
Seeing the shop slip through his fingers made Wang Ming feel perplexed. He couldn't even describe to another person how he felt now. He had never thought that Weng Ping would go back on his words like that. Did Weng Ping blame Wang Ming for what had happened to Weng Ting? Or has Weng Ping always been an evil man? Wang Ming didn't know anymore, but one thing for sure is that he's going to get revenge someway.

Though luckily since he had won so much money, he would have no problems buying another shop. The Feng Zhong market is enormous even though Weng Ping's shop has a suitable location, there are other locations which are even better. The only reason that Wang Ming wanted to buy Weng Ping's shop in the first place was to help him. He wanted to do him a favor, but now he'd started his road on the path of demise.

Wang Ming then gave Peng Tong a call and told him his meeting had been cut short because of unforeseeable circumstances. So he could meet with them now.

"Ok, I'll be there as soon as I can. Should I bring something to the meeting?"

"Just bring your A game, big brother. It's the boss you're meeting, not a girl, so just dress in whatever you want as long as it is appropriate. We're not meeting in a restaurant, but just a food stall on the side of the road. As for a gift, it's up to you."

Food stall? Were they meeting really meeting Peng Tong's boss? Why would the big boss of Wang Gang eat at a food stall? But also importantly why did he want to meet him? Even though Wang Ming has an honorary position in Wang Gang, he didn't want to become even more associated with Wang Gang as it had already fucked up his relationship with Qiao Meng. If he really joined Wang Gang, she would probably be the first person trying to catch him. He's after all only a businessperson, not a gangster.

Though since the Wang Gang had helped him so many times, he would still need to come with a gift. But what could he bring? Wang Ming collected nothing he had nothing to give. He couldn't really gift an underworld boss food. But then he thought about the knifes he had bought, a while ago, he had never taken them out from the bag he had put them in before the warehouse incident happened.

Even though he had bought them for only a few hundred yuan, the knives looked like they were worth at least a few thousand yuan. Wang Ming just wanted to give a gift as a greeting and thank you to the Wang Gang's boss and not to flatter him.

Going back to the restaurant to grab the knives, Wang Ming saw that the restaurant doors were closed. Had they sold out in only one hour? But when Wang Ming looked inside the restaurant he saw a dozen of customers kneeling down on the ground while Uncle Hou, Fu Jinhai and Gao Xingjuan, Louzheng's nurse, were standing back to the kitchen wall except for Louzheng who was sitting in his wheelchair instead.

Wang Ming tried to scout out how many perpetrators it was, but he could only look through the door as they had pulled down the blinds. How had none of the customers outside noticed all this happening? Wang Ming thought, but he couldn't care too much about it as he needed to rescue them.

Luckily he got eye contact with Louzheng who smiled seeing that Wang Ming was there but stopped when he saw Wang Ming pointing at the robbers with his finger. Wang Ming tried to ask Louzheng how many robbers there were by mouthing each word, but Louzheng just couldn't understand. But after more pointing and mouthing he finally understood, but he couldn't show Wang Ming as his hands still barely function.

So he tried to mouth it back to Wang Ming, but this time it was Wang Ming's turn to not understand a thing, Louzheng's face looked like a monkey trying to speak human. Seeing that it didn't work, Louzheng blinked for each robber. After blinking four times, he hoped that Wang Ming understood.

Seeing that Wang Ming took up four fingers, Louzheng nodded and let out a sigh which attracted the attention of the robbers.

"Why are you so noisy? Just shut the fuck up you handicapped motherfucker. Now where does Wang Ming keep all his valuables? If you answer honestly, I'll let you all go, if you don't then each 5 minutes I'm going to kill one person starting with the handicapped motherfucker!"

The robber roared for everyone to hear, which made the hostages feel anxious. They all tried to convince Louzheng and the others to give up Wang Ming's valuables, but none of them knew where Wang Ming stored his things.

"We don't know!"

They all shouted, but the robber clearly didn't believe them as he snorted and just pointed at the clock.

Even though Wang Ming was outside the door, he could clearly hear everything that the robber said he only had 5 minutes before they would kill Louzheng. Since he knew now that there were only four robbers, he felt confident dealing with them all, as there were only two monitoring the hostages while the other two were in the back trying to find his valuables.

