4[New servant for the empress]

Cielo is woken up and noticed Aki and a little girl next to him.

"Empress this is your new servant I'm training, please excuse if there is an extra person today," Aki informed.

"Okay, Aki has less work more playtime with me," Cielo replied.

"This servant's name is Nana, please call me whatever you like." She spoke.

"Okay, Nana. Help Aki makes breakfast, oh he's coming over today so make two dishes today." Cielo replied.

"The He The empress is talking about is his majesty," Aki explained.

[The empress calls the emperor he? Nothing else! How terrible I will rid of the empress to get his majesty mine!]

"My empress, You have a new servant, I hope they don't mess up Aki's good food," Yuki spoke.

"No, of course not, Aki hates people who mess up his food. Last time that happened, he made them cook really hard dish..it was..Apple pie." Cielo spoke.

"Oh I see, Aki can be mean," Yuki replied.

"Your majesty, You wound my heart." Aki replied "Anyways here's today's breakfast, it's crepes, a French dessert. That had berries and other sweets things inside. I was ordered to make two, so please pick one that you like, the both of you."

"Aki's the best." Cielo cheered.

Yuki bit into one and smiled.

"Yes, My empress Your servant is quite good." Yuki praised.

"Oh Nana, your new so..you have this," Cielo replied.

Nana walked over and saw a little slice of cake and gladly took it and ate it only to realize that it tasted nasty.

"Oh Nana, The empress was joking don't actually take that, that was the cake made by one of the palace ladies," Aki said.

"Too late, Nana got tummy problems for the rest of the night," Cielo replied.

"E-Excuse me." Nana Said.

Nana ran to the bathroom.

"My empress, that was very mean," Yuki replied.

"No, it wasn't. She took the cake willingly, how was I supposed to know. I wanted to see if she really could make it here, besides I don't want them to take advantage of Aki, hmph he's already fine the way he is." Cielo replied.

"Aki? You mean some people become servants just to get to Aki? But Aki's like a brick." Yuki replied.

"Your majesty, I take offense to that. I used not to be "a brick" as you say but a..that was before I met Kai." Aki replied.

"No my empress might I ask who Kai is?" Yuki Asked.

"Aki's husband, who works in your palace. He comes from time to time. I think it's fun when he does. He's like Aki except for more...fun." Cielo replied.

"Empress remember that tomorrow's your day out, so please remember to wear the clothes I have bought you in advance," Aki replied.