
After Qiao Meng ran away, Wang Ming took a taxi to the meeting place. He had changed his t-shirt as the one he had been wearing got sweaty he also grabbed the bag. He had sent a message to Peng Tong that he was going to be late, but he had no idea if he got the message or not, as none of his calls had gone through earlier.

Arriving close to the destination, Wang Ming felt nostalgic he had been to this street many times when he was young. His father's old restaurant is only a few streets away, luckily not that close as he didn't want to meet Feng Fan, until he's ready to take back the restaurant.

Walking to the food stall, Wang Ming kept looking around he hadn't been here for years. A lot had changed since he was here last time, but he could still recognize many of the shops he had frequented before. He even saw some uncle and aunts he once knew, though he's changed so much since then it isn't unusual that they don't recognize him.

"Big Brother Ming, here! Here!"

Hearing Peng Tong call him Big Brother Ming made Wang Ming feel weird, as he usually calls him for Big Brother, but he instantly understood why as to the right of Peng Tong was a person who looked similar to Peng Tong. He had to be the big brother he had heard of so much Peng Zhong, Wang Gang's right-hand man.

Though other than them Wang Ming didn't see anyone else, wasn't the boss supposed to be here also?

Walking up to Peng Tong, he gave him a big hug, then gave Peng Zhong a friendly handshake, but Peng Zhong wouldn't shake his hand back instead he scoffed and said with a condescending voice which made Peng Tong shudder.

"So you are Peng Tong's sworn brother? Good, good. I won't say much as Peng Tong is a grownup, just know I don't like you and if I find out you betray him or the Wang Gang, then I'll find your mother fuck her, then your sister fuck her, then your girlfriend fuck her, THEN I'll KILL YOU, Understand?"

Wang Ming didn't expect such hostility from Peng Zhong, he didn't want to fight against him as that would put Peng Tong in a hard situation where he needs to pick between Wang Ming and Peng Zhong. But he had had enough. Hearing him mention his mother made the dam break. It had been such a tiring day already with Weng Ping scamming him, then the robbery, but now also Peng Zhong?

Wang Ming hadn't realized how much keeping all the negativity inside of him hurt his mental. All the negativity had been like water which slowly filled the tank and now it's ready to burst.

"So your Peng Zhong, right? I don't give a fuck about what you think about me, but I love Peng Tong and nothing in this world could make me betray him."

Grabbing Peng Zhong's back head, Wang Ming bashed their heads together until they were both bleeding. Though since Peng Zhong's body isn't as strong as Wang Ming's his forehead slightly caved in while Wang Ming only started bleeding.

Peng Zhong's underlings, who had been eating at a restaurant on the other side of the street, rushed out of the restaurant as soon as they saw Peng Zhong being assaulted. But they couldn't stop Wang Ming soon enough the damage had been done.

Peng Zhong felt incredible pain from his forehead but he's an experienced fighter so he tried to retaliate. He tried to punch Wang Ming back, but nothing worked. As Wang Ming kept bashing his head, he felt his consciousness fading until he heard the voice of his boss.

"STOP. What the fuck is happening here!"

When Wang Lei came out of the toiler he saw a man bashing in the skull of his general while four of his underlings tried to pull the man off, but the man didn't budge at all. He had seen many things in his life, but he had never seen someone so small have such power. If he could recruit the man into his gang, then he would have another trump card.

Hearing someone shout stop loudly, almost like thunder, Wang Ming finally stopped his assault. He didn't regret what he had done, but he regretted that the person is Peng Tong's big brother.

After releasing Peng Zhong, Wang Ming fell down to the floor from Peng Zhong's underlings still tried to pull him. But luckily the landing was soft since he landed on top of the people that tried to drag him.

"Everybody get off him, I want to get an explanation now!"

Peng Zhong's underlings and even Peng Zhong who could barely stand straight hurriedly stood up and lined up like in the military as soon as the man smoke. He had a deep and strong voice with commanding authority. This had to be the person he was here to meet Wang Lei. The boss of Wang Gang.

"Now explanation!"

This time he looked directly at Wang Ming, which made him feel like he's standing in front of a lion. But if Wang Lei's a lion then Wang Ming's a tiger, he didn't budge and stared back directly at Wang Lei. They stared at each other for over a minute, no one wanting to lose the fight. But after a minute Wang Lei gave up, sighing he said with a softer voice.

"You win. It seems like the hard approach doesn't work with you, so I'll try the soft one. Now could you please tell me what happened?"

Seeing their fierce leader soften up to a young boy made all Wang Lei's underlings shocked and disappointed, as they had never seen him act so humble before to someone younger than him except for other gang leaders.

Before Wang Ming answered him he apologized to Peng Tong, but it was Wang Ming's turn to be surprised, as it didn't look like Peng Tong even cared about what had happened. He just smiled back at Wang Ming and laughed while pointing at Peng Zhong's head.

Pointing at Peng Zhong's head too, Wang Ming said with an intimidating voice.

"This fucker, threatened not only me but to fuck and kill my mother, sister and girlfriend. No one, says anything like that to my family. Me and him have no grudges with each other, it's the first time we've met is this how you guys talk with your guests? If it is, then I don't want to have anything to do with Wang Gang. To hell with your honorary position, I thought I was going to have a meeting with good people today, but I'm greeted by a bunch of hooligans instead. I'm out!"

Hearing what Wang Ming said, Wang Lei realized that he's none other than Wang Ming, the person he wanted to meet today. He had heard a lot about Wang Ming from Peng Tong, but he didn't think that Wang Ming would be this fierce.

Peng Zhong is one of the gang's best fighters, but Wang Ming had taken him down with ease, but since he holds an honorary position in Wang Gang and also has a good relationship with Peng Tong, it would be a piece of cake to rope him in. Looking at Peng Zhong ashen face, Wang Lei didn't even need to ask him if this was the truth or not, his face clearly told it's the truth. If someone had threatened Wang Lei like that, he would probably have killed the person.

"I see. I apologize to you, Wang Ming."


His underlings all wanted to stop him, but he just glared at them.

"It's my fault for not disciplining my underlings properly, I would have done the same thing if I was in your shoes. I promise you I will punish Peng Zhong this incident doesn't represent how our Wang Gang operates. For what do we do, boys?!"

"We fight for the people! We fight for equality!"

Peng Zhong walked towards Wang Ming and Wang Lei with wobbly legs, he then kneeled in front of both of them.

"I'm sorry, Wang Ming, I'm sorry Boss! I've let you down. I'm just jealous… I keep hearing Peng Tong talk about Wang Ming, how great he is, how he's the best person he knows. It made me lose my head. Once again, I'm sorry."

Wang Ming sighed, hearing Peng Zhong's explanation. He didn't want to forgive him, but since he's Peng Tong's big brother, he would give him a chance. But if there was a second time, Wang Ming didn't know if he could stop himself from crippling him.

"I'll forgive you, but if there's another time then I can't guarantee your life."

Peng Zhong felt cold after hearing Wang Ming's cold voice. He felt his heart pumping. It's like the grim reaper was talking with him and not a human. He had no doubts that Wang Ming would kill him if he repeated what he did today.

"Since everything's cleared up, lets eat! Now go back all of you, Peng Zhong go to the hospital. Me, Wang Ming and Peng Tong will be here."

"Yes, Boss!"