
Ever sense we got that letter we have been working so hard to get ready to head out. Emily and Dylan have done a great job helping me fly. At this point we are packing are bags and getting ready to leave tonight. I haven't told my parents or Aaron. I heard a knock on the door.

Kat- Who is it? Its me sis can I come in. Ya sure

Aaron- What are you up to?

Kat- Just going through some things getting ready to meet up with Emily.

Aaron- I see now well I thought I would give you this for your trip.

Kat- Trip? Um what trip i'm not going on any trip.. Your such a bad lair you know that right? How did you know?

Aaron- Its a new trick you will get one day trust me.

Kat- Well thank you for the gift I really need to go see Emily. I'll see you later ok. See you soon be safe.

I pack my pack I garbed my sword and headed to Emily's room. I met up with Hannah on are way there.

Knock Knock open up its us. Emily opens the door and we walked in I wanted to mess her with her so I did.

Kat- So Emily how are you and your boyfriend doing??

Emily turns around and just looks at me.

Emily- Were doing good he should be here soon. Everyone should be here any minute. We need to head out before dark.

A few minutes past by and everyone is finally here. We go through a check list than we leave the castle. Since I need the practice I was flying for a little while and it felt amazing. And of course the pro decides to show off.

Emily- Kat its like this... Hear Ill go ahead and find a spot to set up camp.

We all stop and Emily stood in front of us. She spreads her wings and took for the sky in a heartbeat. She did flips and what ever. And she went to find us a place to set up camp. We got to where Emily was and we set up camp and we laughed and did stupid games. Night falls really quick so we went ahead and went to bed.

Andrew- Night guys...