What Contract?

The next morning Wang Ming left his restaurant after making the food. Even though he had hired Fu Jinhai to make the food, his food wasn't up to Wang Ming's standard yet, so he would still need to practice for a few more days, before Wang Ming could leave the restaurant to him. But since Uncle Hou's here to teach him Wang Ming didn't have to worry too much.

Gao Xingjuan and Louzheng had grown tighter only after another day, their teamwork had improved but as Louzheng's still injured, he still mostly had to sit on the sideline.

Wang Ming headed to Weng Ping's shop to get the deal completed by signing a contract. Now that he had money to renovate Weng Ping's shop, he needed to complete the contract, as he couldn't commission any construction work before Uncle Weng signed the rights over to him.

But before he arrived, he got a call from Peng Tong. They couldn't celebrate properly yesterday as Wang Ming had to tend to his restaurant, but they went out for a few beers. He had forgotten yesterday. That he wanted to give Peng Tong 10 million yuan as a gift.

Peng Tong had lost 600 thousand yuan yesterday, as his stones were all empty just because he wanted to show Wang Ming around. Even though Peng Tong's a small boss, it doesn't mean that he's rich, as most of the money he earns goes to his underlings. Wang Ming also felt that he owed Peng Tong a lot.

"Good morning little brother, you have a great timing I was just about to call you."

"Big brother… Is it true?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you really earn 42 million yuan yesterday!? I wasn't dreaming, right?"

"You're acting like an old woman sometimes, little brother. What do you mean that I earned 42 million? WE earned 42 million yesterday! You're a part of my family if you ever need money, just call me. By the way, what is your bank account number I'll transfer you 10 million."

"What!? Why would you transfer me 10 million? Big brother you picked out the stones yesterday I did nothing. If you had listened to me, you would probably have ended up with 0 yuan. I appreciate it, big brother I really do. But as you say we are family, I don't need the money. If I ever need it, I will ask you, but our relationship isn't built off of benefits."

Wang Ming sighed hearing Peng Tong, he hadn't judged wrong. Peng Tong is definitely a worthy brother, this is 10 million yuan few people in this world could say no to it.

"You almost made me forget the other reason I called you big brother, the reason I called you also is that my boss wants to see you. Do you have time today? If you don't, it's okay."

"I should have time later today, I just need to meet with Uncle Weng for the acquisition of his shop."

"Uncle Weng, you mean Weng Ping that owns the meat shop? If it is him, I heard that he needed money for his nephews surgery I didn't think it was you that bought the shop. How much did you pay for it?"

"300 thousand."

"Wait 300 thousand? How? That plot of land alone is worth 3 million yuan, plus the shop is another million. The only reason Weng Ping could even afford to have a shop at that location is because of his parents owned the plot of land before Wang Gang took over. That's a steal!"

"It's 300 thousand but there were extra terms, I'm only part owner of the shop we split it 50/50 also the first year Uncle Weng gets 70% while I get 30%. But it doesn't matter too much I know the shop has some enormous potential, even more than my first restaurant."

"Ok, we'll talk later, send me a message and I'll send you the time and address."

Wang Ming arrived at Weng Ping's shop, though this was the first time that Uncle Weng had customers when he got here. Usually he would be the only one here. Opening the door, Wang Ming greeted Uncle Weng, but as he was still dealing with his customers, he couldn't greet him back yet.

So Wang Ming just looked around, marveling at the shop that would soon be his. He had already planned in his head how he wanted everything to be. He felt like his idea to sell meat to rich people and making them the food right there if they wanted would be a huge hit.

Few have such a great store location like Weng Ping and can afford to only sell to rich people. Although Wang Ming doesn't have a big reputation, but if he could use Uncle Hou and Uncle Fu once again as his media presence, then this would be a piece of cake.

"Now Wang Ming, what can I do for you today? Do you want some more meat, maybe?"

Wang Ming had been so engrossed with his plans he hadn't even noticed that Uncle Weng's customers had left.

"No, Uncle Weng. Today I want to sign the contract for the shop. Our terms last time was 50/50 in ownership and you get 70% of profits the first year then we split it down 50/50 again. Is that ok?"

"What are you talking about, Wang Ming? What contract? When did we talk about this?"

"Uncle Weng, what do you mean? I gave you a check worth 300 thousand yuan last time for you to use for Weng Ting's operation, and in return you would sell half the shop to me."

"I'm sorry Wang Ming what money are you talking about? And 300 thousand yuan are you serious? I wouldn't even sell half the shop for a million yuan. Just my plot of land is worth 10 times 300 thousand yuan!"

By now Wang Ming started to get irritated, he didn't know if Weng Ping was joking with him or not. Had he taken the wrong medicine today? Yes, sure his shop was worth a lot over 300 thousand yuan but they had a deal.

"A few days ago you wanted to sell your restaurant to get money for Weng Ting's operation. Instead of mortgaging the restaurant, I offered you 300 thousand for the restaurant, remember?"

"I'm sorry, Wang Ming, but I think you might have dreamt this. Yes, I needed money for Weng Ting's operation, but I got a bank loan for that. Why would I need to mortgage the restaurant when I'm more than qualified for a loan?"

Seeing Weng Ping's dead serious face, Wang Ming knew that something's up. Is Weng Ping scamming him or is something bigger happening? Though since Wang Ming didn't have any evidence, he couldn't do anything to Weng Ping except for admitting defeat.

One thing's for sure. He had given Weng Ping the money, and someone had redeemed the money, so he would need to investigate who had redeemed his money. Of course, this didn't mean that he would get this shop, but he could file a police report to get his money back.

He would also launch a separate investigation to sort this out. If Weng Ping was scamming him, then he would get revenge. If someone forced him to do this, then he would avenge him.

"Thank you Weng Ping, I might have been dreaming, but I'm not anymore. My restaurant won't need meat from your shop anymore, I hope I see you again another time. Goodbye!"

Since Weng Ping couldn't be trusted anymore, there was no way that he would order meat from his shop anymore. He felt like strangling Weng Ping right there to force out the truth, but he wouldn't stoop that low. He would find out what was happening, then he would get revenge later.

"Goodbye Wang Ming!"