People behind the scenes

When Peng Zhong and his underlings moved, Wang Lei seated himself at a table behind him. There were multiple customers that had witnessed the fight, but since everybody on this street knows who Wang Lei is, no one called the police.

Seeing the group sit down, the owner hurriedly ran out to serve the food and gave Wang Ming a towel for him to wash the blood of his face, Boss Wang had ordered him to serve the food as soon as him and his guest sat down at the table. It took only a few minutes before the table got filled with plates of food. But before they started eating Wang Lei said.

"Wang Ming, the reason I got Peng Tong to call you here today is because of someone from the gang saw you talking with Weng Ping. Do you have anything to say?"

"Oh, only this? If you wanted to know about it, you could have just asked Peng Tong to ask me no need to put on a show like this. He wanted me to get Peng Tong to arrange a meeting with Peng Zhong so he could ambush the meeting. But I refused him, he's not my father anymore I don't have any kind of relationship with him anymore. I would never betray my brother!"

"I didn't mean it that way. A person Peng Tong regards as his brother, has to be a great man. We won't doubt you, I just wanted to know more about what happened. As you never mentioned that encounter to Peng Tong."

"Meeting my father isn't something I felt worthy to mention, I don't want to involve myself with the underworld too much. I'm grateful for what the Wang Gang has done for me and your protection, but I still don't want to involve myself too much, I'm a restaurant owner, not a gangster."

Hearing this, Wang Lei knew that he had to be patient if he wants to rope Wang Ming in, as for now it would be impossible. Wang Ming sees the underworld as something bad, it's impossible for him to get Wang Ming to join unless he changes his view of the underworld. Though he's impressed of Wang Ming's prowess, he isn't desperate to recruit him either.

"I understand, don't worry since you are Peng Tong's brother, we will still protect you, we won't implicate you. You might have already noticed, but being affiliated with the Wang Gang is good for your business. Most people are afraid of us or want to get closer to us, so most people won't make it hard for you maybe some will even give you benefits to please you.

Since Wang Lei and Wang Ming was talking with each other, Peng Tong didn't think it was right for him to butt in to their conversation, but seeing their conversation finally end it's his turn.

"Big Brother, why were you late today? You were close to an hour late I almost thought you wouldn't come."

"Ah, about that, why don't you have your phone on? I tried to call you multiple times, but you didn't pick up!"

"My phone is off, I turn it off every time I meet with the boss. I also brought most of my underlings here too for protection. The HouZi gang has been pretty rowdy in the last few weeks, so we need to take extra precautions."

"Well, were you or your underlings informed that someone tried to rob my restaurant today?"

Peng Tong and Wang Lei couldn't believe it what Wang Ming said, who dared to do this? This had never happened before. Who would dare to rob someone in Wang Gang's territory?

"You're kidding, right?"

Seeing Wang Ming shaking his head, Peng Tong's body shook.

"I'm sorry Boss, I'm sorry Big Brother! I failed you guys, I should have left more brothers behind, I didn't think anybody would dare to rob a restaurant in our territory! Please let me investigate this!"

Uncle Hou said that he would investigate this, but having people both on the white and black side of society investigating the case would most likely to yield results faster. So Wang Ming agreed to it.

"Don't apologize, it isn't like you knew they would rob someone today. I feel like this case isn't as simple as you think, I think someone is deliberately making things hard for me. Not only did I get robbed today, but the shop I talked to you about, Weng Ping went back on his word and since I don't have evidence, there's nothing I can do, until I investigate it further."

"You've had a hectic morning, Wang Ming. As it has happened on Wang Gang's territory, I will assign extra personnel to your market Peng Tong. Even though it's not directly your fault, you still have to take responsibility. Your penalty is to pay and find someone to repair Wang Ming's restaurant."

"As for your case with the man that scammed you, if you can prove it. Then we will take the shop away from him and gift it to you. One thing that our Wang Gang hates the most is dishonest people."

"Thanks, but I will investigate this by myself. As the owner is a friend of mine, I don't want to screw him over, unless I have to. But for the people that robbed my restaurant, if you find out anything, please inform me. I want to personally send them to prison."

The group talked for a bit more before devouring all the food on the table, Wang Lei felt surprised by how much that Wang Ming could eat as he ate at least two-thirds of all the food, he hadn't seen someone the size of Wang Ming eat so much so fast.

Wang Ming wanted to ask Peng Tong more about his relationship with Peng Zhong he felt Peng Tong's reaction of him beating his Big Brother was just too weird. Instead of being angry, Peng Tong just laughed at his face. But since Wang Lei's here, he didn't feel it's the right time to do it.

It didn't take long before all they devoured the food and the conversation's done. Since Wang Lei was there Peng Tong and Wang Ming didn't feel comfortable talking and joking so Wang Ming bid them both farewell.

Before he walked away from the restaurant, Wang Ming gave Wang Lei one last clue. He didn't want to tell them this first, as this is something he hadn't even told Meng Hao about, as he didn't want to involve him in this mess. But since Wang Lei's an underworld boss, it would be better for him to investigate this.

"I hope this doesn't scare you too much, Boss Wang. But Bo Hou Zhang and his father the vice mayor and HouZi Gang should be a part of this. Not only that, but I think Bo Hou Zhang has found a big backing, hence why he's acting against me even though he knows I'm affiliated with Meng Hao."

Hearing Wang Ming say who's involved made Wang Lei sweat. Even though he isn't scared of HouZi Gang, it would be very detrimental for him if they went to war, he would lose too much. And as for the vice mayor, he could definitely try to kill the man, but that would probably lead to his gang's demise, as the police would spare no man to find out who dared to assassinate the vice mayor.

Wang Gang is strong and Wang Lei can almost do whatever he wants in Liaoling city. But even then, this is a big step out of his comfort zone.

Wang Ming didn't look back, so he didn't see Wang Lei's concerned face. He just made his way out to take a taxi to a realtor. His conflict with HouZi gang and Bo Hou Zhang had gone on for too long. Even if Wang Gang didn't help him, he would take care of the problem, even if he has to do it himself.