Though Wang Ming didn't know why they would rob his restaurant, he had no valuables at all. Had they heard about his win at the jade store so they wanted to come and rob him? But all the money is in his bank account, no one keeps so much cash nowadays. If they wanted to blackmail him for money, then they would have just gotten Louzheng to call him and get him to transfer the money, but they didn't.

Unlocking then opening the door, Wang Ming tried to sneak in as stealthily as possible but since this is a restaurant door, it makes noise each time someone opens it to alert the owner of a new customer. But Louzheng, who had monitored Wang Ming, saw that the door was just about to make sounds.

Screamed as loud as he could to bring all attention to him. Which clearly worked as both of the men who had been monitoring the hostages, looked at Louzheng to see what had happened, the one that had threatened Louzheng earlier who clearly wasn't happy with Louzheng being so noisy walked up to him with an angry face.

"Didn't I tell you to shut up? Motherfucker. If you're so eager to die, I'll help you."

The robber then cocked his gun to fire at Louzheng, but before he could fire the bullet, he felt his head spin before his body fell down. Wang Ming had sneaked up behind the man and twisted the man's neck hard before he manged to shoot Louzheng.

Grabbing the cocked gun, Wang Ming shot the other robber right in the chest. He didn't want to, but the man had noticed him, so he had no choice. The sound of the bullet made all the hostages scream even louder than the bullet sound. Most of the hostages had never even seen a pistol before, so they all felt panic.

"RUN now, I've opened the door!"

Wang Ming wanted to clear all the hostages first before the two other robbers could come out, so he kept aiming at the door to the wardrobe door while the hostages ran out one after another. After all the hostages ran out of the restaurant, felt better now it was only him versus the two robbers.

Even Louzheng and the others had escaped out the door, but before Fu Jinhai ran out of the restaurant. He told Wang Ming that the robbers still had one hostage, there was a person who came looking for Wang Ming only minutes before the robbery happened. The robbers wanted to take a pregnant woman as the backup hostage, but Wang Ming's friend volunteered.

Knowing this Wang Ming threaded cautiously, if he did one misstep then his friend could die. The robbers must have heard the gunshots and the shouting outside, so they would probably guard the door.

"The robbers inside, if you come out now, you can leave. The police aren't here yet, just don't hurt my friend, please. She's innocent."

It didn't take long before the robbers answered him.

"Who are you? How can we believe you?"

"Well, I'm the person you wanted to rob, Wang Ming. I don't know why you're here but believe me no one's here yet you can still escape!"

Wang Ming could hear a lot of noise behind the door it seemed like they were contemplating about opening the door or not, but Wang Ming knew they had no other choice. If the police arrived, they would have nowhere to run even if they had a hostage, it couldn't secure them a way out of his situation.

"Okay, we believe you. But do nothing funny or I'll shoot the hostage then you before running away."

Even though he knew that this plan would work, Wang Ming couldn't believe that everything went so smoothly. If he one day didn't want to be a restaurant owner, he could probably become a police negotiator.

When the robbers opened the door and walked out, Wang Ming's eyes widened when he saw that the person who had come for him was Qiao Meng. He didn't know if his or Qiao Meng's luck was bad as they keep encountering situations like these all the time.

But seeing that it was Qiao Meng also made him calm as she's a police officer she could defend herself.

"Take it easy, I won't do anything. You can just walk out of here the door is right there. I think the hostages must have called the police by now so they will arrive soon, but if you go now, you can still make it."

While he was talking, Wang Ming winked at Qiao Meng to coordinate an attack. He hoped that she understood. The two robbers were one in front threatening Wang Ming with his pistol, while the one in the back had one hand hooked around Qiao Meng's neck, but he also pointed his pistol at Wang Ming instead of at Qiao Meng's head.


Wang Ming screamed as he grabbed the arm to the man in front of him and pulled him towards himself to use the man as a meat shield. The other robber who threatened didn't know what to do seeing Wang Ming attack his friend.

He wanted to shoot Wang Ming but since he used his friend as a shield he couldn't so instead he wanted to shoot Qiao Meng but before he could, Qiao Meng turned around and did a suplex on the man which broke his neck, which rendered the man unconscious.