Welcome back

3 Years later...

As the years went by we have done so much. We have made sure the kingdom is safe and out of any danger. My friends are well and there out having fun. I am been done with princess lessons thank the gods. Aaron has been training all morning.

The boys are out doing god knows what and Emily and I are hanging out. We are at the stables tending to the horses. And Emily seems to be having a hard time with her wings because there big.

Kat- Hey you ok over there?

Emily- Ya i'm good just these wings again what about yours?

A few weeks ago me and Dylan got wings. Its so cool. The only way to get them is to unlock your true power but the way I got them was at my coronation when they gave me my tiara. One day about a week ago during a battle against a dragon Dylan got his wings. Now there are three of us that can fly. I haven't done much flying I should probably start doing that. Oh well we are suppose to meet up at the castle in a bit.

Emily- Come on Kat we should head that way if we want to beat the boys. Ya I'm almost done here.

We get to the castle and the boys were already there. It doesn't matter it wasn't even a race. Hey guys.

Andrew- Hey Kat do you know where you dad is there's someone here that needs to see him.

Kat- What is wrong? My father is out at the moment I can handle it.

Luke- There is a lady here that has a message for all of us.

Kat- Well what are you waiting for take me to this lady.

I was thinking if maybe its about the threat we got years ago. If it was we can handle it we are ready. I hope my parents are safe and get home soon. As we arrived to the room the lady stood up and looked at us.

Lady- Princess I have a message for you and your friends. Here you go...

I take the letter and gave her a smile..Thank you....I walk over to my friends and show it to them. I says...

Well well well look who it is the princess herself. My name Is Zoe I live in a kingdom far away from ya'll's that boy you killed was my nephew. That's right it was me who sent you that letter on your birthday. I can't be leave you have returned. I wonder how you got your memories back. In any case to let you know I am preparing my army to attack your home I want you and your family and friends dead. This land is mine to rule not some little girl...I will attack in a few weeks. Good luck....See you soon.

I look at everyone with a worried look and I did what i had to do. I burned the note in my hand and told everyone not to tell my parents.

Kat- Guys we need to get ready to for this. Which means Emily you need to help me learn to fly better. Dylan you to. Everyone else train to your max we leave in 2 days. We better attack her now than let them get here. Ready?

Everyone- Ready