5[Empress day out]

Cielo was very excited today was his day out, well Yuki's there too with Kai, escorting him.

"Now, where should we go? Ooh, let's go to that bookstore Aki." Cielo replied.

"Yes, of course," Aki replied.

"Kai comes too, hang out with Aki, while I bring him in," Cielo replied.

"Yes, I wouldn't mind." Kai replied "Right Aki?"

"Shut up you piece of...never mind," Aki replied.

Cielo went into the store with Yuki, he looked at the book and said: "um what's this?"

"Oh it's a book series that I'm reading, it's pretty good, this is the 17 chapter and it's still going," Cielo replied.

Cielo turned around and said, "17-20 please, I have the money in the bag."

"Thank you for the purchase." The man spoke.

Cielo and Yuki, walked out of the store to see, Kai and Aki yelling at each other.

"See I told you, Aki's not a brick all the time. They've been married for what, not even two years and they're getting along quite fine." Cielo whispered.

"My empress, they don't look like they're getting along." Yuki softly replied.

"Never mind let's get some street food while we're here, oh and try not to get noticed by Consort summer," Cielo replied.

[Summer? Why would she come here? Probably to ruin are a day out]

Cielo, Yuki, Aki, and Kai went to get street food as Summer walks down the street.

"Hey eh? Old guy it's that lady again, you might want to tell the others she's here." Cielo replied.

"Thanks. Your always good at spotting her." The old man replied.

"What she do that so bad that you guys have to close up shop?" Yuki Asked.

"Oh you haven't heard, the last time she was here, she refused to pay for all the food she ate...I mean she ate all the food in all our stands. You know she had the nerve to claim that this loyal customer was the empress and claim he was a stupid little child." The old guy explained "I tried telling her that the empress, is the mother of the land, how could he be a child, she wouldn't listen, anyway I gotta close up shop. See yeah next time."

The old guy closed up shop as the group went back to the empress's palace.

"Sleep," Cielo muttered.

"My empress, you still have to the mange the harem. I have some memorials to read, I'll come to visit later." Yuki replied.

"Bye Bye," Cielo replied.

Cielo sighed, "Aki, this job is hard, even for an immortal like me."

"Your majesty, you only have to do this till you "die" then can start another life per se," Aki replied.

"But that's such a long time from now!" Cielo Shouted.

"Well Empress, for now, this is what you must do. Now please behave." Aki replied, "Also, I have been informed that Consort summer has arrived would you like to decline or not?"

"It's alright let her in, I wanna see what happened now," Cielo replied.

Summer came rushing in with a knife stabbed the empress in torso hoping to paralyze her legs.

"Call the royal physician, Guards! The consort has gone mad she injured the empress!" Aki shouted.