of money. If he loses, he would only lose 600 thousand yuan. His mindset coming to Valuable Jade was to gamble anyway, so he didn't mind losing the money. The rewards too good to say no to.

"Okay, I agree. But I need someone to be a witness and a judge for our contest. What if I win and you don't give me the stones?"

Hearing Wang Ming's concern, Feng Fan ground her teeth. He's too cautious. It was exactly what she wanted to do if on the off chance she lost.

"Where am I supposed to find a judge? Do you think people qualified to be a judge grows on trees?"

"Well, if you can't find someone to be a judge, then it's no deal. I'll take the stone goodbye!"

As Wang Ming walked away, a laughing old man came up to them, Wang Ming had never seen the man before, but it looked like Feng Fan knew who he was. He had never seen her act so courteous before, as when she saw the old man.

"Senior Ma! What are you doing here? If I knew you had come here, I would have greeted you. Do you still remember me I'm Feng Fan, my boyfriend and I came to your birthday party."

"I remember. Now you guys wanted a judge, right? Even though I've never worked as an appraiser, I've been working at the jade association for almost 30 years. I think I should qualify, right?"

Even though Senior Ma talked with a feeble voice, Wang Ming and Feng Fan both felt the authority in his voice. But since Wang Ming had never met Senior Ma before, he couldn't believe in him blindly.

"Senior Ma, I'm Wang Ming, just an ignorant young man. This is my first time stone gambling, truthfully I have no idea who you are."

Wang Ming felt the best way to talk to Senior Ma would be to be direct. He didn't like how Feng Fan was licking his ass.

But luckily it didn't seem like Wang Ming's attitude bothered Senior Ma, instead he laughed and calmly explained to Wang Ming who he is.

"Young Man, to tell you shortly. I'm the vice president of the jade association. If I'm not qualified to be a judge for your deal, then there's probably only 20 people in China who is."

Senior Ma then gave Wang Ming his card, which made Feng Fan jealous. She knew what him giving Wang Ming his card meant. It meant that Senior Ma liked Wang Ming. Not even her or her boyfriend had gotten Senior Ma's card.

"Then, I have to thank you Senior Ma for being the judge!"

After getting the card, Wang Ming felt comfortable with Senior Ma being the judge. The deciding factor also was how much Feng Fan tried to get on Senior Ma's good side. It clearly meant that Senior Ma is someone really important. Even though Wang Ming knew that Senior Ma is the VP of the jade association, he had no idea what that meant. Is the jade association strong? Do they have authority? He had no idea.

"No, thank you, Wang Ming. Now lets weigh the stones!"