Valuable Jade Part 3

When Wang Ming and Feng Fan went to get their stones weighed out, the group realized they had garnered a lot of attention. It seemed like Senior Ma judging their contest made people interested.

"Ok, both of your stacks of stones weigh roughly 15kgs, Wang Ming, yours is a bit lighter, but since it's roughly half a kg only in difference. I don't think it's going to make a big difference."

"Let me explain the rules. Now listen carefully, I'll only explain once."

"The rules are simple. You guys take turns cutting your stones then we compare prices we keep adding to the total after every round, then at the end the one with the highest total wins. Simple? I will judge the prices for each jade."

Wang Ming didn't know why they had to take turns cutting couldn't they just cut them all at once? But Senior Ma probably wanted some extra excitement.

They both nodded, signifying they understood.

"Okay then lets start."

The cutter then grabbed Wang Ming's stone first to cut it open, Wang Ming had seven stones while Feng Fan had 8 but his were a bit larger individually. He hadn't felt it until now, but he grew nervous. He had finally realized what he had done. But then he felt exhilarated. He hoped that at least one of his stones had jade inside.

The cutter split Wang Ming's stone right in the middle, showing nothing inside.

"Only stone 0 yuan."

That stone was Wang Ming's cheapest stone, which cost him 40 thousand yuan.

Then it was Feng Fan's turn. Her stone was smaller, but it looked much prettier than Wang Ming's. The cutter also split her stone right in the middle, but this time it didn't go as smooth, which usually signified that it's jade inside.

Opening the stone up, some onlookers gasped when they saw the jade inside. Even Senior Ma felt excited until he saw the fractures in the jade. Sighing disappointedly, he said.

"Fractured blood jade, 2000 yuan."

"Wang Ming 0, Feng Fan 2000."

Looking at their stones, the onlookers all thought Feng Fan would win. Already her first stone had jade, she was just unlucky that it's fractured. Her stone looked good and had many signs of jade, while Wang Ming's stones looked ugly and jagged.

For the next 4 stones both Wang Ming and Feng Fan got nothing of high value, though they both got jades just as it was impure jade or fractured jades not worth too much. He hadn't even recuperated his losses after 5 stones, Feng Fan was still in the lead but with only 1000 yuan.

"Wang Ming's total 22350, Feng Fan's total 23350."

"Big Brother, what are you doing??"

Peng Tong had visited the bathroom, so he hadn't seen that Wang Ming wanted to gamble with Feng Fan. If he had been there, he would have dissuaded him. He clearly knew that Wang Ming's stones had a low chance of being worth anything. He had picked out some good stones to give to Wang Ming in case of him losing all his money.

"I'm gambling, little brother. For this stone. She's my stepmother."

This time with a low voice as he didn't want Feng Fan to hear what he said.

"That's the witch you told me about? Why would you gamble with her? You know nothing about stone appraisal, big brother, your stones are garbage, you're lucky if you break even."

"It's no use saying all this now little brother, I'm already gambling we can't pull back now."

Peng Tong just sighed and stood back to watch the show, Wang Ming's right, there's nothing he can do now. But since he now knew the face of Feng Fan, he would get his underlings to keep an eye out for her. Wang Ming had told him of the vile things she had done to him. If he had the chance, he wouldn't mind getting revenge for his big brother.

"Next stone."

The show had been pretty boring so far, as no big jade's had been opened. But none had left yet. They knew that the chances of something big being opened got higher for each stone cut open.

"This time cut Feng Fan's first."

When the cutter opened Feng Fan's stone, they could all hear him gasp. When the stone fell open, they could see that the jade's green. Is it imperial jade? They all thought.

Senior Ma walked up to check on the stone. Everybody grew nervous, even Feng Fan. Since they were a bit away, they couldn't see clearly what type the jade was.

"Sadly, it's not imperial jade. But it's close this is still a high-class jade, weight about 3kgs estimated price 1 million yuan."

Even though the jade wasn't imperial jade, it still made everybody excited, except for Wang Ming, since it meant that he was 1 million yuan down now. Many people were ready to buy the jade off of Feng Fan's hand as soon as the contest was over, but seeing a jade now they felt hyped to see more.

The cutter opened Wang Ming's stone next, even though it had jade inside. The reaction wasn't the same as his was common jade and was only worth 500 thousand yuan, compared to Feng Fan's jade this was nothing.

"Feng Fan leads with 2 million and 23 thousand, Wang Ming trails behind with 523 thousand."

Wang Ming felt even more nervous now, as the chance of him losing this was huge. But he felt best about the last two stones he had it's time for a comeback.

Feng Fan once again opened another high-grade jade. It was even better in quality than the one before, but sadly it wasn't green but lavender. As for Wang Ming, his luck finally turned he opened a kingfisher jade, which is the most valued jade except for imperial jade. The buyer's now salivated. The only thing their shops are lacking in is good jades.

"Feng Fan's jade estimated price 3 million. Wang Ming's jade 5 million!"

Senior Ma felt excited announcing the prices of the jades. It isn't everyday people open up such expensive jades. Even though this isn't the first time he's seen so many good jades, it's still a fun experience every time.

"Feng Fan's total 5 million 23 thousand she now trails behind Wang Ming, who has 5 million and 523 thousand!"

Wang Ming and Peng Tong felt ecstatic they were finally ahead, Wang Ming couldn't believe that he would open such an expensive jade. If he won this, he would have enough money to expand on Uncle Weng's shop. He didn't have any faith in winning this after Feng Fan opened another jade, but luckily he opened a jade himself.

It was time for the last stones Wang Ming opened his last stone, which had a high-grade green jade worth 2 million yuan. Everybody thought that Wang Ming had it, he had won, there's no way for Feng Fan to take back 2 and a half million in two stones. But she somehow did.

Both her stones had jade inside one high quality and one medium grade jade, which pushed her total to 8 million blank. No one could believe it, not even Senior Ma. This had been such a crazy battle between them. Even though he didn't like Feng Fan, he still had to be impartial, as Feng Fan clearly had the higher total he could only pronounce her as the winner.

"Well, the winner is Feng Fa…"

But before Senior Ma could finish his sentence, Wang Ming shouted for him to stop.

"Wait. I still have a stone."